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Gone potty? Plants gardens and lawns .

YEEESSSSS!!!!! all in my mouth 😁😁😁
These have been recent challenges:
#1 Parasites on the cherry,
#2 on the bonsai beech,
#3 had to take an old branch out of the firethorn getting weak (but my wife disliking me cutting),
#4 the dog roses are lovely, but they've grown out of a hybrid one: which do we choose - I think we may be keeping the dog roses, I feel they're more natural, but the red & yellow ones are "smashing",
#5 and cos it was suppressing and breaking the 4th rhododendron, I cut the cherry laurel back, to give the rhododendron more air.
The biggest downer was emptying one of my water reservoirs today and finding a small dead bird :cry: - my fault, unknowingly, I should have put a lid on it, 3 bricks and 2 branches weren't enough for the li'l kid. Most others have lids on them. One other one I'll now empty too. Others, 8 buckets, I've put with a lid on in the cellar, so they don't evaporate. 10 days till the next rain. Bit tight, but I think I'll manage without tap water.


  • 2023-06-02 19.55.29 Kirsche sieht schlimm aus Mehltau5.jpg
    2023-06-02 19.55.29 Kirsche sieht schlimm aus Mehltau5.jpg
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  • 2023-06-02 15.26.09 Bonsai-Buche von unten Wollläuse.jpg
    2023-06-02 15.26.09 Bonsai-Buche von unten Wollläuse.jpg
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  • 2023-06-02 08.32.55 Feuerdorn nach Kappung des alten Astes oben.jpg
    2023-06-02 08.32.55 Feuerdorn nach Kappung des alten Astes oben.jpg
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  • 2023-06-02 08.30.25 Wildrose ist schon schön.jpg
    2023-06-02 08.30.25 Wildrose ist schon schön.jpg
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  • 2023-06-02 08.28.16 Rhododendren neben Lorbeerkirsche kommen dolle.jpg
    2023-06-02 08.28.16 Rhododendren neben Lorbeerkirsche kommen dolle.jpg
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Not sure if I've ever seen purple poppies before? Or didn't know they were that.
Not mine.... saw them down our street in a roadside flower bed and was wondering if I took the seeds where I could put them... cos I haven't much room any more, the flower beds are full, esp. the ones that are in the sun enough. But who knows, just in case.


  • 2023-06-01 18.30.07 Lila Mohn -  Aug vor Polizei.jpg
    2023-06-01 18.30.07 Lila Mohn - Aug vor Polizei.jpg
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  • 2023-06-01 18.29.57 Lila Mohn - Aug vor Polizei.jpg
    2023-06-01 18.29.57 Lila Mohn - Aug vor Polizei.jpg
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  • 2023-06-01 18.29.53 Lila Mohn - Aug vor Polizei.jpg
    2023-06-01 18.29.53 Lila Mohn - Aug vor Polizei.jpg
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The wild roses are pretty (pastel pink) I like the Lila mohn too (it's a nice purple) I like purples 🪻🌸🪻
Lila mohn too (it's a nice purple) I like purples 🪻🌸🪻
Ah, I'm teaching you some German... 😁 Means purple poppy. But the real name I've now looked up is Schlafmohn (sleep poppy), in English opium poppy. Perhaps a planted prank, cos it's in front of a police station... 😀 A popular cake here is poppy-seed cake, Mohnkuchen, very nourishing, esp. wohlemeal.
Oh dear, you need some purple pills... Well, I'm just archiving the photos better and adding what colour so I can find the colours quicker for you. And have just come across purple magnolia blossoms close up - I'd given you close ups of my crocuses, lilac, violets, hyacinths, but magnolia only from afar, so here's magnolia close up... and with all the blossoms wide open, that was a rare one. Also #3 a single purple primrose I'd forgotten, I had to uncover it to see it.


  • 2023-04-19 10.01.30 Magnolia liliiflora Purpur-Magnolie purple-flowered magnolia mu-lan schön...jpg
    2023-04-19 10.01.30 Magnolia liliiflora Purpur-Magnolie purple-flowered magnolia mu-lan schön...jpg
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  • 2023-04-19 10.01.00 Magnolia liliiflora Purpur-Magnolie purple-flowered magnolia mu-lan schön...jpg
    2023-04-19 10.01.00 Magnolia liliiflora Purpur-Magnolie purple-flowered magnolia mu-lan schön...jpg
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  • 2023-04-22 17.51.24 R Primel hervorgeholt Primula acaulis 50pc-y, oder auch Primula acaulis 1p...jpg
    2023-04-22 17.51.24 R Primel hervorgeholt Primula acaulis 50pc-y, oder auch Primula acaulis 1p...jpg
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  • 2023-04-22 17.53.03 Magnolie magnolia Blüten offen purple.jpg
    2023-04-22 17.53.03 Magnolie magnolia Blüten offen purple.jpg
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Swooooon alert , i think id like to learn a new language (i think it'll be gòod for my brain : ) wow opium poppies can be made into some very hard stuff! such a pretty flower (I wonder how people found out how to (mis)use the seeds?) 💜🪻💜
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I already posted these, not sure if these pics - they've been and gone for this year, but 5 colours....
Crispa tulips (not sure of the exact name, hoping to find the bag or a photo of it somewhere, I know I put 'em somewhere). Crispa refers to the fringe / lace.
pink+white with a tinge of green on the outside outside (#1 and #3 the one on the left), and yellow+black inside... 5 colours. I wonder if that green tinge will come again next year on one single flower, or it was a one off, sort of like an albino.
I like the way the cherry blossoms in #4 are "looking" in the same direction as the sculpture, and if you look closely you can see 3 (of my 4) varieties of tulips: pink-white + red-yellow in the square flower bed in the front and purplish-red and red-yellow (I think same sort as up front actually) in the rectangle flower bed at the back, plus in the square 2 daffodils and 4 purple hyacinths. And even more closely: under the hind one a dandelion and in the middle in front of the rectangle a small beige box which contains my seeds, up to now bought, but soon the self-collected ones, too (primrose, petunia, bellflowers...).


