These are all symptoms of neurosis. Fibromyalgia is a heterogeneous disease - the causes are different, but the result is the same. Most often, F. is associated with stress. Stress can lead to disruption of the central nervous system - neurosis. Neurosis is an old name, still popular in Russia, it is like a general name for neurotic spectrum disorders. According to modern concepts, F. is largely a somatoform disease. The doctor told me that this is a complex disorder, but in his opinion, all the symptoms of F. are neurosis. Moreover, this doctor himself was struck by F. three years before that, so he devoted a lot of attention to this problem. Of course, I could not believe him then that this was the reason, although I had already visited all the doctors a hundred times, taken tests and underwent examinations a hundred times and these doctors could not find anything in me. When I went to the orthopedist (the fourth one) and said that when I sit on the toilet and start defecating, I can get a tingling sensation where my nipples are, the doctor barely held back his laughter and looked at me like I was an idiot. Neurosis can have three degrees of severity: mild - amenable to therapy, long-term remission; moderate - the effectiveness of treatment is relative, periods of remission can be short, frequent exacerbations; severe - therapy is powerless, at best there is a slight improvement in symptoms, the course is continuous. What is the relationship between fibromyalgia and neurosis? The fact is that our body does not work separately from the brain, it is a single whole. The work of the body's organs is controlled from the brain. The work of the muscles is very closely interconnected with the brain - hence the problems with the muscles, intestines, bladder. Also, when the brain is not functioning properly, central sensitization can occur - normal sensations begin to seem painful, and those signals from organs that a healthy person does not feel - suddenly begin to be felt. I remember how my bladder felt like a soccer ball was swollen and pressing there. Sometimes during urination I felt like water was flowing in my stomach, the urologist said "this can't be!!" Well, in addition to everything, when the brain is not working properly, problems with concentration, eyes, heart, breathing (diaphragm neurosis) and other complaints arise.