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I had to go to a walk in clinic for a sinus attack yesterday (I'm away from home at the moment visiting family)...I was so suprised to see a box on the "have you ever had or now have" any of the following: fibromyalgia was listed....well darn, if it's listed why the hell is it so hard to get to a doctor that believes you and can help you get the symptoms under in the 21st century!

That's one of my biggest frustrations as well. Sme people believe in fibro while some don't, kinda reminds me of people who believe in the afterlife; some do, while others just don't because they believe fibro is nothing but a lie. Easy to say, since they are not enduring the pain we do! Sadly pain can't be seen :(
Doctors in general try to understand their patients that have Fibromyalgie; however, sometimes searching for the right doctor can be extremely frustrating. Life is tough enough when things turn against us. Feeling like your doctor isn't understanding your unique situation, and this alone can cause much pain. You could go to the library, and, find information on this topic, and ease your mind, that there is hope when more information has been given.
Doctors! Ugh! I guess I need advice on how to find one of these wonderful doctors who are sympathetic and understand fibro. I live in a huge metropolitan area and should be able to find a fibro doc here. Today I saw my pain clinic doc - he's very young (looks to be about 20) anyway, he said to me, "I've never seen anyone with your symptoms before." My thought (well it came 2 hours later when I was back home in bed) was, time for a new doc! Pronto! I also see a rheumatologist, she hasn't done anything for me but send me for tests which all come back normal and refer me to other doctors who didn't help then she says come back in a month! In a month I could be dead, fried to a crisp from pain! I wonder to myself what is going to change in a month? Sadly after each of the doctor appointments I've had in the past 3 months I leave their office and go to my car and cry and sob. I find it so demoralizing to ask for help, beg practically, and get nothing. I am fed up. I try not to cry in front of my husband anymore as it breaks his heart.

I did read someone's advice in another post (sorry I don't remember the person's name) but they suggested only telling the doctor about your worst pain, not listing every pain you have had over the past week, I'm going to try this at my next appointment. The only tip I have to share is that you don't have to fill out the forms they give you alone. My hands are so painful and degenerated that I can't write anymore. I ask someone at each doctor's office if they will help me ill out the forms and they have been very nice. I just began doing this. But for me I believe this will be helpful and remove a little of the stress surrounding the visit.
I have a doctor who I have a love/hate relationship with. He's always willing to sit there and listen. He's very informative and sympathetic. Two problems with him is that, one, he goes over his time with ALL patients. So if you have an appointment at 1 p.m., you can best believe you will not be seen by him until about 2:30 and/or beyond. This is not an exaggeration. So, he does take the time to talk to you and to listen. Now, the second problem with him is that he forgets what it is he discussed with you from the prior visit. That can all be nipped in the bud if he would just open up his computer and note the things that he and I discussed. I don't see him doing any of that while we are having a conversation. So therefore, he's missed taking note of the things I have mentioned hurts. Example, I have complained to him about my left elbow hurting. This has been well over two years now. Nothing has been done about it. In May of this year, I went to urgent care about my elbow and found out I have a calcification in my tendon due to medial epicondylitis. I've had swelling, numbness, pain radiating up and down my arm, hurts to pick up things, etc. Another thing is that he will make like something is not serious from the xray/mri reports on one visit and several visits later he addresses the same xray/mri finding and say I need to get it taken care of. I'm confused.

I also notice that a lot of doctors do not want to send you to get xrays, ultrasounds, mris, etc. I haven't figured that out yet. Does it look bad on them if I have to have these things done? I have a lot going on with my body, and I need a doctor who is caring and willing to go as far as I need him to go so that I can get the proper help within the proper timeframe.
I hear ya, I've had my fair share with visits to doctors who don't seem to want to listen to me but instead just want to do what they feel is right. Which they don't know! Because they didn't listen to me!
Anyone else like me just so frustrated with doctors? I am so tired of dealing with them:x

Yes sirree! They just don't listen at times. It's like you have to catch them on a good day in order for them to take the time to listen....really listen, and do something about what it is you're telling them. I have a doctor who is wonderful at listening and taking time out with his patients. As a matter of fact, he takes too much time. He will stay in the room for over an hour with each patient. So imagine how backed up the scheduling is! That's very unprofessional. Anyway, he has his good and bad days. I can tell him what's going on, ask questions, and he will try medicine first and advise on next visit we will see how I'm feeling. If not better, he will order tests to see what the problem could be. Then on the next visit, this man forgets what it was we were suppose to do because he doesn't type the information down as we are discussing it. So now he forgets that he said he would order an xray or mri. He'll just deem it as a pain from Fibromyalgia! I'm like what the devil just happened here?! So yes, dear heart, doctors are a pain in the backside at times.
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