Here's some more insanity in the medical profession

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Dec 2, 2016
Here's a good one for you:
My doctor wants to refer me to a pain center, so I get a call from them to set an appointment. I know that a different pain center I went to years ago told me that if I used medical cannabis they would refuse to treat me, so I wanted to get that out of the way upfront and asked them if they would treat a patient who used cannabis. The person said yes, they would, but did I have the medical marijuana card?

Now, in my state marijuana is completely legal for anyone over 18.
You can get a medical card, but you have to pay about $300 a year for it, and it doesn't get you anything except a break on the amount of tax you pay when you buy cannabis products. You cannot buy anything with the card that you cannot buy without the card. A person having the card still can use whatever form, in whatever quantity, at whatever time, so the card is only useful if you buy so much each year that getting a price break on the taxes would still make a financial difference after paying for the card. You'd have to buy quite a bit for that to work. I don't buy that much, so the card isn't worth the money to me. I had a card for about 3 years and then when they made marijuana legal in this state I stopped renewing it.

To be clear, you can walk into any of several different facilities in town and pay to have a doctor who has never met you before sign a piece of paper (they will never refuse to sign it because you have paid them to sign it), for you to send in to the state along with more money for the fee and you will get a card. Literally anyone over the age of 18 can do this.

So, I told the person on the phone a brief version of the above, and said I don't have a card, and they said then they won't treat me.

Just to be sure I had it right, I said, "So, you are saying that you don't care if I use cannabis, you'll treat people who use cannabis, but you won't treat me just because I don't have the medical CARD?" and they said yes.
So, because I don't have a specific tiny piece of paper that is utterly meaningless except that it cost me money, I cannot see the pain specialist.

I don't really want to take their medication in any case, nor be treated the way that they typically treat people in those clinics in my experience. But the absurdity of this is just unbelievable.
All I can do is laugh about it.

I think most rule-makers have never lived a life, don't get out of the office, and get paid too much to sway to the revenue makers wishes.

It happens here too. :)

I think most rule-makers have never lived a life, don't get out of the office, and get paid too much to sway to the revenue makers wishes.

It happens here too. :)
I agree completely.
But there's something almost diabolical about making rules that to any sane person are obviously irrational in the extreme.
What a ridiculous way to go about things, beggers belief and cuts people out needlessly.
Yes. The above is correct. The only way around it is to stop the Marijuana 2 weeks before your appointment so that it doesn't show up in your urine.
Yes. The above is correct. The only way around it is to stop the Marijuana 2 weeks before your appointment so that it doesn't show up in your urine.
Well, that wouldn't work, because going there even once a month it would show up in a test if I used cannabis at all, and I am not going to lie about it in any case!
Don't know what you mean by "the above is correct", but if you mean it is ridiculous, it certainly is.
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