Just wish i could lay down and die

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New member
May 4, 2019
Hello friends. This is my first time here so forgive me if I do this wrong but I'm having one of those days where I just feel like i'd be better off if I just layed down and died. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I'm so tired of fighting it. I've had fybro for about 30 years and it just gets worse and worse. I thought it was as bad as it was going to get now that it has totally runined my life and made me wish I was dead but no....Now i'm having sleep paralysis like symptoms. Just went thru a 5 day crash where I was mostly unconsious because I couldn't stay awake. Sometimes my brain is awake but my body is asleep and paralyzed. I lay there trying to call for help but I can't. I think I'm about to give up. I can't do this much longer. I'm so sick of people who act like you aren't sick if you have fybro. It's just more than I can handle any more. I've lost everything becuase of fybro. My life is a living hell. I would just stop trying but I've allready tried that and things just get worse. My only hope is that it kills me soon so I don't have to suffer much longer.
real sorry to hear, My mom used to say that same thing she was so miserable with all sorts of problems. (which now I seem to be getting) Im sure youve probly tried this since youve had it so long :( hopefullly venting helps I know it does me. I too get sick of people seems like none understands and Im relativley new to this. anyway she is on lyrics and cymbalts and says it helps her out a lot, I drink kratom tea which helps me out and a vitimin called fibro response helps with my sore hands ,elbows the joint type stuff. Itsd not perfect but I wouldnt want to be without it. I hope you find some relief soon~
I used to eye up beams wondering if they would support my weight, but I had the feeling if I tried to hang myself my neck wouldn't snap because it was so immobile and stiff.

Driving my car towards a wall at high speed, breaking at the last minute because if I didn't die instantly it would be a whole nother lot of pain, and failure...

I've been there. It's (am I allowed to swear?) The pain and depression were overwhelming.

I learned to use my body better. The pain was due to the physical restrictions that had formed on my body over the decades, I could barely move.

It's taken 2 1/12 years to get where I am now, but slowly I've released the pain and regained my natural range of movement. It's been hard, a lot of pain to relive in order to release it.

Start focusing on your Base-Line muscles. Pelvic floor Base, rectus abdominis Line. - do a goo- gle image search.

Even if it's just lying on the floor and breathing. (I couldn't lie flat) thinking of these muscles as your central pillar of strength.

There is hope.

Scream if you can (I couldn't let go for a long time.)

Positive vibes and the pain is very real - I know.
You poor dear. I am now crying for you and me. I would lay down and die if I could some days.
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