Sometimes people - both doctors and patients - will assume that whatever is going on is fibromyalgia once you have been diagnosed with that. But that doesn't mean everything a person experiences actually is part of the fibro. You don't want to assume it is, and miss out on possibly diagnosing something that is a) dangerous or b) can be treated effectively. Simultaneously you don't want to be running to the doctor for every individual symptom. It is a fine line at times, tricky to navigate. Basically, my way is that if something brand new appears that I have not had before, I assume it may not be connected with fibro so I will check in with my doctor. If it seems to be a variation on something I have been experiencing, or the resurfacing of something I have experienced in the past, I will wait to see what it does before deciding if it is doctor-worthy or not.
I find that the more in touch I have become with my body, the better at checking in with my body many times a day and being closely aware of what I am feeling, the better I am at figuring out whether it is worthy of a trip to the doctor or not.