Knee pain

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Distinguished member
Sep 3, 2013
Does anyone else have really terrible knee pain around this time of the year? Mine flares up when the temperature drops in late September/early October. It is nearly unbearable and causes me to avoid exercise. What are your coping strategies for knee pain?
Oh my yes! I get terrible pain in the muscles around my knees and in my hips and upper legs. I can hardly walk up steps or if I kneel down I struggle to get up. I get it bad. My coping ideas are wearing knee socks which give the lower leg more support and strength. At night I wear socks to bed and lay an extra blanket over my legs and feet. By adding extra warmth it seems to help the pain ease up some. :)
I put a heating pad on my knee for an hour today and it felt almost brand new! I was shocked at the difference. But all it takes is one more fall in the harsh winters we have here and I'll be back feeling the joint pain. I should give knee socks a try. Thanks. I do use extra blankets at night as you do.
I have so much pain today and last night that I don't know where to address my complaints! My knee, to be sure, is killing me but so is my hip and the area between them feels like I have a blot clot! My lower back screams and the right hip is getting in on the act!
This has been a hell-day and I have been in bed all day long. I was actually crying this morning and I am not much on crying. I have one vicodin left for this day and I am scared to go to back to bed! It has been getting more miserable the last few days.
I have an appointment on Oct 21 but I called today to see if they could fit me in earlier.
Any advice?
I have so much pain today and last night that I don't know where to address my complaints! My knee, to be sure, is killing me but so is my hip and the area between them feels like I have a blot clot! My lower back screams and the right hip is getting in on the act!
This has been a hell-day and I have been in bed all day long. I was actually crying this morning and I am not much on crying. I have one vicodin left for this day and I am scared to go to back to bed! It has been getting more miserable the last few days.
I have an appointment on Oct 21 but I called today to see if they could fit me in earlier.
Any advice?

Gosh, you sound like me. I don't tolerate vicodin very well though. I take long hot showers and baths to deal with my hip pain. I'll also stretch out the muscles in that area. Sometimes I will put my heating pack right onto the hip. It is a rather tough part of the body to treat, I must say.
My knees are almost always the first thing to hurt me. Doesn't seem to even matter what season it is. My knees, hips, and where my legs connect to my hip/pelvic joint on the outside. In fact, I pretty much know how much pain I'll be in by those particular places and how badly they hurt.

If you can get yourself into a hot bath you might get some relief. Soaking in the heat seems to help me. Heating pads too, as the other posters suggested.

I think part of the problem is the weight that rests on our legs/knees. I've been trying to lose weight, especially in my mid-section so that I don't place as much stress on my knee joints. I rarely take baths but I am going to start trying them out. The though of soaking in my own filth/dead skin cells has always been a turn off for me.

I think part of the problem is the weight that rests on our legs/knees. I've been trying to lose weight, especially in my mid-section so that I don't place as much stress on my knee joints. I rarely take baths but I am going to start trying them out. The though of soaking in my own filth/dead skin cells has always been a turn off for me.

Well, I don't think weight helps, that's for sure. I can tell you though that I had that problem somewhat whether I was heavier or not. I'm not sure what it is about the knees that causes this issue. I'm guessing in my case that it's fibro and the fact that I have arthritis and stenosis (spine narrowing) in my back. I assume that throws everything off.

I understand about the baths. I've heard people say that before. I guess you could take a bath and then shower off quickly right after? I do agree that if I'm doing something like working outside, that it defeats the purpose to bath in what I just got dirty from.
Well, I don't think weight helps, that's for sure. I can tell you though that I had that problem somewhat whether I was heavier or not. I'm not sure what it is about the knees that causes this issue. I'm guessing in my case that it's fibro and the fact that I have arthritis and stenosis (spine narrowing) in my back. I assume that throws everything off.

I understand about the baths. I've heard people say that before. I guess you could take a bath and then shower off quickly right after? I do agree that if I'm doing something like working outside, that it defeats the purpose to bath in what I just got dirty from.
It sure is arthritis. I was a baseball catcher for years in high school and the pain of that squatting is really catching up to me now. In retrospect I wish that I had played another position. It's too much stress on the knees. Yes, good point about the shower, post-bath. I might try that.
My knees been killing me since I was a teen, I can't stay sitting in one postion for too long, or else my knees are really going to give me so much trouble! I remember I had to travel for 23 on a bus, we were going on a holiday...I was just 17 years old, by the end of the trip I could barely walk, and when I first stood up I could hear a really loud crack noise, lol.
OK, the weather really cooled down here today and my knee is killing me. My heating pad broke so I don't know what to do. I've been trying to move around to get the blood flowing but it isn't working. As soon as I stand up there is this terrible throbbing below the kneecap. It's going to be a long winter.
Try taking a towel and putting it in your clothes dryer to heat it up and then wrapping it around your knee. If you have ever been in the hospital ER and are cold they throw blankets in the dryer and heat them up to lay over top of you, and it feels so good. Well try it at home.

Also you can take a wet hand towel and heat it in the microwave. (Not enough to burn you, but just warm it up). Then wrap knee with a dry towel then lay the wet heated one on top. Often times this will help take the soreness out of your knee. Feels like your heating pad, but just done a bit differently. It has worked for me. :)
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