Does medical marijuana help?

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While talking about the benefits and the side effects of using pot, I would strongly suggest you do not advertise your use of it on line. As most forums can be or might be followed looking for such admissions of use, and your computer id numbers can be traced by the proper authorities.

I'm glad you said this... I was about to bring it up, too, while looking through the rest of the replies here. It's not necessarily that the authorities would be poking around a fibro forum, *but* it would be so easy to find the forum or anywhere else with particular search strings of words.

Then there's the computer ID, the ISP info, and really just googling the username works sometimes.

I have seen first hand working in the medical community for a while what damage marijuana can do. Those who want to smoke it pretend it's not true, but it is. It's being reported in the med journals now... saying it's not true doesn't really mean anything. I've seen it. But anyhow, if I'd ever use it for pain of any kind, I sure wouldn't announce it on the Internet.
Medical marijuana is a very big help to those of us with this disease. It is one thing that truly helps with my pain and I am not ashamed to admit it. We must take the shame away from something that has been nothing but, beneficial to us.
Medical marijuana is a very big help to those of us with this disease. It is one thing that truly helps with my pain and I am not ashamed to admit it. We must take the shame away from something that has been nothing but, beneficial to us.
I agree you need to be prudent in what you say but I refuse to shut my mouth about something that truly benefits me and is less harmful than most fda approved meds. If you believe in something you should respectfully stand up for what you believe. I also have a moral obligation to make it easier for the next patient who might need alternative options for their situation.
We are not talking about shame in what one believes in, what we are saying is if you announce on this forum that you use MJ and you live in a state that use of it is still not legal you could be tracked down and get in trouble. We just wanted to let others know that saying your using it on a forum that is open to the world to read, may be a foolish idea. If you choose to do so anyways then at least you have been forewarned. :)
Medical marijuana is a very big help to those of us with this disease. It is one thing that truly helps with my pain and I am not ashamed to admit it. We must take the shame away from something that has been nothing but, beneficial to us.

Alexis, I know what you mean! It really helps! There is nothing to be shamed about at all, I know it's weird to admit it, but believe me when I tell you there is nothing to be ashamed of. I also used it for a long time, I never bragged about it tho, but I was never ashamed to admit it if asked. Sadly I could no longer use due to some health issues that doesn't allow me to smoke at all.
I don't use it personally, but I have friends who do. Most of them feel a considerable mental relief, which naturally affects their body in a positive way, as the pain doesn't seem to be as intense as usual. I have one acquaintance who is in a wheelchair and severely depressed. The only thing that lightens his day is marijuana. He smokes it and also makes tea from the leaves.
When I tried marijuana, it left me feeling very strange and unreal. Even if someone near me lights up a joint, the smoke affects me immediately, and I don't particularly like it.
I live in a state that allows medical marijuana as a symptom reliever. However, my internist has stated he does not believe in it as a remedy for relieving joint discomfort, stress, anxiety, and dry eyes which were all of my complaints for that visit.
I live in a state that allows medical marijuana as a symptom reliever. However, my internist has stated he does not believe in it as a remedy for relieving joint discomfort, stress, anxiety, and dry eyes which were all of my complaints for that visit.
Counter productive for dry eyes definitely.
I live in Washington state where recreational pot is legal. I am also a mmj patient, so I can get pot thru the delivert dispensaries. I am using CBD high pot now to see if it helps enough for me to get off all the meds I am on. Does it help? It sure does!
I have a friend who has been using medical marijuana for a little over a year now and she does find that it helps with some of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. She says that she sleeps better than she did before she started using it, she also doesn't get as anxious as she used to, and she finds that when she doesn't want to eat, it helps with that as well. It also does seem to take the edge off of the pain that she has as well as helping with her IBS and muscle spasms. That is probably some of the main reasons why she uses it. You don't have to smoke it either if you don't want to, there are edibles and you can always vape if you think that is what would work the best for you. I do recommend it much, much more than pain pills which in the end might make you even sicker as well as addicted to them.
I live in a state where it is still illegal. From what i have read it helps reduce your pain greatly, gives you a better appetite, and helps with anxiety or

depression. One day it will be available and I will try it. From what i understand it isn't effective for everyone depending on the persons metabolism.

As far as the DEA tracking you down for a forum post, unless you are on here offering to sell it there isn't much they can do. Why would they waste

time and money tracking you down from here? That sounds a bit too paranoid. You have never been on Reddit have you, they have a whole

section dedicated to people who smoke. They even post pics of their stash lol
I'm a medical marijuana patient and I vaporize it and take CBD rich tinctures. I live in Washington state where both medical and recreational are legal. I will be making my own marijuana products in about 4 weeks. I prefer waxes, crumbles or other concentrated forms. You can get pot in pill form but its very expensive.
It is good to know that this is an option for many. I have heard of the great benefits that Medical Marijuana has to offer. I am sure it can be much better than using so many drugs that come with an array of side effects. It is good to read that many have discovered the benefits of its use and are recommending it to others.
I have been suffering for a very long time. I'm currently on several different medications and I feel like I'm "just getting by". I just started seeing a new neurologist and I worry about asking for marinol or asking to get medical marijuana. I'm dreading the impending winter season coming up as things get worse. How did any of you posters get the help that you need?
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