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Senior member
Apr 3, 2014
I know I'm not supposed to do it this way, but it just ended up happening this way. I tried to get an answer from my doc on how to go off it, but he was on vacation and didn't get a response so I thought I'd just skip a day so I'm taking it every other day, then every two days, etc. The problem? We went on vacation for 4 days, but my prescription refill didn't come in for the 3 days before we left so I ran out!

I haven't taken Cymbalta since Thursday or Friday (can't remember which day). The zaps I get from the medication have gotten more noticable, but other than that I feel about like I did when I was on it.

Why did I do it? I'm tired of being on medication. I have been on one kind of fibro med or another for probably 6-7 years or more (probably more). I'd like to know if it's about the same as when I was on meds or if my symptoms get worse. If it's about the same, then why be on them? I'm just curious if it helps or not.

Anyone else pull yourself off medications and don't notice an increase in pain, fatigue, or change in sleep pattern? I've tried Cymbalta, Lyrica, Amitryptoline, Nortryptoline, and I think there were a couple others I'm forgetting.....Ya, the memory has not very good at times...
WOW, sorry your having it so rough. Be slow on tapering off of any med. I never really had any problems quitting Cymbalta, but problems with several were nightmares. SO, please taper slowly if you can, looks like taking it every other day is good, I have and had success. BUT, I had the zaps so bad had to go back on a med or switch. The neurons are pretty well freaking out! I have found Tramadol to work so very well as it is a synthetic opiod about one tenth the strength of Morphine, but acts like a SNRI like Cymbalta and Effexor EXCEPT gets in your system within 1 hour and works for my depression more than anything.
Take gentle care of yourself and wishing you the best.
I did fine getting of lyrica, cold turkey. No problems at allll. Not Sure a about Cymbalta. . Wishing you great success
Memory problems? Take Ginkgo Biloba. My Dr told me my memory problems were ,most likely from menopause, and I've been on them 3 times a day for 2 weeks. They have helped a little.
My Mother started to loose her memory when I was about 12, she was constantly looking for her purse, drink or ,
at that time her smokes. She managed to hold down good job, but after retirement it progressively got worse. There's nothing more embarrassing . I don't think for myself the ginkgo is going to help, but....I'll try it. Let me know if it works for you. BTW it's herbal. For the fatigue I take vitamin b 12. I have other family members on it too.
Thank you both for the response and encouragement. 1 1/2 weeks in. Today is the first day that the brain zaps aren't as bad....Crossin' my fingers it only gets better from here. I have had a few nightmares the past week, but manageable.

I tried Tramadol once in place of hydrocodone and it did nothing. I will admit I didn't try it for more than a month because without the hydro, I couldn't get any relief. I can't take ibuprophen because of my colitis and IBS. I am going to talk with my doc about switching pain meds for a bit to see if they will work better. That's partly why I went of the Cymbalta. My pain was getting worse and worse and the fatigue ran my life for most of my days this past year. Why take meds if they don't seem to work. I'm curious whether I will get worse, stay the same or improve. It's been so long since I didn't take a fibro medication. I was starting to develop fatigue over the past few years, but it was more good days than bad. Now, it's the opposite. I thank the Lord that I no longer have to work. Almost made it 30 years in my career. I paid into SS for 32 years and I'm getting it back now....Whew! I was lucky to get it on the first try. That was the goal I set for myself.

Moe, I do take B12, but don't seem to notice a difference. I'll look for the Ginko Biloba the next time I go to the nutrition store. I take a lot of vitamins. One more won't hurt.

Again, thank you for your comments. Hugs to you both!....
About 2 1/2 weeks in from going off of Cymbalta. The brain zaps have decreased, but hit here and there. What I feel today though concerns me....I can hardly move I hurt so bad. It's been progressively getting worse the last few days. That said, even though I hurt bad, I don't have nearly the fatigue I've had for the past year. Is this just me having a pain flare?

So, next step.....Do I continue on this path and see what happens in a month? Or figure that maybe it was helping me? For now, I think I'll continue and stay off the med. I am concerned though that we leave on a 2 week vacation May 9th. The good news is that we will be staying with hubby's family. The bad news is there are a lot of activities going on for Mayfest up in Petersburg Ak....
tbear my friend. the cymbalta is a nerve blocker to the brain. seems you are now feeling less of the brain zaps might be short lived. keep tracking what is happening. take the cymbalta with you on vacation if you need it take it. if you feel it is not helping then ask your doc for the stevia med. i dont think its called that just something like that.

i really hope you find something that will help you soon.
try to relax on vacation. tell the family that your are feeling better and the meds seem to help.
much better to lie then have them judge you the whole trip.

enjoy your trip...
Tbaer, I also just quit taking Cymbalta a little over one month ago. I am also on Lyrica 400 mg a day and have quit taking most of that. I am down to 100 mg at night. I did feel some differences but was in pain with the cymbalta and Lyrica and thought if it is not doing anything for my pain ... why put my liver thru this.
So I will keep posting but really have not felt much of a difference off of it than when I was taking it. I had the flu bad last week so it is hard to moniter the difference. I think I am doing OK.
I do know how you feel about why take it if it is not helping. The combination really helped me for almost a year then I was having so much pain I thought why take this if it is not helping.
I am still watching to see if I feel worse. The only thing that has changes is that I feel pretty depressed right now and am trying to work my way out of that with my therapist.
My problem is that I just want to be the person I used to be... Not gonna happen I know but I have such a hard time wrapping myself around that one.. I am sure everyone on here does as well.
I hope you vacation is lovely and enjoy every second. I agree with you on the drugs and not taking them. I know they work well for some and I am glad for those who get relief..
Thanks Cmetryme.... :-)

Welcome Amtrying....Sounds like you and I are on the same page on the meds. I've just started getting a cold so i'm dragging the last two days. I still have less of the fatigue feeling though, so I'm taking that as a positive.

