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Hi, first time posting to this thread. First time posting to ANY thread lol
I have recently been diagnosed (finally)with Fibromyalgia in december 2017. I have had pain and issues for a few years....probably Ionger but Drs kept telling me it was something else. Drs weren’t listening to me. I finally found a younger Physician Assistant that specializes in Fibromyalgia. She seems to be very educated on it and believes me when I complain (for lack of a better word). I am 41 and mom to 3 kids, and I feel like I’ve lost the past few years with them due to needing to rest and being in pain. I just started taking Lyrica and it’s been OK so far but I was originally looking on the forums for any correlation to FM and teeth or mouth issues. Ive had a horrible time with cavities, crowns, and a few root canals...and mouth pain in general.
Wondering if anybody else has had some problems as well?


I know age is nothing but a number in most cases. I am turning 40 in a month, and I still feel like I am 28 most of the time (not physically, but mentally). But I was wondering how old we are on this forum and how long we have been battling with fibro. Thanks!

Here are my statistics :)

Current age: (almost) 40 (ahhhhhh, can't get used to it!!!)
Officially diagnosed: 34
Have had signs/missed diagnosis since: the age of 19

No one could explain why I had fascia pain or why I was so fatigued at only 19. It was my normal, I always had pain and was tired a lot, but thought I was being weak. My GP wanted to diagnose me with chronic fatigue syndrome, but he told me it would be a death sentence at such a young age with so much going for me, so decided against it. He referred me to physical therapy and counseling. After 4 years of trying to keep afloat, I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in a psychiatric hospital for over 15 months. From there on, doctors blamed my depression, anxiety, personality disorders, bipolarism as the cause of all my physical ailments.
In the beginning when I first had fibro and was still learning how it can affect different areas of the body I would get spells of terrible mouth pain with inflamation in the roof of my mouth that sent me running to the dentist only to discover ya I had redness and pain but no reason for it. After a while I just used home cures for my mouth and did flossing and brushing and rinsing my mouth with salt water.

I think when we first start out we want to label every problem as another fibro symptom. Sometimes we get other problems not related that just crop up and we think oh just that fibro. Just because you have fibro does not mean your body can't have other illnesses. Sometimes fibro can bring on break down of out natural body defenses and that can cause lots of germ and infections that need care by your doctors or dentist, or any other doctor that takes care of other body parts. Please be sure not to label your symptoms until after seeing your doctors.

Anyways a big hello and glad you joined the forum. Looking forward to getting to know you better through your posts. Take time to wander around the forum, reading and joining in on the many topic's and adding a few of your own. Look forward to sharing with you and reading your posts.
68 years young here, diagnosed in 2007 but have had symptoms since 1985 when I went to my 1st RA doctor. Now 3 more RA doctors later (even tried Enbrel), 3 MRIs-brain scan, 2 MRIs hands/ankle, countless X-rays, Neurologist, spinal tap, 400 blood test :cry: and all the approved and/or not approved meds later I have finally come to the conclusion that nothing works.

During all this I was going to a phycologist and after all the memory test and four years of therapy I finally have come accept and life within this disease and am now trying to live out my so-called normal twilight years.

Now I am just taking my blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol meds supplemented with vitamin D3 and malic acid/magnesium.

I am also, 3 months in, using intranasal LED light therapy ( 633NM-blood help and 810NM-brain health) but I haven't seen any improvements. It by Vielight-not pushing them but in case you are interested...expensive.

I am also trying the THE GUAIFENESIN PROTOCOL, eliminating silicates and personally for myself-carbs.

So don't give up but again I must say my turning point was finally accepting fibro and then trying to find something that works for you.

Wow I'm tired after all that so thanks for listening.
I forgot to add that I have found that by keeping a daily notes (I use notepad and Win10 on my desktop) that it has help me spots trends quicker and to add/rid items from daily life.
EX: 3/22/18-Rain today, arms, legs hurt-ham sand lunch, trkey/gr beans dinner.
Hi all. I am 44 and was told by my GP only this month I may have fibro.
I have had symptoms of a neurological condition since I was in my early twenties. I have been sceptical of the fibro diagnosis because I was told by an ophthalmologist that I had optic neuritis and it was either MS or a tumor. Had an MRI and no tumor. For years I thought I might have MS until I started researching Fibromyalgia and finally had more testing done (MRI and EMG/NCS) which showed no lesions and sensory nerve damage. I am diabetic and have mild neuropathy and mild carpal tunnel as well.

I have been completely surprised by how my symptoms completely fit with fibro. My first symptom was the exhaustion and heat intolerance. The heat debilitates me every single year. It also explains why every single time I have been working out and losing weight I have a flare after 3 or 4 months and cannot work out anymore.
I do feel better with knowing what has been wrong with me and that I am not crazy.
Hi everyone. First time posting here.

I'm 25 and I was just diagnosed with fibro a few days ago. I've been in pain and showing symptoms since my late teens, however; As well as working towards a diagnosis for 2 years now. I'm still coming to terms with all the different things fibro does to my body, as well as having to learn how to live with osteoarthritis in my hips. It's been really hard to hear that I'll always be in various levels of pain the rest of my life and having to accept that my body has limitations it wont be able to over come, but I'm lucky enough to have a team of doctors that have always done their absolute best to take care of me. I know many people struggle to get medical professionals to take them seriously, and I have dealt with that on occasion, but not with my core team. Adjusting is tough, but they certainly do everything in their power to help me.

Glad to have found these forums, thanks for the read. <3
hi its my first post on here.
I'm 34 next month and I have had fibromyalgia since I was 11 and diagonosed as osteopenic at 21 so its been fun. I really don't feel ike I get a lot of support from gp or hospital so iv been doing a lot of it on my own , but hopefully ill find a support network on here so I don't have to deal with it alone anymore :)
58 here and it seems fighting this for two or three years at least although I was just diagnosed last month.
I am 54, but have struggled for at least 30 years. I was just diagnosed.
I'm 22, diagnosed at 21 but have deff had symptoms since 15
Age: 54
Diagnosed: 43
Symptoms: Probably since my mid 30s. :(
Hi Supergirl,

Ive had the same problem, and was also on Lyrica in the past. However, I think in my case it might be genetics, by the time is was 18, Ive had fillings in half my teeth, so not sure I can blame it on the FM. :wink:

I've been on the FM journey for 12 years now, I wouldnt wish it on anyone, however, youre in good company, FM doesnt have to stop you, so dont let it!. :-D


Hi, first time posting to this thread. First time posting to ANY thread lol
I have recently been diagnosed (finally)with Fibromyalgia in december 2017. I have had pain and issues for a few years....probably Ionger but Drs kept telling me it was something else. Drs weren’t listening to me. I finally found a younger Physician Assistant that specializes in Fibromyalgia. She seems to be very educated on it and believes me when I complain (for lack of a better word). I am 41 and mom to 3 kids, and I feel like I’ve lost the past few years with them due to needing to rest and being in pain. I just started taking Lyrica and it’s been OK so far but I was originally looking on the forums for any correlation to FM and teeth or mouth issues. Ive had a horrible time with cavities, crowns, and a few root canals...and mouth pain in general.
Wondering if anybody else has had some problems as well?
I am 55. I was diagnosed 22 yrs ago. I was diagnosed 1 yr after my thyroid cancer diagnosis.
I’m 44, diagnosed a few years ago. I feel I’ve had it for at least 10.
Hey! I'm 24 and feel like 64 :D
I was diagnosed with fibro a couple of years ago. Generally my therapy consists of massage and sleeping on the orthopedic mattresses
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