  • 2023-04-27 13.16.55 Tulipa aximensis55 crispa pink+white+yellow+black+green.jpg
    2023-04-27 13.16.55 Tulipa aximensis55 crispa pink+white+yellow+black+green.jpg
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  • 2023-04-27 13.17.11 Tulipa aximensis55 crispa pink+white+yellow+black.jpg
    2023-04-27 13.17.11 Tulipa aximensis55 crispa pink+white+yellow+black.jpg
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  • 2023-04-27 13.17.16 Tulipa aximensis55 crispa pink+white+green.jpg
    2023-04-27 13.17.16 Tulipa aximensis55 crispa pink+white+green.jpg
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  • 2023-04-28 15.52.22 Tulpen unter Kirsche - schön! white+yellow + pink-white + red-yellow.jpg
    2023-04-28 15.52.22 Tulpen unter Kirsche - schön! white+yellow + pink-white + red-yellow.jpg
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Oh I wish spring would hurry up . I need lots of flowers like yours JayCs
Picnic in jay's garden!!! 😆
Oh yes , I will bring drinks and snacks and all the ice-cream you can eat .
Oh I wish spring would hurry up . I need lots of flowers like yours JayCs
Going thru my winter pics, I was surprised: Much of the moss has become luscious deep green non-lawn grass, whilst next door neighbour mowed his to an ugly yellow-brown burnt area. All my dead wood is a contrast to the abundant green, esp. the lovely brown-orange bronze conifer clippings. Didn't know what to do with the persistent cherry laurel clippings until I saw their beautiful bronze too.
Tending, deadheading, planting late flowerers should help prolong blossoms - praps into November? And I'm looking forward to increasing snowdrops, the cornel cherry in February, first daisies too, cherishing each single new flower, even more than now.
And harpy make one for garden and animals (I'd watch them) I'd subscibe to you and jaycs?
8 poppies on the 6th, 12 today, but 2 of them are already losing petals, which I'm of course using as decoration until they turn white.
The yellow (rose) and blue (iris) beauties reached their prime on the 5th, now been and gone. See what deadheading them can manage to do.
The (fairy..) bellflowers (#5+6) are popping up all over the place (5 white, 13 pale blue/purple - some hues hard to get on photo, but when you're picnicking here, you'll see them...). They seem to be lasting, and need to be (tap) watered.
Tradescantia Dreimasterblume (#7) = 3-mast, Gottesauge = god's eye, in English known as Anderson's spiderwort or little lilly Charlotte - if you know them, what do you them at. I like the German names better. I need names I can remember. >20.
Just counting not to overlook anyone. Each single one has its own beauty. And the real beauty to me comes out just looking at one. A sea of poppies or red roses or white dog roses has its beauty too. But looking at one single flower or blossom or antler, comparing them in awe not judgement is where it starts getting really spectacular. I sometimes pine at not being able to show overviews to you like our eyes select them and with the depth and brightness of flowers further away. But looking at the best photos of single flowers makes up for that. The yellow rose is gone, but wow, looking at that pic is something I wasn't able to do in real life, cos I'd've trampled on something else to get that close, reaching over with my arms and phone was the best I could do. Sometimes it'd be good to have eyes on the ends of our fingertips, but then again... no... (Oh - that's Elton John's Your Song.)
Oh, today I identified one called mule's or colt's tail, that's the name I prefer, just look at the leaf shape (#8)! OK, praps not, just realized I need to get a better one... - It's not just the blossoms I'm looking out for, there's so many beautiful to interesting leaf forms too.


  • 2023-05-29 12.25.36 Tradescantia ohiensis Dreimasterblumen (blue jacket) 44pc-y.jpg
    2023-05-29 12.25.36 Tradescantia ohiensis Dreimasterblumen (blue jacket) 44pc-y.jpg
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  • 2023-06-05 10.38.49 Campanula Glockenblume blue.jpg
    2023-06-05 10.38.49 Campanula Glockenblume blue.jpg
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  • 2023-06-05 18.37.14 Glockenblumen Schnittlauch white purple.jpg
    2023-06-05 18.37.14 Glockenblumen Schnittlauch white purple.jpg
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  • 2023-06-05 10.38.42 Türkischer Mohn.jpg
    2023-06-05 10.38.42 Türkischer Mohn.jpg
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  • 2023-06-05 13.10.23 Iris sibirica Sibirische Schwertlilie Siberian flag 25pc-y blue.jpg
    2023-06-05 13.10.23 Iris sibirica Sibirische Schwertlilie Siberian flag 25pc-y blue.jpg
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  • 2023-06-05 13.18.05 Rosa 45pc (xanthina5) gelbe Rose R unter Besen-Ginster) yellow.jpg
    2023-06-05 13.18.05 Rosa 45pc (xanthina5) gelbe Rose R unter Besen-Ginster) yellow.jpg
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  • 2023-06-06 08.46.58 R 8 Mohn Dreimaster Glockblumen red blue yellow.jpg
    2023-06-06 08.46.58 R 8 Mohn Dreimaster Glockblumen red blue yellow.jpg
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  • 2023-06-06 09.30.45 Conyza canadensis Kanadische Berufkraut blood stanch (mule tail colt's tai...jpg
    2023-06-06 09.30.45 Conyza canadensis Kanadische Berufkraut blood stanch (mule tail colt's tai...jpg
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