Keep working on the depression. It's hard to fight this with depression. So I'm going to tell you what my counselor told me and it has changed my attitude and my life...You need to take the time to mourn the loss of who you were and learn to embrace and love who you are today. A little about me.....I was a very active, competitive individual and took pride in everything I did, especially at work. I played sports all my life and, until about 5 or 6 years ago, I still played volleyball and softball. I rode jetskis and quads. In fact, a few years ago, I rode my quad in a barrel race and not only came in 1st, but also had the best time of men and women. I was the first girl in my town to play little league. I opened that door for the girls today. At work, I was a successful manager and developed model teams and programs. I always pushed myself, to the point that I would pass out on numerous occasions. I slowly lost those abilities because of my pain and lack of energy. I'm still very proud of my life and accomplishments, but I will never do most of those things again. I still have the jetski and quad. I don't know if I'll ever ride the jetski again, but I'm hoping maybe. The quad? I'm determined to keep it and can still ride at times, although several times we've gone to the dunes, I haven't been able to ride at all. My hubby has modified it so that the throttle and clutch are easier to use. So now? I'm a disabled individual that calls myself retired. :-)

I had to spend time looking at my life and mourn the loss of who I was. I also had to learn to love and embrace who I am and accept help from people. I have a hard time asking for help. I'm doing better. But I have truly learned to love me again. I'm a positive individual and if you were to see me, most of the time you wouldn't know how much I hurt and feel like poop. My close friends always say that my eyes tell it all. Please take the time to mourn that loss and accept what this illness has done to you. That will do wonders for your depression. I don't know enough from your post above whether you are still able to work or not. If not, and if you have not collected social security, I have more suggestions that I can get into if you'd like.

I wish you the best and thank you for your kind words and support. I'm having some anxiety over the vacation, but trying to just go with the flow because I know once I'm there, I'll have a wonderful time. Gentle hugs and let me know how you're doing....I'll do the same....
cymbalta is awful. it made my symptoms way worse. i definitely stopped it cold turkey also. natural ways tend to work from what i hear.
IWillNotBackDown, Welcome to the forum! What you will discover is that what works for one, may not work for others. I wouldn't say it was awful, but I do think it increased my fatigue. I'm almost a month in and feel like I have a bit more energy than I did while on it. That said, it has worked great for others. I have tried several different meds and had good success....for a while. I'm not sure I'm convinced natural works best, but that's why I'm trying it. It's been so long since I haven't been on a med for fibro, I wanted to see what happens. I'm still on an antidepressant for IBS flares, anxiety meds, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxer. I tested the anti-inflammatory by going off of it, but I couldn't hardly move I was so stiff all over. (I have arthritis throughout my spine, neck, hands and feet)

My point, what works for one, may not for others. This forum is great to hear feedback, but as with anything, make your own decisions. If Cymbalta didn't work and you are in significant pain, there are other options. Thank you for your comments!...Hugs...
cymbalta is awful. it made my symptoms way worse. i definitely stopped it cold turkey also. natural ways tend to work from what i hear.

Just reading some from another thyroid blog, and many talk about low cortisol, irons and for many women Ferritin can be very low and I've been working on that iron for years...still take iron every few days with Vit C for best absorption. Usually 50mg, I've taken so many different doses over the years but take this dose every few days.

I just believe there is so much that needs to be addressed that is not working in our bodies...thyroid for a big one, it was for me.

I was going to an FM/CFS group for a while and many took some drugs and cymbalta was one of them, but I just chose not to go that route....I researched and researched and chose to work on "stuff", time was on my side.

It's been quite a journey, and now I deal with a hip replacement fiasco.
@terbaer- not sure how to take that post. I was just giving my opinion. That's what this whole forum is for, right?
I feel that cymbalta is awful. You had the opinion of it not being so bad. Both opinions matter.
IWillNotBackDown....Sorry for the long delay in responding. I was on vacation for a few weeks then trying to get back into the swing of things, but I didn't want to ignore your post above.

I wasn't in any way trying to negate your opinion. I'm so sorry if my comment reflected that way. My only point was that others have seemed to feel it helps. I'm in agreement that it didn't seem to for me either.

I've now been off of it for a while and have had some okay days this past month. I haven't had any multi-day fatigue flares where I can't get out of bed, but have still had fatigue. I'm working on trying an elimination diet, then transitioning to a less inflammatory diet per my pain management and rheumatoid arthritis physician's recommendation. My only problem is I keep getting overwhelmed (which is frustrating) and have no appetite so it's a difficult thing to do.....
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