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I know , cat seem to be the animal that could understand human pains, anxiety, and stress in almost identical way as human mentally and physically effected by. Like they are an extend of our emotions. It's always fascinating me that if all the pet we human breeded them to become more and completely domesticated, cat have never once lost their wild nor ever truly domesticated. They stay with us cause they think of us as one of them. Some science say because their facial recognition identiy us with eyes/nose/mouth location , to them we just looking like a clumsy giant cat because we stupidly walk 2 legs. Or, another theory was cat contain a lot of genetic memories , which would explain some cat that have a very hard time trusting human, while some just stuck on us like a giant magnet .
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I was wondering the same thing.
One of my indoor cats, my baby (found him and his brother when they were only a week old, bottle fed him and all), sadly also suffers from social anxiety. I am sure he, sadly, learned it from me. I often hide when the doorbell goes or hate it when the phone rings (have extreme phone phobia - so bad that I often will not answer any phones. Messaging is the way to communicate with me!)

And on days that I am really sick or really depressed, they really feel it. They always come to me, lay next to me in bed and purr loudly.

I believe it is probably the same with almost all animals. If you give them love and trust (and of course that includes food/shelter/safety/protection), they will give the same back to you.

All animals are amazing. Dogs too.

This is a real true story - one I am not proud to share because it shows a very dark side of my past/present, but it also proofs animals are beyond amazing;

I used to hang out with this stray dog on the beach. On a very depressing day, feeling at my lowest a few years back (sleepless from PTSD), I was about to jump into the stormy sea on a very cold winter night. None of my canine or feline friends were out there (of course due to the cold), and I felt extra lonely. I was about to climb up the rocks to jump when this stray dog friend of mine came running up to me and really stopped me taking another step. He really stood in front of me and nudged me back towards safety....truly unbelievable. I fell back, in tears, and he stood by me for almost an hour.....

Thankfully he was adopted by another woman (I wanted to as well, but my apartment's too small) - I am guessing he also saved her life :))))
Vicky , I had to have a total hysterectomy when I was 25 years old. I'm a senior citizen now. Years ago , about 10 to be exact , I had alot of blood work done , and I was told I have cancer , so I was sent to an oncologist , who informed me I have OVARIAN CANCER. I litterly fell off my chair laughing at the Onocologist , he said 》 What's so funny ? Ovarian cancer is not funny ! I replied oh yes it is.
I have No Ovaries or anything else down there.
They screwed up my blood work report some how.
The doctor was embarrassed , I just laughed , and said labs need to proof read things before they submit false information about a patient.
Vicky , I had many similar encounter with animal when it comes to extreme emotion that’s beyond human instinct. Especially when I was in deep thought about giving it all up. The oddest one I still remember very well was the birds attack at the park where I used to feed them crumbs every lunch time. I just lost my job not long after dianosed with fibro and been told with possibly ovarian cancer. I just fished feeding the birds while bidding them farewell since I won’t be coming back to that same park at lunch anymore . I stood up and while looking at the busy street I have to cross over from the park to get to the subway station. I stopped and thinking that maybe I should just step in front of those trucks that’s coming towards me in the fast speed and just ending it all. I raised my foot like i’m about to step out and suddenly so many wings flapping in front of my face attacking me all at once , it was those birds!! After I stepped back on to the footpath . They stop and flew away. I remember the homeless guy sitting on the bench behind me said “ I guess you didn’t feed them enough! “ . I was stunned , cause I couldn’t wrap my head around of what just happened. My replied to him was “ I guess I didn’t “. All I could have done for them at that point was looking up to the sky and softly said thank you .

I was clear from ovarian cancer not so long after.
I raised my foot like i’m about to step out and suddenly so many wings flapping in front of my face attacking me all at once , it was those birds!! After I stepped back on to the footpath . They stop and flew away. I remember the homeless guy sitting on the bench behind me said “ I guess you didn’t feed them enough! “ . I was stunned , cause I couldn’t wrap my head around of what just happened. My replied to him was “ I guess I didn’t “. All I could have done for them at that point was looking up to the sky and softly said thank you .

I was clear from ovarian cancer not so long after.

wow, this is an amazing story...those birds did not want you to leave this planet....probably because you were one of the few who were good them, to respected them and they must've felt your negative mood.

