Bad Karma, well deserved....

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every new born baby already has 83 chemicals in their bodies that shouldn't be there
And that'd only be the ones we can test for.
Soil & Water Tables are already contaminated, it's clear we are already poisoned from the inside. ... So every effort we make to clear ourselves better by what we do/don't eat/drink/absorb etc, brings the words 'horse & stable door' to mind
& may or may not help our discomfort, as it seems the damage is already done so, plus we all react differently to everything.
I live as "organic" as I can, don't drive or fly, but firstly: to play my own part well.
My food, clothes and lifestyle are "natural" and simple, because they've proven better for me - processed food & synthetics would be hell for my symptoms.
I doubt them being organic makes that much difference to that, but still.
For me, the horse I need most is sort of back in the stable, kicking, the door closed.
What manages to get out, we can get quite a lot back of.
To turn the phrase around, I believe: We shouldn't close the stable door after the horse has bolted..... so that we can get it back in again. The more we believe we can't, the less we'll try - a self-fulfilling prophecy. (Self-)Motivation is #1.
I can't extract the microplastics from my body, true. Stopping using toothpaste and wearing clothes that contain them will reduce their amount by "one person" (that's precisely enough for me to do so). But that doesn't at all mean we might as well give up improving our life under these circumstances...
Best case scenario is, if possible & one has a long enough life span left to experiment, avoidance of the worst of it, may perhaps, help prevent exacerbating some symptoms, for some people but with huge variation amongst individuals and that, in reality, is the best we can hope for but either which way, we are going to suffer.
If you mean the worst of pollution, I do think a bit is possible, not that much.
But it sounds a bit like "everything" / "all symptoms" - and there my experience is entirely different. Not only can I keep many symptoms under control, but I've learnt to not suffer under the remaining ones, although they are debilitating and restrictive. I'm happier, more content than I've ever been and perhaps than many people around me are. Same goes for pollution etc. - I'm extremely conscious of it, but I don't let it get me down or panic. My brain would then be a horse that's bolted. But it's calmed.
am not living a 'Tenko' Starvation Diet life, because I'b be very depressed & miserable about it if I did, which is dangerous for me & one has to be just as aware of one's mental health too.
Ah, so that's what my diet's called, I'd been wondering! 😏
True we need to balance it out. I revel in everything I can eat. The last months it's been shifting to not wanting to eat enough. So I did allow myself more, and am working at a better compromise (atm mainly by putting me above sheep & goats 🐑🐐).
But it's far from concentration camp malnutrition: I have constant unlimited choice.
When my mental health is dangerous for my physical health, I work on it till it isn't.
I may even trying 'flooding' & see if I can cope with the outcome till my body develops some tolerance, worth a try occasionally me thinks.
Didn't me...
There's so many unknowns about MCAS I may even discover an alternative approach that works, who knows.
Well that's exactly what we are all trying: to find our own approach.
Fibro too, but with a little more "agreement" (like sunkacola's advice post).
Anyway, that's my reasoning & am sticking to it, especially as I'm going out for a meal today :)
No regrets, I hope! (I've given it up, cos 1-3 days of gut pain after was never worth it.)
May I ask if you clean your teeth with toothpaste?
Actually I do not use human toothpaste. I use a gel that is designed to be used on dogs. It's called Oratene, and it greatly inhibits the development of plaque. It will with regular use dissolve and soften existing plaque to the point it can be chipped off with a fingernail. I decided to use it myself after I discovered how well it works on my dogs and my veterinarian's tech told me she used it on herself. I detest all human toothpastes and won't use them; have never been willing to use them. I used to brush with just baking soda but the Oratene works better and really doesn't have much of a taste to it at all. I also have a battery operated rechargeable toothbrush and that makes a big difference as well. There's no way that a person can clean their teeth as well by hand as by using one of those.
Hats off to you Sunkacola, you're light years ahead of me!
I have to use Sensitive Toothpaste as my teeth are Sensitive & it really does help with that, I can feel the difference straight away when I use it but how clever of you to find something that actually works via a Vet, in truth I'd likely have more faith in what they advise than my-ever-changing heads, stressed-out, toddler G.P.
PS: Is there a message ability on here, I've looked but can't seem to find one,
I'd very much like to ask you a question but would much prefer to ask it privately, is that possible?
PS: Is there a message ability on here
Click the envelope next to the bell top right, then "start a conversation".
Newbies need to earn a standing here first, but you've long got yours! 👐
I'd very much like to ask you a question but would much prefer to ask it privately, is that possible?
You can just hover your cursor over my name and then click "start conversation" in the little box of options that appears. Or, click the envelope next to the bell in the upper right, as Jay suggests.
You're welcome, I hope that there was some measure of peace over this past weekend for you.
As some of you already know cos I've been on here a while, I was diagnosed with FMS 12+ years ago & now I'm led to believe I also have ME/CFS included in the original diagnosis as 'it's now accepted by the medical profession as quote: All the same thing',
which makes sense as I've got pretty much every manifestation of all of those, not forgetting the IBS.

