I found a list of medications that can cause reduced interest in sexual desire. I will list a few of them here.
Antihyperensives, Used to treat high blood pressure. This includes many drugs: Aldoclor, Aldomet, Inderal, Inderide, Esimil, Ismelin, Diupres, Hydropres, Minipress, Minizide, Catapres-TTS, etc....
Antidepressants, Used to treat depression. This includes many drugs: Tofranil, Desyrel, Nardil, Anafranil, Asendin, etc....
Antianxiety, Used to treat anxiety. This includes many drugs: Diazepam, Valium, Chlordiazepoxide, Libritabs, Linbitrol, etc....
Miscellaneous, Used to treat many symptoms: This includes many drugs: Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps, Norpace, Tagamet, Diamox, Proscar, etc..
Be sure to read the information paper that you get at the pharmacy with your medications to see if it may cause loss of sexual interest.