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Aug 7, 2020
Hey all!! So i was tested eagerly on the emg and all ok. So nerves n muscle strength fine but my legs and arms are getting weaker just cuz my elevator broke and did oneflight of steps. Feel heavy. Numbish and weighs a ton gettin off sofa!! Sorta feel it in shoulders now and been 1month since this went full on! For a yr had minorrrr weakness, nothing like thisss!! All i did was Getup off the ground 3times after not really being actice b4 and n riding exercise bike 4min and BAM, started all this!! Neuro gave me pyridostigmine and isnt helping for 2wks whole tablets felt weaker after doing that 2 days! I suspected myathenia gravis but dr just said lets see if drugs work!?!?! Next is steroids but what is this, seems dr doesnt even care..also heat outaide intensifies this!!
Ps i also have tenderness on arms n legs that feels like tissue hurting but random and have this for 2yrs, one doc said fibro but it come n goes and thats all i had.
Don't know about the rest of it, but my fibro symptoms come and go, in that... some days are better than others. Sometimes i almost feel ok! But that's rare.

Shoulders, weak arms and legs, fatigue etc ... all sounds like fibro, but it does tend to be a catch-all.

Good luck getting a diagnosis.
Thank you for your time! Any supps to take? I read that fatigue weakenss gets better with rest, mine is not!

It's not my business, but I Very Strongly warn you against taking any steroids at all. Steroids are really poison in the long or not-so-long run. They can make you feel a whole lot better fast, but all they are doing is stimulating your adrenal glands, which does nothing at all for the underlying issues of your symptoms, and if taken for any length of time at all they basically destroy the ability of your adrenal gland to function. This leads to physical dependence on something that is, in turn, making your body weaker and sicker. No matter what the doctor says, stay away from them.

You need to get tested before you know for sure you have Fibro, so make sure you run through all of the possibilities of other things it could be before deciding you have it. It could be something not as bad, or more treatable, or it could be something a lot worse. Find out.

If you have Fibro, (or even before you are diagnosed), please read my post on "My advice for managing Fibromyalgia (especially for newcomers). This is a systemic syndrome, that cannot be treated with only one approach, and taking drugs is not the best approach. Best of luck.
I stay away from most drugs especially steroids. You'll end up needing more drugs for all the side effects. Start with diet. Stay away from foods that cause inflammation. There are some helpful supplements like bromide which is from pineapple and is good for inflammation as well as turmeric, etc. Research supplements for what your needs are including anxiety which never helps but is hard to avoid. I'm always looking for help from supplements as well as food. I ended up eating mostly a paleo diet and it seems to have helped. About 5 years ago I couldn't get out of bed for 6 long weeks and now I can get back to what I love, gardening and cooking. I still get horrible flare ups and pain both from fibro, arthritis and hasimotos thyroiditis. I'm just happy to be able to move. I'm 68.
I believe you should treat the whole body. I learned some brain exercises from the doctor that helped through that time and make dietary changes. When I do them twice a day I have better balance.
Tens units and especially rebuilders are helpful as well.
I hope you all find things that help. I know how hard it is.
(((gentle hugs)))
Well thank u, i tried few days anti inflam diet w no sugar n felt weeker like my blood sugar had prob so now ate lil sugar. Ugh
Well said Creola17 and Sunkacola! It is best to stay away from drugs because they will only create more issues. I am in total agreement with beginning with DIET first and foremost. Removing inflammatory food and trying to supplement with good healthy anti inflammatory food is the best way to go. I make a drink each day using turmeric powder, cacoa, black pepper and cinnamon. I put these in a glass of rice milk in equal portions and find it very refreshing. It is good for you with many anti inflammatory properties.
We should always be looking for natural ways to nurture our bodies. Like you said Creola, we need to treat our bodies as a whole.
Hopefullyyours, I don't want to come across like I am telling you what to do but maybe give this way of eating more than just a few days. Start slow. Don't cut out everything all at once. When you cut out your sugar make sure you replace it with good healthy alternatives, like fruit or other sweet vegetables. I know that this is hard for us all. I suppose we all need to take baby steps at first and build on that.
Hugs to you all and I hope you are all having a good and less painful day.😊
Thank u much! I do have cacoa nibs n been eatinf salmon a lot n veggies but did cut sugar out besides blueberries n felt weaker like i messed w my. BLood sugar levels. I wana know why im feelin this way for one month or more so weak in legs n arms its crazy n not getin better. What happend. Sry 4 ranting. Its like so heavy and heat makes it worse
Hi Hopefully - you asked for supps. I agree with the others. But if you still want to try...:
I've tried the following supp. schedule unsuccessfully, so I'm not endorsing it, but a doc here advocates it for fibro and all kinds of stuff like that (sth. that also makes me sceptical):
0) low carb diet,
1) Highly dosed vit. B12 (up to 5mg-injections, not the usual cyanocobalamin, but all the others) for a few weeks,
2) then add Mg (+ Ca), K, Zn, Se. for a few weeks
3) then add vit. B1 + B2, C (buffered if nec.) and E (all 8 kinds, like tocophoerol)
4) then plus omega3, e.g. a spoonful of flaxseed oil a day for
5) then plus Q10, increasing then decreasing the dosage
I'm a supp-sceptic, but I thought I'd try it at least...
I appreciate u!! I havent been told fibro. My rhumy dr sent me to neuro. Dr n did the tests emg were fine. He doesnt know either so is just guessing meds to take. Ughhhh. Its such heavy weakness in legs n arms like they weigh a ton. Ughhh
did cut sugar out besides blueberries n felt weaker like i messed w my. BLood sugar levels.
If this is the case, you may have low or high blood sugar. Eating sugar items is very bad for either of those conditions. I would recommend going to get your blood sugar tested to find out for sure. You don't want to run the risk of developing hypoglycemia, or diabetes (hyperglycemia)
Also I am perimenapause and all this started then! My obgyn wont give me hormone now cuz he wants to see if its neurological but it may be one thing that helps me bal. Out estrogen that is gone w the wind now that im 48
Get your Dr to do full blood tests, including hormone bloods. If not done already this is where Dr’s should start.
Anything needing supplements medically should be from test result flags.
Please don’t fill your body with substances as it could hinder you rather than help. Even medication shouldn’t be overloaded. So easy for Dr’s to send us off with yet another med but half the time they don’t even bother to check what we are already in!
In the past my Dr prescribed something I shouldn’t have due to my conditions . It was only by reading the leaflet pre taken I found out.
I know Fibromyalgia can be hard to cope and live with and finding things that help very difficult.
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