In fact, I'm taking up such a large portion of the alphabet I may well out-alphabet LBGTQIA+, which imo is getting a bit silly now seeing as sexuality is not & never has been, black & white or even grey but a complex spectrum that may well end up at 'Z' & have to start over again
& whatever happened to not labelling people (?) I'd like to ask but daren't.
But hey, I've digressed
& who am I to question anything of that magnitude, or any magnitude come to that
and now I'll ask my own question, which is...

Has anyone had, or got, experience of Sinusitis & is it linked to any of the above,
or is it more likely a lingering Long Covid symptom,
or is it perhaps, karma?

Seeing as I'm the one who liked to brag that I lived all my life on Pig, Cheese & Chocolate &/or Microwave Ready Meals & Takeaways?
Which is true, or rather it was true.

Now I'm instructed by the NHS Advice List on what I have to avoid as Sinusitis-triggering foods & the migraines etc kick-back if I ignore it...

ie Processed Food including Ready Meals & Takeaways,
Processed Meats including sausage & HAM (eek!!),
Refined Sugar,
and wait for it...
Chocolate (double EEEEEKK!!)

In fact, according to the list, there's very little left I can actually eat but I can't taste anything anyway.

I'll confess, I've never been a flatterer of the Organic/ 'Healthy Eating' school of thought & I'll go so far as to say my viewpoint of all that was disparaging to say the least, seeing as there's no such thing as 'Healthy Eating' once you acknowledge that both the soil & water tables are already massively contaminated.
I just saw it as a money-making con trick & let's be honest, in reality it very often is.

Oh & this tuned-in heart-beat booming that's there all the time now & gets worse at night, when it's often so loud I have to keep on turning the TV/Radio up endlessly, so much so, that the neighbours are starting to complain
but nothing stops it, or the Sinusitis, or the rest of it, not the likes of Asprin or anything else known to man/woman cos I've tried them all,
so there's no escape.
I noted there were a few posts on this, mine included but does anyone know if it's part & parcel of FMS/ME/CFS /Sinusitis?

Anyway, life continues to gather 'challenging' speed & now without the food that comforted me.

In short, I find myself languishing in my very own taylor-made corner of hell,
& I suspect, with good reason, that Karma has targeted me BIG time & who's to say I don't deserve it - oh the irony!
Rhinitis is just another ‘side effect’ of the MMR.
You're welcome, I hope that there was some measure of peace over this past weekend for you.
Aaawh bless you, I tried to have a 'normal' weekend, it was like the 'Curate's Egg' - ie good in parts
but the bads post-eating were bad, still reckon it's worth it once in a while though,
I mean what's the envelope for if it's not for pushing :)
Just had one of my worst nights ever, why is everything always worse at night?!

My head just about expolded with Pulsatile Tinnitus but the only thing I'd had all day that might be suspect was a small amount of Vinegar
and the only Prescription Med I still take every day ie Indapamide,
as I've replaced everything else with Herbal & Supplements etc as recommended for M.C.A.S,

I've looked-into Indapamide side-effects online & it seems to have a vague connection to Tinnitus but only for some people.
& seemingly not as extreme as mine but Pusatile Tinnititus not specifically mentioned.

