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Covid 19 Vaccination with FM/CFS

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Yes to all of you. I hear ya feeling side fx sucks and we have to stay strong, so here’s to this going to get a double booster soo hope it’s bearable keep ya posted
Lemon, I wish you the very best with the "jab". I figure that even if we react to it for a day or even a few days it still beats dying of covid, so it's well worth it!
A bit late to the party, but I hope this is still helpful!

I'm 24 (23 at the time of all injections), in the US, and had the Moderna vaccines and booster. With each injection I had 3-5 days of severe fatigue, along with worsened all-over pain, chills and sweats, but curiously enough no fever! The booster specifically made my brain fog worse for a solid 7-10 days (I don't remember exactly how long 😅) after injection. I did end up bedridden for a bit with each injection, had to take time off of work and all that.

But it was worth it to be able to go back home and see my mom again!
It IS worth it, and far better than getting Covid. :-)
After first injection wasn't too bad, just arm site sore for a couple of days. 2nd injection floored me. Had all flu type symptoms and fatigue far worse than normal, I usually sit in my recliner when I feel rough but had to take to my bed. This has been recurring off and on since last May. I am 74, a British female and had Astrazenica. Needless to say am very loathe to have the 3rd one!
After first injection wasn't too bad, just arm site sore for a couple of days. 2nd injection floored me. Had all flu type symptoms and fatigue far worse than normal, I usually sit in my recliner when I feel rough but had to take to my bed. This has been recurring off and on since last May. I am 74, a British female and had Astrazenica. Needless to say am very loathe to have the 3rd one!
Hi Sandra, I fully understand how you would feel that way. And if you don't want the third jab it is your right to avoid it. But I just want to point out one thing that is good to keep in mind. Correlation is not the same thing as causation, and we with a syndrome that is identified by flares of uneven duration, occurrence, and severity often have a hard time remembering that. One thing happens and the next day we feel a certain way, but we truly do not know for sure whether the first caused the second or not. I always hesitate to assume anything like that because I know that it's not always possible to be sure.

Now, I am not saying the shot did not cause what you are describing, and you know your body better than anyone in the world does, so if you are sure it did you are probably right. I only wanted to mention something that I did not realize for some time, until I did, and when I understood that, it actually helped me to manage fibromyalgia because it left my mind more open to other possible influences and causes besides the one that seemed the most obvious.

I encourage you to get the booster anyway, of course. Personally, I had a much worse time with my third shot than with the first two, but I feel confident that it was worth it. And if they encourage people to get a fourth I will do that too.
Thanks for your information, and good luck, whatever you decide!
Any improvement overall? I'm thinking of you a lot.
Thank ye kindly! 🤗 - Good question. Not easy.
I re-confirmed/settled the MCAS-diagnosis unofficially at the allergologist's 2 weeks ago and it nows says it on her bill, enough.
The if and what of food triggers of histaminey symptoms are still vague.
And after the 5th acupuncture & cupping session still not sure at all if it's gonna go anywhere.
It fakes an activity level of 15-20% by increasing energy / decreasing fatigue/heaviness...
but when I act accordingly, pain increases to 3, 4 or even 5 and then energy & heaviness crash me all the same.
So to not crash now I'm having to counter-fake an activity level of only 10%, which is a mindscrew,
as the pain is the same, showers hurt, and I have a little more energy than is good for me - good for... the next tiger attack?
I'd learnt what to look for to not overdo it. Now either I have to adjust or fine tune that...
Feel like in limbo at the moment, drifting apparently aimlessly, because there's nothing to rub against,
can't even be too bothered with exercising (only 1-1.5h) and blog, but getting quite a bit done all the same when I think about it.
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Thank ye kindly! 🤗 - Good question. Not easy.
I re-confirmed/settled the MCAS-diagnosis unofficially at the allergologist's 2 weeks ago and it nows says it on her bill, enough.
The if and what of food triggers of histaminey symptoms are still vague.
And after the 5th acupuncture & cupping session still not sure at all if it's gonna go anywhere.
It fakes an activity level of 15-20% by increasing energy / decreasing fatigue/heaviness...
but when I act accordingly, pain increases to 3, 4 or even 5 and then energy & heaviness crash me all the same.
So to not crash now I'm having to counter-fake an activity level of only 10%, which is a mindscrew,
as the pain is the same, showers hurt, and I have a little more energy than is good for me - good for... the next tiger attack?
I'd learnt what to look for to not overdo it. Now either I have to adjust or fine tune that...
Feel like in limbo at the moment, drifting apparently aimlessly, because there's nothing to rub against,
can't even be too bothered with exercising (only 1-1.5h) and blog, but getting quite a bit done all the same when I think about it.
That sounds like quite the conundrum. Particularly the fakery - with you having become so attuned to reading your body's state on a micro level, it seems so mean for it to start hitting you with misdirection! Well done for pushing through the mindscrew and being productive where you can be anyway 💪 Inspiring as ever!
JayCS, what a mindscrew indeed. Sorry you are going through all of that. But don't feel alone. My body does the same thing. I have had energy and felt strong only to go out and start doing something and have the pain come on suddenly and hard. Like you I have learned to listen very carefully to my body but I'll tell you what - there are times when I seriously do not like what it is telling me, or I feel like saying "What?! Are you kidding me? That's not what you said five minutes ago!"
like what it is telling me, or I feel like saying "What?! Are you kidding me? That's not what you said five minutes ago!"
I think all 6 like-types at the same time would be fitting for stuff like this... and about 10 more.
Yeah, it is of course comparable to our other & general mindscrews.
One new question that arises here I spose is if an added "self-inflicted" mindscrew will be worth it in the end.
It certainly hasn't been yet, after a few hopeful hours to 2 days in between. The last sessions have been getting less "fun", i.e. more painful, it takes quite a few hours to recover from the strain, additional exhaustion with "feeling ill", it's making other self-treatments harder and then it pretends to help, but doesn't.
A parallel question is, if it is possible to harness the fake feeling of slightly more energy to any advantage on the one hand, and to curb the downsides. Up to now, and your examples seem to show that too, any fake positive feeling harms rather than helps. In that sense the comparison is telling me to stop the acupuncture soon... or have I missed something?
A parallel question is, if it is possible to harness the fake feeling of slightly more energy to any advantage on the one hand, and to curb the downsides.
This has been my question to myself for years now. And, clearly, I don't have the answer. I am fond of saying I listen to my body and it is true that I do. At the same time, my body doesn't always seem to tell me the truth or things change suddenly and, worst of all, sometimes my body simply will not give me an answer and I have to find out. Unfortunately, my body is not an oracle that I can consult and get information or advice and at times I really wish there were such a thing. Not getting a clear answer if I ask if I will be able to manage something is especially trying when something important is planned and it's not the kind of thing I can decide on the morning of, depending on how I feel. In those cases sometimes I have to gamble and do it anyway not knowing how it will turn out, which I would prefer not to do.
sometimes I have to gamble and do it anyway not knowing how it will turn out
Thanks once again for your thoughts! What I seem to be able to infer is that I don't need the added fake of the acupuncture - if I want to overdo it, I can often do so, using things like body cortisol (e.g. sleeping less, eustress & distress), cold showering and ribose...
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