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Please forget it,I have.We all have things,or words that may trigger moments or events in our past,that have left their mark on our psyche.

Is it not one of the reasons that we are here,to help each other make some sense of our lives and find support,after losing so much.

Even with my family or doctors,I never really felt understood,this place changed that.I don't want to hold grudges unnecessarily,and I am sure that we have better places to direct our energy,besides,we all are going to get better together soon!!
You are right Lubkos way, I will try my best to forget. Guilt is very stubborn concept.

I know that I don't react well with most confrontations just like how I don't react well with the tough love situation. Cause it's tough for me to get to the love part , simply because my eyes will instantly automatically shut through all of it. I'm blind to see the truth infront of me.

Thank you again for being so kind.
I for one hate the roller coaster, and it is hard to go from feeling great at the top of the peaks and then roll down in the valleys. Today at work the blood bank was using our building. I had never given blood and thought why not try it and see what it is like. The process takes a bit of time to lose a pint but it was not painful.

Afterwards I left to go get gas and stopped at an auto parts store to get something. Got out of car and walked into the building and as I stood at the counter my vision got blurry and I got very dizzy. I sat on a stool and told the clerk I was very dizzy and why. He was so nice and he got me a comfy chair and stood near me till I felt better, and told me about his experiences in donating blood. Since I got home I have been eating protein foods and fruit and drinking lots. I still feel weak and tired, get spells of weakness in legs. I hope I feel better tomorrow when I go to work.

Have you ever donated blood and what if any was your reaction after it was over? I think I am going to think twice about doing it again.
Have you ever donated blood and what if any was your reaction after it was over? I think I am going to think twice about doing it again.

My sister regularly donates blood. At the center, they give her a bottle of water as she is waiting for her turn, and afterwards some salty cookies and a sports drink. She is advised to drink lots of water in the next few hours and take it easy. She has never felt dizzy or lightheaded. Drinking water, staying hydrated is apparently very important.

Whenever I feel light-headed and feel like I am going to faint (due to my low blood pressure), I make sure to lie down with my feet up, relax and take things slowly.

I've never donated blood myself, but this dizziness you felt hours after donating blood reminded me of the times I fainted after getting my piercings and tattoos. I felt completely find before, during, and after. They'll tell you to take easy afterwards, so I took it easy, walked slowly, no rush, feeling fine, no pain whatsoever, but 10 - 30 minutes later though, down I was in the middle of the street. 4 times this happened to me! I went to the GP and he told me it was most likely vasovagal syncope - a reaction of my body to triggers and stresses. With some people, it can happen right away (at the sight of blood, for example), for others it can take a while. :)
1sweed ,

When it comes to blood I was adviced not to donate any blood after my hypotension episode do to my low blood pressure problem . Most people think nothing of low blood pressure cause so far it's sounds like a healthy problem to have. But once hypotension started it's as bad as hypertension. It happen very often after the lost of large amount of blood and it can be quite scary.

I believe that might be what you were experiencing .
Hope you are feeling better 1sweed after your gift of donating blood.
Hi! I am 54 and was diagnosed in 2014. I think. Without getting up and going through medical journals, I forget everything. Fibro fog is at it´s peak. I certainly hope it doesn´t get any worse! I was highly sensitive to pain sense I was a late teen. I was strong though and a runner. The decline and subsequent onset began very specifically after having the H1N1 virus and since then it has been a constant struggle both physically and psychologically.
I spoke with a nurse today and ask her if my having low blood pressure could have made my experience worse or if it was because I had not eaten lots of food before donating? She said not eating much might make me a bit weak a bit longer, but generally I should have been fine to donate blood. So I am still feeling weak in my legs and just have that off feeling (brain fog) where my brain must have gone on vacation and left me behind. lol

But I am drinking lots of water and juice, and eating lots of good and fiber filled foods hoping I perk up soon. Guess my slow down time gives me more time to chat with you'all. :)
Hi!I'm 45.i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia around 2009?(brain fog...mostly anything to do with numbers,weird?)i would like to go to a specialist that understands my nerve and muscle pain goes along with anxiety/depression.i got scheduled with the nurse practitioner today and i needed to talk to my doctor.i am trying physical therapy and today (tuesday)i have been in alot of pain,having night cramps hindering my sleep since my pt session on friday.i got no empathy or solution.i also am always running out of my anxiety meds a little bit before my prescription hurts bad after an anxiety attack and these people just say keep excercising!!!but nothing stops these cramps and i bet my memory loss or brain fog has alot to do with that.but i got so upset my muscles imediately started stiffening and i started to cry and told her i want to be scheduled with my dr from now on.but i really feel like i need a specialist to treat all of my symptoms. Im on disability for the anxiety/depression...its pretty severe and debilitating alone,but for years i was telling my "head dr."that i was in alot of pain head to toe.he did give me cymbalta...and i got up to the highest dose.finaly i went to my gp and he diagnosed me,but didnt really treat i just laid there as still as possible for years on zombie child had to move to my folks,bc i was so debilitated and nonfunctional.i have cut out every thing in my life that exasperated my anxiety for the most part.but ive found that little things upset me and most days do nothing...chores building up and its time to deck the halls and be happy and I'm just not.anybody else feel like i do?
Age: 35
Diagnosed: 35. Mentally I don't feel like an adult lol.
Symptoms for at least 5 years. And oooh the fatigue. :(

Why does fibro seem to come along with mental disorders?

Hi!the dr that did my carple tunnel and copal tunnel surgery said its dealing with nerves and muscles and its all connected.most literature ive read validates that fibromyalgia is often coupled with anxiety/depression. We must be able to treat ALL of our symptoms or treatment is not wishing for a specialist.but the only ones ive found in my state are far away and living on poverty level disability is difficult to spend that gas disability is for my anxiety/depression. Ssdi isnt aware of my fibromyalgia till my next current major anxiety is trumps threat of cutting my insurance...the news is freaking me out big time.
Hi Trends,
I have passed the age of retirement and living on a retired teacher's benefits is not easy. I make too much to qualify for medicaid and have to purchase health and Rx insurances privately. The cost went up 15% for next year and this is before the new tax/health plan passed. I too am worried about the consequences. I cannot afford much more.
Sorry Trenee, my computer self corrected your name!
I am 64, and diagnosed with this 2005. I also was diagnosed with sjogrens at the same time, and later diagnosed with lupus and rhuematoid arthritis. No energy, and lots of pain. The worst for me right now is having spasms in left side of my back. Like nerve jolting spasms that make me move when they hit me.

I had to retire early from teaching so I live on social security/disability, and a reduced teacher retirement. (quit after 15 years)

Hi Susan 123,
I am a retired teacher, also. I only taught 23 years so my retirement is probably not much more than yours. I was just diagnosed in November 2017 with Fibro and the doctor is pretty sure I also have Sjogrens. Blood work comes back negative and I am hoping to have a lower lip biopsy soon to make it official. For me it is the weakness and fatigue, pain in my tender spots and nerve pain that get me down. I have started having fibrofog, also. I am 73 so I worry about dementia but I haven't had any dementia symptoms before now.
I do have my own home, but I know how hard it is to make ends meet on a lower fixed income. Because I taught in California (I started in 1968) I do not qualify for Social Security. If my ex didn't send me spousal support I couldn't make it from month to month. There are many of us on this forum that watch our pennies. I do have medicare and medicare supplement but I am worried what might be coming down the pike with the new tax legislation and changes to insurance.
Think positively!
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