Hey Brandi,
I'm really impressed with your motivation and excercise regimen. And others who are excercising daily.It takes awhile to get there I'm sure.
I just finally started religiously excercising after 6 years of severe fatigue and pain.I just started Pilates at home,because I don't have the stamina or strength to get on a treadmill yet or go to a gym. I'm weak, so I'm starting slow and working out all areas the abs, legs arms etc. on a beginners DVD.
I notice if I excercised one day ,I have to wait about 2 days to do it again.Just too painful
It's frustrating because u want to , but your body says no.
I'm too weak to continuously excercise everyday and it is depressing but Im determined to continue, and I already feel my muscles getting stronger, from being so sedentary for a long time.
I just want to say to others on here that can't excercise at all,I Understand, because I was there.And u have to give your body time to heal. It will tell u when it's ready ,lol
Don't be discouraged, because all of us are in different stages of Fibro. Some have just been diagnosed, so and may be severe and bedridden,been there!
And others are walking long distances and working.So were all different but we understand the pain and stress it causes!
Keep moving, it's the best thing u can do, even if it's to the bathroom.