I have never been so tired

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Okay so I was having a problem with the fatigue so I started taking a b12 supplement. I wasn’t all better but I was feeling like I could make make it through a work day. So I started Cymbalta 3 days ago and I wake up feeling energized but by 10 am I’m falling asleep again. I’m not sure if I should up the b12 or what? Also there are places on my body where I have always felt pain but it seems more intense in this time. I’m not even sure if this makes since.
Hi Chance- I take a B Complex supplement that contains all the B vitamins. These contain 50 mg of each B vitamin. start with a lower dose so your body can adjust & work your way up to a level that works for you. Be sure to always take it after a full meal. (Taken on an empty stomach can cause nausea)
I take mine with lunch. Taken at night can keep you awake & you don’t need that!
They are now making B vitamin patches that deliver the vitamin slowly thru the day & I really like those also.
All the best 😊
50 mg of each B vitamin
You sure? 😎
50mg B12 would be a massive overdose. My methylcobalamin jabs are 5mg, which is already hyperest, so I only need them every few months. Taking them as advised every few weeks blew the levels sky high. Normal cheap synthesized cyanocobalamin doesn't help much, the other 3 all have certain advantages. Only 10 mcg of a 500mcg (µg) of a cyanocobalamin supplement (50 mg = 50.000mcg) may get to us one study said, others say take 6mcg, all a bit vague. So I just use the best injections and get my bloods taken regularly. Just heard people in the UK would need to get the jabs from us here in Germany, which I can imagine, cos I had to contact a compounding pharmacy here myself o_O. And get my wife to give them to me, as my docs are too scaredy-cat about something going wrong.

The rest I can imagine being 50mg though:
B2 is recommended 200mg per day for us (100mg-600mg/d), but my pills are 50mg, so I take 4.
B3 is a difficult one for the skin (flushing & itching) so needs to be increased slowly from 3x50mg, but can theoretically be taken up to 3g / day.
I stopped it after a lot of flushing and finding that it's mainly for CVD where it is controversial though. Might carefully try again tho. Especially since I just saw on verywellhealth about our low energy levels that it might increase energy/ATP. Caveat there is it may be dangerous to take too much. So we can't just increase the dose of a combination product.
B6 is best as P-5-P and in the evening as it is good for serotonin, relaxation and sleep, good together with GABA, my mainstay.
But my blood levels are very high now, so I'm giving it a break. Some say it's only nec. if you don't remember your dreams much, which I do.
B1 seems from what I read to be the least important - you can start on 50mg, but might be necessary to 300mg/d.

This is an example why I don't take any combination products. The downsides are loads of research & capsules & €/$ per day. The upside that I've got a closer handle on what I'm doing to myself, can continually adjust - when I've used one up I often wait a bit if I can sense it making a difference.
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Yup, I can imagine both heat/cold and meat/plant being sort of genetic. Altho strange after all the mixing.
If you mean genetic mixing of people from all parts of the world...? Unless you have mostly genetics from one or two parts of the world (or, in some cases, races) the mixing wouldn't have much to do with it, I think, but rather what is passed to you from your most immediate ancestors.
Just my opinion!
Wow @Sabina I didn’t know there was such a thing as b vitamin patches (how cool!) I’m not sure if we get them where I am (I take supps cos i won’t eat meat) 😎 💖
Cool, practice on oranges first jaycs (that’s what nurses do fore they start on people) what’s methylcobilim? Is that some form of b vitamin or the name for b12 jabs? there’s a lady (private) who does b12 I’ve considered going to her, (my surgery won’t let me have them with them yet cos my blood tests always show normal for it) but I’ve thought about going to her when the fatigues extreme, my irons always normal too! (surprising cos I’ve not ate anything with a face + legs for 15 yrs!) I 💖 🐄 🐑 🐷
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Cool, practice on oranges first jaycs (that’s what nurses do fore they start on people)
Good idea, forgot that one! 🍊
what’s methylcobilim? Is that some form of b vitamin or the name for b12 jabs?
All the sorts of B12 end on -cobalamin. The cheap normal form is cyano-, the 3 good forms are methyl-, hydroxo- and adenosyl-. All come as pills or as jabs. You can get the pills in various combinations or separately, the jabs only separately.
Theory behind jabs is just it being absorbed better if your gut is praps not working well. 💉
Good to know, I take the supplement but it’s a choice to make for the future if I get the urge to be jabbed for extra energy, as for the orange ...... see the orange.... be the orange (I made that up haha) good day to you sir, your wacky forum member signing off 👋🏼
They are now making B vitamin patches that deliver the vitamin slowly thru the day
I just had a look around for these. I was disappointed that they are only offered by shops touting especially this, which usually demonstrates a ploy. Looking for medical evidence I found a Greek study 2021 "Peeking into the future: Transdermal patches for the delivery of micronutrient supplements".
Saying "Presently, the transdermal delivery seems promising with regard to nutritional supplementation, however limited evidence exists for its efficacy in humans." and in the full article "Thus, it appears that research is still in premature stages and although promising and important, we cannot yet conclude on the efficacy of the transdermal micronutrient delivery on humans."
Also they are talking more about microneedles than patches.

So personally I think it's better to wait till they've sorted the science of it out. Unless there is a big problem like liver and gut not solved by B12 jabs.
I know from my risen bloods B12 is getting there via jabs and B6 (P-5-P) is getting there via pills.
what are the patches called?
Hey @chance1252 - just that - vitamin B12 patches. Also for instance I just saw you can or could get methylcobalamin (one of the good B12 sorts) and folic acid (B9) in one patch. And other vitamins.

Also I've now read that you can't buy the jabs in the UK, you have to get them from "us" in Germany, in a compounding pharmacy, e.g. in the Arnika Apotheke Unterhaching, same as I do.
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