Consequently, am not sure if Indapamide is contributing to it or not & whether to come off this last prescription Med or not.
Any feed-back/advice on this please?
'Curate's Egg' - ie good in parts
but the bads post-eating were bad, still reckon it's worth it once in a while though,
I mean what's the envelope for if it's not for pushing :)
Hey, I can learn some more expressions! (Heard it long gone I think.) Funny learning that it comes from an old cartoon by George du Maurier and actually meant that we sometimes pretend something is good by saying it's "good in parts", which referring to an egg is ridiculous - whilst for an apple it'd be perfect.
So I hope your weekend was a Curate's Apple, not Egg... 😏

Only thought I'd got an inkling of what 'the envelope' might be before looking it up. Cos I was thinking of pushing one thru the front door. Turns out it's the functional limit of a rocket or plane. Yeah, I wouldn't have got to a happy life if I hadn't've kept pushing. But some things I may have pushed too far to end up this way, dunno for sure. And now it's vital that I know exactly how far I can push the envelope, the backlash needs to be calculated. Whether activity or eating, I don't think it's just the hours directly after, I think long term we can come to more if we reduce these backlashes. I'd even say my eating backlashes are actually more endangering than my activity backlashes....
I'm Old School with such sayings, though not age-wise in self-perception of course lol!
Hence I know a lot of old sayings, though I thought 'pushing the envelope' quite modern but to me modern is the 90's onwards.
Plus, being a Yorkshire person I know a lot of even older ones that go way back,
so that the rest of the world's population stand no chance of understanding, it's like having a secret language :)
Just had one of my worst nights ever, why is everything always worse at night?!
My head just about expolded with Pulsatile Tinnitus but the only thing I'd had all day that might be suspect was a small amount of Vinegar
and the only Prescription Med I still take every day ie Indapamide,
as I've replaced everything else with Herbal & Supplements etc as recommended for M.C.A.S,

I've looked-into Indapamide side-effects online & it seems to have a vague connection to Tinnitus but only for some people.
& seemingly not as extreme as mine but Pusatile Tinnititus not specifically mentioned.

Consequently, am not sure if Indapamide is contributing to it or not & whether to come off this last prescription Med or not.
Any feed-back/advice on this please?
Well, now I'm wondering whether it was an Egg after all, all things considered.

Worse at night I think may be a combination of things, but mainly distraction in the daytime.

If it's MCAS, then it might theoretically be a specific reaction of yours to the Indapamide or one of its excipients. Can't know without trialling its elimination, which wouldn't necessitate staying off it. If you did stay off it you might need a lot of further supps to reduce the blood pressure. Of the supps Hoffman recommends for MCAS, pine bark, magnolia bark and rutin would most do that.
But as you've been taking Indapamide long(?) term, it wouldn't explain why it was so bad yesterday night. So I'd look for other triggers on that day. A tricky job. The weekend may have filled your "bucket" up, and yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back. So I'd keep to the envelope until you're sure of things like this.

Did you do the MCAS questionnaire by the way? And which supp recommendations are you following - have you seen Bruce Hoffman's "natural-treatments-for-mcas" on hoffmancentre?
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Thank you JC.

I made a note to look at Austin Goh's youtube exercises & will add Bruce Hoffman/Hoffmancentre to check out but I struggle with online instructions/information & I have to write everything down so I don't forget, which of course, having Fibro Fog etc, I would!

Plus, have to be careful not to overload myself & be in the right frame of mind to absorb information,
however temporarily lol.

I have been researching on & off since I became aware of having all the symptoms of M.C.A.S.
& results so far are long lists of what food/drinks etc I need to avoid, tragically including Chocolate & Alcohol
& a much much shorter list of what I can eat/drink, which contains very little, if anything, I'd like to eat/drink
& I've been plunged into an even deeper depression having to come to terms with all this & tbh, I don't think I ever will.

Am also grappling with a whole new world of expense, reckon I should buy Shares in Holland & Barrett,
at least the toxic stuff is free, same as the Meds I've attempted to replace as follows...

Vitamin C

Night: Glycine

Last blood tests showed I had zero Folic Acid & got given a prescription but had to buy it since,
though now suspended due to an apparent Kidney risk if taken along with Indapamide (?)

