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Dec 2, 2016
The fatigue that I experience has been increasing lately. I wake up tired every morning, although most nights I get enough hours of sleep because I take medication nightly that makes me sleep, and always have a sore throat when I wake although that tends to diminish somewhat later in the day. Any activity seems to increase the fatigue, although I continue to walk the dogs daily and get as much other stuff done as possible while pacing myself.

I am setting out to do some tweaks to my diet to see if that might help, going back to some supplements that I got lazy about taking, trying some other things.

But it has crossed my mind that perhaps I have or am developing ME alongside Fibro, and some of this fits with the specific symptoms of ME.
Reading a bit about that online, but don't feel I have found anything that really tells me enough to figure out whether I am just experiencing more fatigue with fibro, or if it is actually chronic fatigue/ME.

Anyone who has good info on that, let me know. Thanks. :)
ME seemingly adding on is very similar to me.
Diet and all my many fatigue supps never helped.
Cryotherapy and 32x Chinese acupuncture helped a little, but not sustainably. (And too much cortisol.)
LD N is absolutely the only thing that has helped quite a bit.
Since switching it to mornings also with sleep.
My sleep and exhaustibility aren't usually related, but here possibly, partly.
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ME seemingly adding on is very similar to me.
Diet and all my many fatigue supps never helped.
Cryotherapy and 32x Chinese acupuncture helped a little, but not sustainably. (And too much cortisol.)
LD N is absolutely the only thing that has helped quite a bit.
Since switching it to mornings also with sleep.
My sleep and exhaustibility aren't usually related, but here possibly, partly.
There is so much cross-over between fibro and ME that it may be impossible to tell if a person has both or not. I am also asking myself how much it really matters to know in any case, since it's not as if there's a surefire treatment that helps, let alone cures, either one.
I have resisted looking into LD N, but perhaps it would be worth asking my doctor about it. Other things that have typically been helpful do not seem to be helping as much right now, although I do know that such things can ebb and flow and there's no reason to believe that those things have stopped being useful entirely or that the fatigue problems I currently have won't improve at some point.
Check your water intake too. I know that I have to drink a lot of water everyday in order to assist with combating fatigue and pain. It could explain your sore throat in the mornings as well. Just a thought. 🥰
Check your water intake too. I know that I have to drink a lot of water everyday in order to assist with combating fatigue and pain. It could explain your sore throat in the mornings as well. Just a thought. 🥰
Thanks, and good advice, but I drink a lot of water so that's not it. I have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated - I live in a desert. ;-)
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