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I take zero prescription pain meds. My doctor refuses to give me anything really. If someone is in so much pain that death seems like the only relief available, what's the point in having the pain meds in the first place? Who gets them? People in car accidents be cause of the pain? I have a chronic pain syndrome that doesn't stop. Doesn't seem right. I'm not a drug seeker nor do I want to get addicted, but where do you draw the line? I'm ready to be put into a coma until they find something that helps. I don't want to die but the body can only endure so much pain.

Dude I feel the same way.
links56 You seriously need to get a new doctor! There are only THREE things keeping me from ending it all: My God, My kids, and my pain medicine. It gives me a slight break from the pain for a few hours a day otherwise I would really go nuts! And with this stupid disease the pain is always different. Like today, it's my stomach and groin area (haven't had that in awhile)...but it is terrible! I have often thought, that all this disease is, is for some reason our bodies have hypersensitive pain receptors. None of us want to be addicted--but they sure don't mind giving you SSRI's that you are supposed to take every day and never stop (addiction)! What about that? My doctor drives me nuts but I will say, she sent me to a pain management clinic and she is pretty good about that issue. So seriously do yourself a favor and get another doctor. Your doctor is plain cruel for not giving you pain meds.
I tried to go to a pain management place and all of them refused to see me because they don't treat fibromyalgia. I'm going to mayo in a week or so. I'm hoping they will help but I'm afraid to get my hopes up.
I've found out that most doctors overall treat this condition lightly. They don't seem to really understand to the full extent of all the pain and suffering that goes along with their patients that have Fibromyalgia. Psychiatrist overall tend to feel the same way. They think that some of the complaints are for other reasons, and this causes their patients to lose trust in them. I think Fibromyalgia suffers should do more research when it comes to finding doctors than can understand their condition. There are great doctors out there; however, it usually takes more than finding one doctor's name, to find the right one.
It just sucks when you live in a townew with 10 people in it. The closest doctors are 30 min away minimum and most of them aren't taking new patients. I'm hoping mayo will help.
After years of seeing terrible docs (my last doc was so bad!) I got a tip from a fellow fibro sufferer and found a great doctor! He is an internal doc and he has helped me more than anyone. When I first went to see him he has residents training with him and he came in to take my info and talk to me first. after 10 minutes of questions he asked me what was the one thing I wanted Dr. Chapman to know about me and I said I'm in pain I'm NOT a drug addict! He told my doc and he understood! The first time that ever happened! I have been with him about 5 yrs now. He listened to me and if something does not work he changes it. I am so lucky to have found him. I still have very bad days but not as many as I had before I got him as my doctor. Last month I went to him because when my hip gets so flared with pain he will give me a shot. The resident this time was on his 4th year and I could not believe he started down the path I had heard many docs say years ago! I need to change my meds so as not to take pain meds because I can become addicted! I told him the same statement I had said years earlier! I also told him when I first met this doc I could not get out of bed! It worries me that new doctors have the old ideas still! He must have told my doctor my reaction because he came in and gave me the shot and hugged me before I left!
I cannot believe a PAIN management place would not treat fibro! I went to one in Kansas city and he treated me.
I had to go to a walk in clinic for a sinus attack yesterday (I'm away from home at the moment visiting family)...I was so suprised to see a box on the "have you ever had or now have" any of the following: fibromyalgia was listed....well darn, if it's listed why the hell is it so hard to get to a doctor that believes you and can help you get the symptoms under in the 21st century!
Yeah The Pain Management Places all said they wouldn't treat fibro because it wasn't localized to one spot of pain. It has made me rely on doctors less. I'm In so much pain and my life is going down the drain because I'm not functional anymore. Ill try anything because I just don't care anymore, I'm so tired and lethargic that I can't find a better doctor anymore, plus what if they are the same as the previous doctor. I wish there was a way to talk to the doctor before you have to pay them for nothing.
I'm not a drug seeker nor do I want to get addicted, but where do you draw the line? I'm ready to be put into a coma until they find something that helps. I don't want to die but the body can only endure so much pain.

If drug abuse is not an issue and you don't want anything you could get addicted to, what reason is your doctor giving for not prescribing anything? Do you have other conditions, maybe, whose medications may not be advisable to "mix" with the recommended fibro treatments?

I know that a lot of the older docs aren't trained to deal with fibro, but they'll generally give *something* for the pain.

And last but not least, is there a reason you can't switch doctors to someone who'll at least "get it" and try to help you? I really hope you'll soon start finding some kind of relief.
She won't prescribe me a drug that isn't specifically FDA approved to treat Fibro. Well I'm going to the Mayo Clinic in a few days I'm Hoping they will help me. Otherwise I'm going to have to try to find a different Doctor with is exhausting in itself.
Yes I am sick and tired of Doctors. Some think they are little "Gods" and they think they know what is right for our bodies. I think the patient knows his own body better than anyone and I wish Doctors would realize this. They need to take a course in Listening to their patients" And another thing that bothers me is they hands out anti-depressants for every and any ailments, even if you are not depressed. They make you depressed!
She won't prescribe me a drug that isn't specifically FDA approved to treat Fibro. Well I'm going to the Mayo Clinic in a few days I'm Hoping they will help me. Otherwise I'm going to have to try to find a different Doctor with is exhausting in itself.
Links I would never suggest a cause of treatment for anyone, but I do have a question. If this problem with dr.'s is due to where you live, then is it possible to move to an area/state that at least has more medical options? We all just want you to have as much relief as possible. Good luck.
Oh by the way I work in the medical field and some dr.'s finish med school at the bottom of their class. Just sayin'
I just need to get the right setup of medications, I think. I am not impressed with any of the antidepressants, If I wasn't in so much pain all the time I probably wouldn't be so depressed. It really puts a damper on life, Literally. Hopefully Ill get some relief from mayo, my doctor said she will do whatever they say because they are known for treating with off label drugs and it won't fall back on her. I really need a better doctor. hopefully i'm not getting my hopes too high for mayo.
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