Hi rainbow ( I like rainbows) hi jem’s x , I had some, some quite bad ones before when I was put on ametryptaline and co codamol same time and a bit before I was put me on thyroxine but they were the only times .
Thank you for your reply Auriel.
Of those 3, I am only on Amitriptyline, 2 low dose (10mg) at night, they were prescribed to help with nighttime muscle cramps/pain & I have to say they've really worked for me on that level & they help me sleep too but I'm going to try & reduce that to one tablet & see what happens.
I've recently started to take 1 Amlodipine early evening which was prescribed for high bloopd pressure & to quote 'widen arteries',
& 1 Gabapentin (high dose 300mg) which are also for pain but they too help me sleep & as I went 3 years without any quality sleep
& trying everything herbal etc without success & nearly had a breakdown due to lack of sleep, I finally asked for sleep meds,
only to be told I could have very limited access to them ie half a dozen tablets once or twice a year in exceptional circumstances as they are addictive - as if that matters at my age (?!)
I realise I've become 'a nice little Earner' for the big Pharmas but my chemist has assured me these med combinations are appropriate for my
needs ie pain control & high blood pressure control, with the bonus of sleep assistance, which for me is absolutely crucial, as without sleep
all my symptoms become unbearable & I cease to function.
Being a full-time Carer, as well as having my 4 grandchildren most weekends, being functional is essential!