I know exactly how you feel. I've been dealing with chronic pain for almost twenty years, been married almost twenty-two years, and have had the same argument with my husband about hypochondria. It makes me want to slug him - hard. I have been to every doctor, except a rheumatologist, interestingly enough, and finally getting an appt. with one. I get to a point where I just don't say anything, because his reaction is always, "Are we going down that road again?" Heck yes, until I get some answers bub!
It's hard to understand chronic pain unless you've been through it. He did the same thing when I had horrible anxiety, until he started with it and profusely apologized for his behavior. Every new thing I try just gets a big sigh from him. But, don't let that sway you. It's your body you're living in and battling with, and nothing should deter you from getting the help you need and deserve. I'm sure we are not the only ones who have loved ones that are butts sometimes when it comes to empathy.