fybro and flu like symptoms


That flu like feeling and restless legs is one of my worst symptoms, I am in the middle of one now and can take a week sometimes for it to settle, I am at wits end with it and a GP who does not really understand Fibromyalgia.
Very few GPs understand fibroyalgia. In fact, I personally think no one does, not even those of us who have to deal with it every day.

The best we can really expect or even hope for is supportive people, people who believe us when we say what it is like for us, and finding our own personal ways to manage it the best we can. those ways include things like diet and exercise and finding support and managing your time and energy and reducing stress.
I'm struggling to work this one out, it's why I joined the forum! I'm ill at the minute but today it feels a bit more viral than fibro flare, maybe, I don't know! The problem is it always seems to come when I've tried to exercise and also lines up very distinctly with my hormone cycle so i can't see that it's just a normal viral illness by itself. I hate how unhealthy I feel and need to work out how to do exercise without messing everything up. I've had time off work for the 3rd time this year which I feel shit about and am starting a new job next week so really don't want to keep exercising and potentially create a bigger flare up. Really don't know what to do!
I'm struggling to work this one out, it's why I joined the forum! I'm ill at the minute but today it feels a bit more viral than fibro flare, maybe, I don't know! The problem is it always seems to come when I've tried to exercise and also lines up very distinctly with my hormone cycle so i can't see that it's just a normal viral illness by itself. I hate how unhealthy I feel and need to work out how to do exercise without messing everything up. I've had time off work for the 3rd time this year which I feel shit about and am starting a new job next week so really don't want to keep exercising and potentially create a bigger flare up. Really don't know what to do!
Greetings, and welcome!
Maybe you could take a close look at what kind, level, and duration of exercise you are doing, and try modifying some of it a bit. Maybe do the same thing but for a shorter time. Do fewer reps, or less distance, whatever you do just make it a bit less. Or, if you are working out 5 days a week make it 3 instead.

Exercise is vitally important for us with fibro, but it needs to be the right kind and level for each body. It's possible that what you have been doing no longer works for you and you will need to try something different. It's worth a try, anyway, to see if that could make the difference for you. I know I had to give up the form of workout I was doing, and that I loved so much it was hard to give it up. But things change in life, as we all know, and sometimes that means changing something we don't want to change.
Thank you. I think I just feel so responsible - like if I manage my life properly the flares aren't so bad and it doesn't impact anyone else especially my job. Makes me wary of trying things which is ridiculous really!
does anyone else feel like they're sick sometimes when having a bad flare up? i feel physically sick (nauseous, weak legs and arms, dropping things, struggle gripping things, hot and cold with sweats, really restless legs, sore or scratchy throat, tension in shoulders and headaches with a stuffy feeling) ??

i hate when i get like this, and i don't know if it's fybro related or my body is just really stressed out :/

Not to alarm you, but...

I felt like that every day of my life adult life. The doctor told me I was diabetic and cutting out sugar and started taking metformin. It helped, but I keep forgetting to take the med. If you feel too sick to make it to the doctor, I'd recommend buying some urine glucose strips or may be a blood glucose meter just to rule it out. $10-$20 is cheaper than a doctor visit for most people and the damage can be irreversible in some cases.
Is caused by a certain food. I can’t remember which.
It may be different for each person so…
Write down what foods do what to you.
Symptoms can happen up to 3 days later.
Also even later if you have bowel issues as well.
On that note eat plenty of Sprouts and Spinach. These 2 are the best foods inside a humans gut.

That flu like feeling and restless legs is one of my worst symptoms, I am in the middle of one now and can take a week sometimes for it to settle, I am at wits end with it and a GP who does not really understand Fibromyalgia.
You need to kerb your diet to near vegetarian.
A Little meat a week to keep up B12.
Worst thing is overeating.
Keep a record of your diet and find out what foods cause what. Starch foods and sugar do not mix at all. So no coke within 5 hours of any starch. In fact not the same day if u can help it! In fact avoid sugar at all cost because the laziness makes you fat which in life’s terms is not good for a fibro sufferer.
Foods will affect you for up to 3 days and if you have IBS 7 days.
Pizza is a Nono!
Spicy foods too.
If you have them now and again once a month you will notice how bad they really are for you.
Sadly it boils down to this ‘Fix now or pay later’.
The above will also help with the depression that comes with fibro.

