David, living with fibromyalgia is a lot like living inside a detective story. Each new pain has to be investigated, isolated, addressed. Once some major medical problem has been ruled out, you have to figure out how to undo whatever trigger point you've activated. Try tennis ball pressure, and see if that works. Warm tub baths are good for easing any low back pain--including a temporary help for any urinary problems your doctor may have missed. You have a chronic condition. It does not go away. But you can find ways to make your life more livable.
Please be kind to yourself as you readjust to the fact that your body needs more rest, more recovery time from any exertion, and a LOT slower addition to any physical activity. If you can get warm water therapy or a warm pool based water aerobics class, check it out. You may have to be happy with a slow walk around the block--or on a bad day halfway down the block and back--and give up on running marathons!
And, no, your life is not over. My fibro started at the end of my second pregnancy--49 years ago. I raised my boys. I've managed our farm's finances, I started my college career at 37, earned 3 degrees, taught handicapped adults, and have lived a productive, happy life. I did it by finding each problem, isolating it, treating it, and going on to the next problem. With fibromyalgia, there will always be a next problem, but THERE WILL ALWAYS BE AN ANSWER, if you look for it.
There are many ways your life has changed. But fibromyalgia will make you a stronger person--maybe not physically, but certainly emotionally.