I can't remember why I was put on Indapamide but think it might have been in the midst of the height of personal ongoing trauma,
(along with a lot of other prescription meds) but I don't now have high blood pressure at this present time as far as I know
but it claim to 'widen arteries' which I thought/think might help ease the Pulsative Tinnitus, which could be due to narrowing arteries
& because it's a diruetic which I need as my ankles etc get very swollen, especially at night - there's that night thing again!

So it seems i'm damned if I don't stop it & damned if I do,which is fast becoming a very familiar scenario these days.
Eg. Have to avoid Dairy so swapped to Vegan Milk but it's highly processed & full of additives (?!)
I made a note to look at Austin Goh's youtube exercises
But careful, Austin Goh is just one example, we have to shop around on exercises.
& will add Bruce Hoffman/Hoffmancentre to check out
He I greatly recommend, altho I don't use any of his med recommendations, just the supps.
but I struggle with online instructions/information & I have to write everything down so I don't forget, which of course, having Fibro Fog etc, I would!
Same here, I've got tons all over the place. Then I realized I can't find them quickly if I write them on the forums, so now I make sure I copy them into my digital notes on my laptop specifically for that, neatly sorted into numbered files (one place for all my life areas works best for me, but searching has to work perfectly and the searches on forums don't).
Youtube exercises it's good to try out first, while they're talking and only take notes if you think it's right for you. Just copy the links for future reference. And make sure you change the "filter" (top left or right) to "videos", otherwise youtube limits what we see and tries to distract us.
Hoffman's recommendations are so short and clear, just a list of his A-, B- and C-team of supps, partly with dosage recommendations.
Generally: you're welcome to ask, or for any MCAS details pm me. Some people say everyone should do their own research as part of their self-advocacy. I disagree, I don't think everyone can, praps most people, esp. with our conditions, our fog etc., so it's good to stand on each others' shoulders...
Plus, have to be careful not to overload myself & be in the right frame of mind to absorb information, however temporarily lol.
Oh definitely, don't feel obliged, prioritize as you think. I'm surprised how quickly you're on to MCAS supps already.
I have been researching on & off since I became aware of having all the symptoms of M.C.A.S.
& results so far are long lists of what food/drinks etc I need to avoid, tragically including Chocolate & Alcohol
& a much much shorter list of what I can eat/drink, which contains very little, if anything, I'd like to eat/drink
& I've been plunged into an even deeper depression having to come to terms with all this & tbh, I don't think I ever will.
The researching part I'm sort of glad to hear, if it weren't for the downsides.
I think alcohol is a #1 to stop, if in any way possible. But I personally don't react to
dark chocolate, and maybe you'll be able to start again. Having no choice, cos of reducing sugar for lipids, I have managed, and found 2 sorts that are as tasty to me as milk chocolate, one 70%, one even 85%.
I have 50 things I can eat/drink, but I like most of them. I actually use the SIGHI histamine list to expand to find new things or things I've forgotten. Also I manage to develop my taste for things. Actually, I've lost my enjoyment of normal chocolate, prefer the less sugary taste.
Before diving into all these new things which you don't really "want", "desire" to, it might be more important to delve into the concept of "radical acceptance". That can take the depression, and motivate. The physical side is about compromises and finding our individual ways, and that needs to allow for the mental part. Trying an TCM practitioner in January and diving into her bitter herbs and diet recommendations I quickly ended up with loss of appetite, which later when other things did the same, made me bitter and oppositional. So I had to backtrack and make sure I only do what I really want and am well prepared to do. I have then been able to take on a few more things, but by far not all. Some day I may try it again, but I've found things that seem to be more effective and more suiting and fitting to my life.
Am also grappling with a whole new world of expense, reckon I should buy Shares in Holland & Barrett,
Ah, yes, my 42.. supps in perfect quality now cost me close to 500€/m..., despite self-encapsulating powder in about half. So I'm not saying trying my way will be cheap. It's ironic that my insurance doesn't have to pay much for me any more, after I've left most docs and the physios behind me.
at least the toxic stuff is free, same as the Meds I've attempted to replace as follows...
Day: Quercetin Vitamin C Curcumin Night: Glycine
Just to confuse you further:
My hyperacid stomach doesn't tolerate curcumin, also not normal vit. C, so I use sodium ascorbate, and even that in capsules.
glycine works paradox, it wakes me up, so I took magnesium glycinate in the mornings, now I've switched to magnesium threonate all day. But glycine I haven't got on my list, actually, why do you take it, is it for sleep?
Quercetin generally I've taken high dose since my first jab, but in between, I think after the 2nd jab, I didn't tolerate it, and needed a month or two to wean it back in.
Last blood tests showed I had zero Folic Acid & got given a prescription but had to buy it since, though now suspended due to an apparent Kidney risk if taken along with Indapamide (?)
Yeah, I got a scrip for several things, like D and B12, but then realized the insurance only pays for the cheapest forms, which work badly....
Not sure, but maybe there is something you could take to protect your kidneys. Like I take TMG to protect I think it's my liver from the high dose B3 I'm taking for lipids.
Ah, in TMG the G is glycine.
I can't remember why I was put on Indapamide but think it might have been in the midst of the height of personal ongoing trauma,
(along with a lot of other prescription meds) but I don't now have high blood pressure at this present time as far as I know
but it claim to 'widen arteries' which I thought/think might help ease the Pulsative Tinnitus, which could be due to narrowing arteries
& because it's a diruetic which I need as my ankles etc get very swollen, especially at night - there's that night thing again!
I can see the 2 reasons - that's what you could look for if you stop and then start again.
So it seems i'm damned if I don't stop it & damned if I do,which is fast becoming a very familiar scenario these days.
Eg. Have to avoid Dairy so swapped to Vegan Milk but it's highly processed & full of additives (?!)
Yeah, totally normal, it's about decisions, compromises and ideally finding a 3rd possibility, to not be damned. I don't think my almond milk is much more processed than my dairy, praps it is, but it hasn't any additives, so with these conditions we have to look more and more. To find the perfect supp with only HPMC capsules (vegan), not gelatine, "no" excipients, and cheapest best, I need to compare 10-100, which takes ages (CoQ10... *sigh*). It's a relief I'm thru with that essentially, and can usually rely on my previous research plus any bargains of the cheapest best suppliers. But that's only possible bit by bit.
It's always complicated. But the image of being damned is unhealthy in itself, there we're back to our mental state being fundamental for everything we do physically. Instead of worrying or sorrowing I play this like a game of rummy, calmly, taking my time, and without looking to "win", just looking to get onwards and upwards.
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But careful, Austin Goh is just one example, we have to shop around on exercises.

