Feeling overwhelmed and trapped...

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Well, I had a stereotactic breast biopsy on Thursday afternoon and what an awful experience that was. It's incredibly difficult and painful for someone whose back and neck are fused and have hardware to lie on their stomach on a hard table for more than an hour. I'm exhausted, in pain all over plus bruised where they did the biopsy. I just hope I don't have cancer. I've had a couple of very bad weeks indeed...

So sorry you had a hard time with the test! I can imagine that would be hard to do! Hugs and prayers that it comes back non-cancerous! Praying you start having better times!
Thanks Meredithanne--I'm really hoping I hear today although tomorrow may be more likely.

I'm sorry about your bad experience, I hope everything will be fine.We have enough to deal with.

Feel better,

Thanks Meredithanne and Sagey! It was a big relief to know the biopsy was negative. I just don't know if I could handle one more stressor to deal with right now.
I allways prided myself in a clean house, now I focus on what I can do, not what I cant. I dont work any more, hard to find a job where they accept brain fog, pain ,and fatigue.
Hang in there. You are not alone.
Thanks Moe! I have been trying to do just that and to be more patient about getting things accomplished. The adjustment process requires a lot of acceptance and compromise, I'm learning.
My heart goes out for you after read all of your post and replies from other. When I lost my big place which was after received the news that I'm free from the possibly cancer ( sadly got fibromyalgia instead ) . I was overwhelmed of cleaning up while was working full time at that time. I'm much younger so no retirement anytime soon and with fibromyalgia pains and brain fog kept getting in the way the best I could do was shoved everything in to the boxes ( after found all my personal documents ) and have them taken all away to the storage. That's how I manage to see what I actually wish to keep and what I didn't actually need. That was my first moving during fibromyalgia. After that I ended up moving twice more times using the same method cause each time I unpack stuff from storage I always ended up throwing more things out too. I found that it's much easier and faster way to move. Less pain easiler to clean after everything is already safe elsewhere.
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