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I have not personally taken Lyrica, but everyone who has taken it has nothing but good things to say. The only side effect was that when first going on it, you almost feel too fatigued. My b/f's sister started taking it and she said that she just walked around all day almost in a fog for about a week or so, but once it started really working, it worked very well. It also cut down on my b/f's mom's migraines by quite a bit. HTH!
I used the lowest dose of Gabapentin. I lost weght. It did not seem to help much with pain. it gave me amnesia. I tried Cymbalta, but got dilated pupils, rash, and knocked me out. Noted allergic and stopped.
Brismom, this is good information to know. My father has issues with fibro and I am always concerned when the doctor prescribes him something new. We are trying to take it one day at a time. It is difficult but, I show him that I am here.
I have known people who set themselves up for failure in life once they have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. They see life as hopeless because they have heard that you get fat, people will abandon you because you complain, blah blah blah.... What you must do is to take those statistics/stories and work you ass off not to be one of them! Keep active, keep smiling, keep living. Never lose your identity and become just a person with fibro.
My girlfriend has Fibromyalgia and she is off of Lyrica and have been for some time now because she was trying to clean her body because we would like to try for a baby. She never had the nightmares, just the pain.
Thanks for the info! I have thought about it. I'm weary of new medications, but that is very helpful info. Knowing that the fatigue symptoms wear off is encouraging.
So what you are saying about gabapentin having a short life... Does this mean that it is in your system when you take it and when it wears off it is out of your system? If that is the case, that sounds good. Probably less major side effects and less withdrawal if a dose is forgotten or if you had to stop taking it for a period.
Yes, gabapentin is as you said, short life in your body. But it must be taken on a regular time frame to control pain effectively. By the way welcome to the forum, quarterback. :)
In my opinion, these medications were no Bueno for me! It's different for everyone, and you won't know how your body will handle them unless you try them.. Unfortunately, no matter how many responses and opinions you get, it's just information on what could happen, and you can hear tons of people say the meds were horrible for them but you could be that 1 out of 100 that actually responds well to the meds
elawhon, I have been taking Cymbalta and Lyrica for almost 3 years now. I am not happy with either one, my doctor told me Lyrica can cause weight gain. I have gained 40 pounds and am having trouble getting it off.
I recently started seeing a new doctor and told him I felt these medications are not helping me very much anymore. When I see him again in 2 weeks I am going to ask to be taken off these. One idea you may want to consider is a product called 'Fibrowellness'. I was taking that for awhile and do have to say it did help with the fatigue and pain. I am going to start taking that again and order some more. It is an all natural product...a little pricey but in my opinion it helped me a lot more than my prescribed medications.

Where do you purchase Fibrowellness?
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