
use NeuroNation to push myself
Good shout, I tried it daily for a short while last year and have been meaning to get back to it, the puzzles seemed useful, hopefully it could help. My late mum would make us giggle asking me for the answers to her crossword puzzles. They say problem solving is good for us, calling on the mind to be resourceful and improvise.
Good shout, I tried it daily for a short while last year
if you subscribe to it then they setup test to set a base line and then as you go thro the tests it shows you how you have improved in each area. I set it up for my partner after she had her stroke she did several thousand hours on it with excellent results
@SBee , why the angry face about my post (#14)? Did I say something you don't like?
I was trying to say that I try to laugh at myself when I have a fibro bog incident, because other people seem to like that. But that deep inside me I don't really find it funny.
@sunkacola I am so sorry! I genuinely thought I was sending a sad image. That'll teach me to try something new. I am so rubbish as a tech person. ( as seen in my many autocorrect I fail to notice ) I shall stick mostly with a simple ' like ' . Safer.

No, I totally agree with you. Sometimes I am strong enough to say to people look, I have some weird symptoms and find it hard to reach for words, or be able to concentrate enough to follow a conversation.
And yet other/ most times, I just don't feel that strength so tend to clam up completely.I don't like ever being centre of attention at the best of times, so this does affect my self confidence.
@SBee , no worries! I was just afraid I'd somehow offended you, but I couldn't see how.
I am not fond of center of attention fact, I avoid it as best I can, and the very last thing I ever want is for the center of attention to be on my disabilities! Ack.
I find it affects my self confidence, too.
I am not fond of center of attention fact, I avoid it as best I can, and the very last thing I ever want is for the center of attention to be on my disabilities!
try going out to dinner with essential tremor and suddenly having you hand fling food across the table. Essential tremor is not going to kill me but I hate it more then any other medical condition I have
@johnsalmon that's a horrible thing to happen. Hard enough in private, but in public? I know again, it's a situation where people may funny, and expect us to laugh it off,but there's nothing funny about any symptom of any condition that hurts any person in a physical or emotional way.
And somehow depending on my mood I find an ' obvious ' symptom that can be seen ' harder to deal with? I mean on one hand I get the frustration with the ' but you don't look ill ' and yet to contradict that, if a symptom is then seen by someone else I get embarrassed or a bit defensive?
that's a horrible thing to happen.
I can get it fixed - only in one hand thro - they use a special mri machine to burn a tiny spot in the brain - it cures it straight away on the hand opposite to the burn but it cost $15000 to have it done. a small nip of rum also stops it for about half am hour.. When I do go out for meals I always order food I can pick up ie fish and chips chicken legs etc - with a nip of good aussie rum - it took me about 15 minutes to type this as I hjit multipl;e kweys !!
Happens to me a lot as well. I also have problem with usage, for instance 95% of the time i want to go to Krogers i say Kohls… i do it with other similar things like i say Maggiano’s when i mean Mariano’s… some words just dont stick, as much as i tell myself Krogers…Krogers….Krogers… the next time i say we need to run to Krogers, it still comes out we need to run to Kohls
Never associated Australia with rum. @johnsalmon - one of my dad's tipples. Apparently it was a drop in his tea to " keep out the cold... " hmmm. Not convinced... That's a heck of a lot of money to try to find. Rum it is then.
When I had scans on my hand I said to the dr I hadn't realised I now use my less dominant hand for so much now. He said most people do so without thinking about it, the brain just helping the body to adapt to less difficult movements and extra pain

@mikepahr I struggle a lot with common everyday words, like window or shoes. I get a mental picture of the object in my mind but just can't find the word? Hope people closest to you are understanding towards you
Never associated Australia with rum.
Bundaberg Rum since 1888 made in the sugar fields of Queensland I like the spiced rum. Every shearing shed in Australia will have a bottle of bundie - shearers use it to "sweeten" their tea on the last break. I used to keep a small hip bottle on the tractor in case it rolled over on me -would not save me but I would die happy!!!
@johnsalmon ,I like to learn, keeps the brain cells ticking over. Another way to exercise the brain. Keep learning and keep being interested in what's going on around us.
I fully accept the medicinal properties you reach for involved in your rum. Whilst I no longer take alcohol, I keep a bar of chocolate in the fridge for ' emergencies ' It always amazes me just how many emergencies crop up in an average day.😂
like to learn, keeps the brain cells ticking over
the best way to keep the dementia dragon from the door. I have been thinking of doing a Masters degree online but have not yet got the confidence I miss University ( used to lecture) but its a big step at 79 years of age I do some of the USA Uni short courses online but then they are quite basic but good exercise
Oh go for it @johnsalmon ! What have you got to lose? I'm not sure age has a bearing if a person has the enthusiasm and willingness finish themselves to such a goal when we lived in the Highlands a fellow in the next village did continuous uni courses and degrees - he achieved the last one when he was almost 100!

Even if our our bodies aren't as strong as we need, and brain fog let's us down at times, some things we are still able to achieve.

I assume an online Masters let's you go at own pace, within reason? In a far lesser way I never want to stop learning, each and every day I am always researching origins of words or if I hear an unfamiliar word I need to know its meaning and in what context it's used.