I am glad the birds were there for you. I am glad you are here on earth today, talking to us, making us laugh, giving us great advice and just listening to us and being a great friend to us all. Thank you to those birds!!!! :)
Same to you Vickythecat.

You are the blessing in mine sky.
Vicky , I had to have a total hysterectomy when I was 25 years old. I'm a senior citizen now. Years ago , about 10 to be exact , I had alot of blood work done , and I was told I have cancer , so I was sent to an oncologist , who informed me I have OVARIAN CANCER. I litterly fell off my chair laughing at the Onocologist , he said 》 What's so funny ? Ovarian cancer is not funny ! I replied oh yes it is.
I have No Ovaries or anything else down there.
They screwed up my blood work report some how.
The doctor was embarrassed , I just laughed , and said labs need to proof read things before they submit false information about a patient.

I am not sure whether I should laugh or cry about this story...

The medical community does surely make mistakes, I've been on the receieving end a few times, so I know I have to be a very clever, welll-informed and curious patient from now on. But to hear that it EVEN/ALSO happened in such a clear case, just wow.....

Thanks for sharing your story!
Glenda . I can't help but wonder how many of us here been falsely dianosed with ovarien cancer , or any other cancer related ?

I mean in my situation do to my hospital incident it was somewhat a logically speculated explanation cause my ovaries was spilling fluided out in my stomach cavities and I had to be pumping the liquid fluid out 24/7 . It was a life and death situation with my internal organ shutting down from being crushed and all, and my ovaries was blown up to the soft ball size at the time.

I wonder if fibro and ovarien cancer really look that much alike? With or without it.
Vicky, I am sorry that I somehow missed this thread previously.
My heart was just sinking for you when I read about what you were going through with the kitties, your mom, construction outside your house, the doctors, all of it at once. You are a strong person to get through all of that without just giving up. It seems so often that just too many things happen at once like that. I have had a cluster of horrible things all at once and know how that feels!

Of course, if there is absolutely no choice, no one else to do the work, you cannot give up, can you? I am the same. I just keep going because there is no choice. If I don't do it no one will because there is no one to help.

My heart goes out to you. Thank you for tking in the kittens even though you already had enough on your plate.
How tragic that one died......gosh, I am so sorry. Are the others OK?
I wish that there were a way to teletransport ourselves. Then I could come help you one day and someone could come help me another day.
I really hope that things are a bit better now.
In some cases it is not that people don't want to adopt animals it is the fact there are too many, due to the fact of people not getting their pets neutered. You mentioned 50 cats born on your street. That's a lot of kittens. Whoever owns those cats should have them fixed to avoid creating more unwanted kittens. I love animals but due to low income and health problems, and allergies I can not take on a pet. But I do have compassion for your efforts and work in trying to find homes for these animals. Just be careful of your own health and be safe in protecting yourselves from diseases.
In some cases it is not that people don't want to adopt animals it is the fact there are too many, due to the fact of people not getting their pets neutered. You mentioned 50 cats born on your street. That's a lot of kittens. Whoever owns those cats should have them fixed to avoid creating more unwanted kittens. I love animals but due to low income and health problems, and allergies I can not take on a pet. But I do have compassion for your efforts and work in trying to find homes for these animals. Just be careful of your own health and be safe in protecting yourselves from diseases.

These cats are all stray/feral cats. And sadly, in the country where I live, there are millions of stray cats & dogs and we don't have animal control/RSCPA/shelters like you do in the West. I had my group of cats neutered/spayed privately and for many years the numbers around our building were stable. But then the construction next door started and cats from that area came to my area, and started reproducing. And most are such wild creatures that it was impossible to catch them.

But incredibly, this week a lady knocked on our door saying she wanted to help. I usually do not answer to She has cat traps, nets, lots of boxes, and a place where they neuter/spay for a small fee!!! I could not believe my ears! And the next day, we caught 3 cats together, and will continue to do so in the whole area in the coming weeks. This woman is amazing - a true miracle, my saviour. I still can't believe it.

I want to thank everyone who sent out their best wishes - I know your positive energy helped - how else could this woman have found me?!? Miracles do happen, they really do.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!! :-D
I'm smiling Vicky....such good news!

It's amazing how like-minded people are drawn together by forces that seem out of our control. I'm in awe of your good work.
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