Didn't crash. *phew.* And above symptoms remain cracked:
Stopping NAC improved temperature, self-applied acupressure improves many single symptoms (7 up to now!).
Next priority was burning sinuses, nausea, headache, esp. night/morning.
Reading histamine decreases GABA, increasing that has decreased it (& also the bladder pain again).
Reducing histamine food seems to help, so I'm slowly turning to that, esp. in the evenings and replacing soy drink at night.
Even with less burning sinuses, and before that, my nostrils still get stuffy, but I've at last found acupressure that really helps.
("Unblock Stuffy Nose & Sinus Drainage in 60 Seconds"). "At last" because I've tried 5 or 6 methods before and none helped.
DAO was
not reduced, so my GP's given up. I'll probably be supplementing it all the same, cos there are no side effects.
But he agreed when I asked if it could still be histamine or mast cells or cytokines, put he'd be out of his depth there.
And agreed on using nux vomica D12 for the nausea (not working tho, but praps I need to take it regularly and longer).
So my next suspicion next to treating it like histamine intolerance is
mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
This is actually also clearly mentioned on my starting point, the experts on jab-side effects on Health Rising.
But I had to work thru Monday's 25 ideas first (physio, supps, histamine & various doc ideas), which I now have:
Physio is working well, for supps I still have to order DAO & praps copper, food I'm changing meal by meal, contacted 5 docs.
Connections between MCAS and FM: similar symptoms; syndrome; co-morbidity; mast cells may be a cause/biomarker.
And - jackpot again

- beyond the frontier of medical research. Probably closer to ME/CFS, POTS, Ehlers Danlos & Lyme tho.
Might have to do some forum hopping.
First results (e.g. hoffmancentre): Contacting normal docs may only lead to tons of bloods, then meds like antihistamines which'd make me tired, the worst thing that can happen to me. Like FM, it's not reversible, but differently gets a bit worse. So it'd be something different I have to learn to live with....