Looking to talk to anyone who is currently on pain medication (oxycodone or percocet)

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Active member
Dec 18, 2014
British Columbia
Hi everyone,

I am currently on oxycodone 10 mg tabs. I take 15 mg every six hours and sometimes 20 mg. I have been on them for awhile now. about 7 months. I was switched from Percocet to oxycodone, the doctor said it was less harmful on the organs because oxycodone does not have the Tylenol in it. But I am sure over all it still isn't good for your body long term. But the problem is it is the only thing that has helped me at all. So in one way I am really grateful for that. The pain specialist I saw said that it is totally fine to take them especially because it is the only thing that has helped me out of the huge number of drugs I have tried without success.

I know I already put out a thread about this just didn't get much response. If there is anyone that can talk to me about this It would be really helpful. I am feeling alone right now, due to the fact that I need these little pills to have any quality of life. It only helps for a few hours at a time, but I will take that over nothing any day.

I am noticing that I do get a bit of withdrawal symptoms when I go a long time without my meds, and wonder if any one else gets that as well. This happens specifically in the morning when I wake up. It concerns me, that I will be so dependent on this to feel good at all. Just looking for someone to talk to about this.

Thoughts and prayers with everyone today.

I currently take pain meds:75 mg tapentadol as needed. At most I take it twice in one day. I am also on Gabapentin 300/300/400, Cyclobenzaprine 10mg daily and I do take Tylenol daily(1000x2). Tapentadol is a cross between fentanyl and tramadol. I'm on the pain meds because of my back and neck nerve pain as I have central stenosis in both places. I am awaiting a diagnosis of possible RA-I have symmetrical arthritis but it is so hard to get a rheumatologist appointment in Canada if you are Seronegative with bloodwork. I have a pain management doctor. I take the lowest dosage I can that is effective enough that I can work. I teach high school math so I need a clear mind to work. I last as long as I can through the day before taking a pain med. administration is also aware of what I take. Without it I would have to quit my job. I constantly worry about possible addiction/dependency but have made my doctors aware of my concern. Physical dependency is different from addiction. Our bodies can get used to these painkillers and can cause withdrawal like symptoms. So far I have no problem in that I don't feel I must take them all the time. I only take them as needed-most people would take these 3 times a day and as I said I only take them twice a day at most. I need to work. Without work I would focus on the pain too much. Working gets my mind busy with other things. Physically it can be quite tough-I have special chairs at work and at home. I go for weekly massages. I use yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and an inversion table to help. I'm still trying to find the balance when it comes to exercise. It's so easy to overdo it and pay for it the following 2-3 days.
I take oxycodone also. It is also the only thing t
Hay and welcome. Now I im not on what u are talking about. But I im on tramadol . And I went through a stage of having withdrawals when I was late with a dose.So I slowly came off them. But like u there the only thing that helps so now I take them but every other day I take codeine and paracetamol .this has stopped the withdrawls a lot.i really understand the stigma , and I get the feeling your worried you will become a junkie.the fact that u are talking about this and are aware of these pills being very strong ,tells me your fine.pls don't beat yourself up over this ,u need a life.
But as I said maybe stagger them so your body don't get them at the same time every day xxxx
Oxycodone is the only thing that helps me. I am dependent on them to keep me off the couch, to help me do a little shopping at the grocery store, or just keep me from crying. My body has adjusted to them so I will ask my doctor if I can up it when I see him tomorrow. I hope he will allow it.
Hi everyone,

I am currently on oxycodone 10 mg tabs. I take 15 mg every six hours and sometimes 20 mg. I have been on them for awhile now. about 7 months. I was switched from Percocet to oxycodone, the doctor said it was less harmful on the organs because oxycodone does not have the Tylenol in it. But I am sure over all it still isn't good for your body long term. But the problem is it is the only thing that has helped me at all. So in one way I am really grateful for that. The pain specialist I saw said that it is totally fine to take them especially because it is the only thing that has helped me out of the huge number of drugs I have tried without success.

I know I already put out a thread about this just didn't get much response. If there is anyone that can talk to me about this It would be really helpful. I am feeling alone right now, due to the fact that I need these little pills to have any quality of life. It only helps for a few hours at a time, but I will take that over nothing any day.

I am noticing that I do get a bit of withdrawal symptoms when I go a long time without my meds, and wonder if any one else gets that as well. This happens specifically in the morning when I wake up. It concerns me, that I will be so dependent on this to feel good at all. Just looking for someone to talk to about this.

Thoughts and prayers with everyone today.


I withdrawal from the moment I wake up in the morning. I shiver, I can barely move, my stomach is in knots, my head is pounding.
it's normal. Basically it's your body's response to "we need more". Your body has become dependant on it, but you can't help that and there's literally nothing you can do for it, except take another oxy pill.
oxycontin is a slow release tablet and typically if you only take one a day, within 24 hours of your last dose, the slow release has stopped and your body starts to alert itself with signs of withdrawal.
Toleracne and need are normal for the body just like water and food.
the reasoning I would suggest you're having these symptoms is because you take them usually every 6 hours. If you sleep, let's says 8 hours a night, that means you have gone 2 hours without giving your body what it needs. Talk to your doctor about prolonging the time between doses and that should fix the withdrawal symptoms. I know this because I was the same way, plus I'm a nurse, so go figure lol.
Hi Lynds,

I am also taking 10mg oxycodone every 4-6 hours. I also have tried every fibromyalgia med available. I have been taking this since 09/2014. The only other med that helps with the pain n fatigue is tramadol. Unfortunately it is not covered for me so I only take it when my Dr has samples for me. I also have to take T3s with it to get maximum pain relief. I'm sure you've done your research n found out that narcotic pain meds can be addictive and your body will build up a tolerance to them. What else do u take? Ru receiving any other treatments? I have recently started trigger point injections at a pain clinic. I find they don't help very much. The step for me will be lidocaine injections. I am really hoping they will work. Feel free to message me.
hello lynds!

im here if you need to talk. just private msg me.

i take much stronger meds then you are taking. i had to get off the oxy due to i was put on a med 10x's stronger tan morphone.

ask quesions in the forum. someone is always will to help.
Thank you everyone for the discussion about oxy. I've been looking for people who understand me. I've tried to take as little as I possibly can. Fortunately, that has worked for me and I'm doing good on it. Its so great to be among people who understand. Thank you.
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