I've had sever fibro for the last 11 years and was on a lot of rx meds that were destroying my body. Pills, patches, 30-40 trigger point injection with lidocaine every month...couldn't continue this way, I got my card and haven't looked back. The only pill I take now is a one a day. MMJ helps my muscle pain and stiffness sa that I can walk (a little bit) and sit with more comfort. Am down to 1 migraine a week and it only last a day (used to be laid up for 3-4 days in bed throwing up, a bite garde helps with the jaw pain). I haven't really slept in 11 years, but mmj helps me get a few hrs a night. I use a indica strain called cream caramel, and I use white widow for day time. It has helped with the depression, mood swings, nausea, RLS, IBS, Myofascial pain, and piriformis syndrome. I will never go back to the pills, it took me a year to get all them and it was horrible.