Gone potty? Plants gardens and lawns .

Well you thought you could see a bird posing as a flower then the photo starting being an optical illusion to me where I thought I was seeing things that may or may not be there 😄
Hmm, is that cuz it's such an "artful" flower, or cuz my vivid imagination is wreaking havoc? :ROFLMAO: ... or both....?
What a way to celebrate the first day of spring. “ I got so excited I wet my plants” 🤣🤣🤣
Our Maggie’s brought their babies to meet us and we’re waiting for their treats.
Also one of my repotted bush orchids.
Aw the Maggie's are having a picnic in harpies garden (can't blame them, I would too 😁)
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Oh, Maggies.
I love them, always have.
I know that if they move in all the other birds tend to move out but I can't help it, I love Magpies anyway.

When I was a kid we had them move in to the backyard. The neighborhood of the yard went to heck as far as the other birds were concerned, and they all left. We didn't care, Maggies are interesting and we weren't going to chase them off.

One day we found a baby on the ground. Couldn't get it all the way back up there into the nest so we dug out the old bird cage and started feeding the baby. Put the cage in the window so the mother magpie could see it. Pretty soon we found another one, brought that in too. And the mother kept flying by the window, looking in. I guess she decided we were taking fine care of them and would relieve her of the burden of motherhood because next thing, we found she'd pushed all the rest of them out of the nest and we ended up raising the whole litter of them for her! Gad, what a racket those baby birds made. They all thrived and we turned them all loose when they could fly. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.
Lots of birdy picnics lol
You got that right , the Maggie’s are in full nesting bully mode. I feed my kookaburras and the magpies gang up on them till they have had their fill and just basically guard what ever meat is left. Though I do put enough food out as I know they will go back to their nest so the kookas get enough.
Today I have counted 49 black cockies, you can hear one munching on the perch I put up Between two feeders , Glad my fingers arnt near it.
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Just a beautiful morning here, going to get warm today.
Oh not sure if I mentioned one of me new baby Bourkes parrot fell out the nesting box, think one of my quails pecked it. How it didn’t die I don’t know it fell a long way down onto a concrete floor.
Well I have now finished hand rearing it and he goes to my grandson today.
How dang cute is Stanley, the sweetest thing ever.
Oh not sure if I mentioned one of me new baby Bourkes parrot fell out the nesting box, think one of my quails pecked it. How it didn’t die I don’t know it fell a long way down onto a concrete floor.
Well I have now finished hand rearing it and he goes to my grandson today.
View attachment 4675
How dang cute is Stanley, the sweetest thing ever.
we now have the king parrots back in force - very large flocks rest in the gum tree on the back fence they spend most of the day in the school across the road as there are plenty of trees in blossom they spend about an hour here then fly off to the bush area. Next will be the galahs and they come in the hundreds. Its quite hot here in the high 30's which is quite unusual for this time of year so it got every thing moving including the snakes.
decided we were taking fine care of them and would relieve her of the burden of motherhood because next thing, we found she'd pushed all the rest of them out of the nest and we ended up raising the whole litter of them for her!
king parrots back in force - very large flocks ..........Next will be the galahs and they come in the hundreds
What a contrast, the only birds we have here in large flocks are the jackdaws.... just silvery black...
(but I love them!) ... peaking August/Sept, then most migrate again, our 50 swifts are in Africa already.
here in the high 30's which is quite unusual for this time of year
Yeah, unusual is becoming more and more usual. Generally, warmest it's ever been... of course...
We didn't peak that high and early in our spring, but now late summer it's very hot and also cold.
we now have the king parrots back in force - very large flocks rest in the gum tree on the back fence they spend most of the day in the school across the road as there are plenty of trees in blossom they spend about an hour here then fly off to the bush area. Next will be the galahs and they come in the hundreds. Its quite hot here in the high 30's which is quite unusual for this time of year so it got every thing moving including the snakes.
Love the king parrots. Though we never get more than a couple of pair here. My daughter who lives 35 minutes away get heaps of them.
But like you the galahs 😜 the crazy’s birds are well over bred lol.
Oh and the rainbow lorikeets, really hundreds at a time here as well.
I have been concentrating on doing a lot of weed spaying and getting rid of snake hides. We get a lot of red belly black snakes here and only the occasional brown snake.
Was only 33 degrees here today and supposed to be 31 tomorrow, so not too bad.
The more you look after Maggie’s, the more that hang around. You will have a great Maggie family hanging around. 😃
galahs are a problem to me as I have a number of ham radio antennas which the galahs get caught in and I usually have to bring them down to repair - tried a number of things like cd disks hanging from them and fixing a plastic eagle over the antennas but its a never ending fight-
Gallahs are an actual thing! I thought it was a name Aussies called people when they were being silly! 😄 (I learnt a new thing 😄)
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