Never give up as there is a point to existence but I’m not allowed to tell you on the forum. There is a unboundless significant benefit to what you go through and a certainty of a better life. I’m full of joy, even though I’m 61, infirm, struggling to stay alive, I’ve got Fibro ‘96, ME ‘04, Oesteoarthritis ‘76, IBS ‘67, Emphasema ‘80 which I hardly have any breath left to get up a flight of stairs. I’m nearly dead yes but I’m full of joy for where I’m going to which I have full faith, I will be with my creator and his son at some point.
It’s been hard for the last 11 years but fight until every drop you have exhausted. Always get up! Always.
Also if vegetarian, or those who choose to avoid meat, the important b12 can be found in dairy, eggs, marmite\vegemite, seaweed, ( careful if interacts with any thyroid trouble ) and fortified cereals. Vegans avoiding eggs and dairy can also find b12 fortified plant based ' milk 'etc .

Always worth checking product ingredients to see if fortified, but generally vegetarian and vegans are pretty used to label checking or researching foods to ensure a safe balanced diet.

My own b12 levels were found to be slightly low on a blood test so despite consuming many the above foods ( except eggs ) I also take a b12 supplement.
You need to kerb your diet to near vegetarian.

For SOME people, eating a vegetarian diet is the best thing, and a person who has any interest in eating a vegetarian diet should definitely try it out to see if it works for them. some people report that it really helps with their fibro symptoms.

HOWEVER, this doesn't apply to everyone. Not everyone will benefit from a vegetarian diet.

I, for instance, would actually like to eat a vegetarian diet myself, but I cannot because my body will NOT do well at all if I do not eat meat. And eating meat once or twice a week is not enough -- my body needs meat or fish every day. I have tried to go vegetarian twice in my life, gave it a good try each time, and it's absolutely a no-go.
Thank you. I think I just feel so responsible - like if I manage my life properly the flares aren't so bad and it doesn't impact anyone else especially my job. Makes me wary of trying things which is ridiculous really!
It is true that if you manage fibromyalgia properly you will feel better.

It is also true that HOW you manage it to feel better is different for everyone.
People here, including myself, will tell you various things that have worked for them. It's great to hear everyone's stories and opinions, but you need to make your own story with fibro, because you have to find out what works for you.

Basically, try everything that you even think might help, and find out.
And, don't feel bad about yourself or about having fibro or that you are not yet managing it perfectly!
No one manages it perfectly.
I sure don't, and at times I do things that I know are not a good idea and then I pay for it. This is being human, and is not something to be ashamed of.
It takes time to learn how to manage this, and even once you have it figured out it will shift and change, so it's an ongoing process.
I’m not advocating any diet. I imply near to vegetarian. Meat is an essential part of every humans makeup. What you do is entirely your own choice. What I advocate is healthy diet, plus calorie input versus calorie output!
Remember this very important note:
Chocolate, buiscits, sweets, pop, sugar, mass produced breads are all late additions to the human diet of the mostly late last century. All these products are overeaten by nearly all humans. There is why you find the human health is fast deteriorating because of these products and their over use because of one word. Gluttony.

That flu like feeling and restless legs is one of my worst symptoms, I am in the middle of one now and can take a week sometimes for it to settle, I am at wits end with it and a GP who does not really understand Fibromyalgia.
Sorry James. I’ve studied Fibro for 22 years and know little more than the doctors do! It’s not the same for anyone. 80% same symptoms, 20% variations. Most pain killers don’t work. In my case none have. I now have had the pain so long it’s just a thing I live with. Others can’t cope with that idea. You’re better off doing this. Accepting it and think of it as a permanent infirmity that you must continuously deal with. Your life will never be the same. Find solace in finding ‘The Truth’. This will give you clear understanding as to why you’re living with it.

On finding ‘The Truth’ you will have nothing but Joy in living with it!
Exactly the same here. My restless legs were making me crazy so my rheumy gave me muscle relaxers. They have been a God send!!!! The thrashing around was intense and exhausting. When I'm in a flare I head off those flu symptoms with a light meal and then straight to bed. If not, I know it's going to get bad if I try to push through. I'm sorry about your GP. Watch some good videos on youtube, copy the links and ask him/her to watch them. Of the doctor won't, ask for a referral to a rheumatologist. That's who should be taking care of you anyway. I wish you nothing but the very best. Bev
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one that feels like I'm "getting a cold" every couple of weeks! Then the next day I feel like those symptoms are gone. I do see it does line up with hormonal changes also, but not always. I hate feeling "sick" every time I turn around.
I’m feeling flu like this morning, actually. My stomach hurts, I am quite warm, sore and achy. It happens now and again for me. I’m still not used to all of this, even though it has been about 14 months since my diagnosis. I hate waking up and seeing what part of my body is going to go against me that day.