I feel for you all suffering with the effects of fibro on trying to live a productive life. I was diagnosed with fibro a month ago and am constantly wondering if this will render me disabled. I have no idea how this disease will alter my life so I must live one day at a time. I'm a nurse and a year ago I was working at a busy hospital. I started getting week-long bouts of intense nausea, what I now understand to be fibro fog, and fatigue (that happened in bouts a few years ago but went away for a few years). I was afraid that in my fogginess that I'd make a mistake at work that would hurt or kill a patient, so I called out often. I usually said that I had a stomach bug or a cold and didn't want to expose patients, but that wasn't the truth. How could I say "I'm just too tired and foggy to safely work today"? I couldn't. I was written up for excessive absenteeism and looking into FMLA to cover needed time off, problem was, I needed to work 1250 hrs in the past 6 months to be eligible and I only worked 1246 hours. Four hours shy of financial relief, and the ability to take off the time I needed.
Being a new nurse to the hospital, I was already prey for the hardened nurses. Then to be calling out for several days here and there, I was retaliated against, bullied, mistreated, and made to feel guilty for feeling like crap. I didn't have a diagnosis to even start to explain any of it to them. Not to mention, half of them probably believe its a "made up disease for lazy people" and AMEN JKerner! I started a paper route when I was 8 years old and have worked consistently since, I'm 31 now... I didn't suddenly decide my work wasn't rewarding or I just didn't feel like going. The more I was retaliated against, the worse the stress was and the worse the symptoms were until I almost gave up on nursing all together. I somehow ended up working as a private duty home health nurse so I get 5-8 hour shifts with one patient on a regular schedule. I had been symptom free for 6 months, but in July I started getting debilitating pains. So far the pains haven't struck bad enough during work, but now that I know I'll have flares of this and it may get worse, I worry that it'll start affecting this job too. Today the pain has been awful and I'm praying tomorrow I don't have to force myself through work. I imagine trying to get disability would be tough considering there are no tests to prove what we're feeling is real. But we know it is. And none of us are alone.
Just keep taking one day at a time. Make the best of each day and don't beat yourself up for your limitations, they are not a sign of mental weakness.