He I greatly recommend, altho I don't use any of his med recommendations, just the supps.

Same here, I've got tons all over the place. Then I realized I can't find them quickly if I write them on the forums, so now I make sure I copy them into my digital notes on my laptop specifically for that, neatly sorted into numbered files (one place for all my life areas works best for me, but searching has to work perfectly and the searches on forums don't).
Youtube exercises it's good to try out first, while they're talking and only take notes if you think it's right for you. Just copy the links for future reference. And make sure you change the "filter" (top left or right) to "videos", otherwise youtube limits what we see and tries to distract us.
Hoffman's recommendations are so short and clear, just a list of his A-, B- and C-team of supps, partly with dosage recommendations.
Generally: you're welcome to ask, or for any MCAS details pm me. Some people say everyone should do their own research as part of their self-advocacy. I disagree, I don't think everyone can, praps most people, esp. with our conditions, our fog etc., so it's good to stand on each others' shoulders...

Oh definitely, don't feel obliged, prioritize as you think. I'm surprised how quickly you're on to MCAS supps already.

The researching part I'm sort of glad to hear, if it weren't for the downsides.
I think alcohol is a #1 to stop, if in any way possible. But I personally don't react to
dark chocolate, and maybe you'll be able to start again. Having no choice, cos of reducing sugar for lipids, I have managed, and found 2 sorts that are as tasty to me as milk chocolate, one 70%, one even 85%.
I have 50 things I can eat/drink, but I like most of them. I actually use the SIGHI histamine list to expand to find new things or things I've forgotten. Also I manage to develop my taste for things. Actually, I've lost my enjoyment of normal chocolate, prefer the less sugary taste.
Before diving into all these new things which you don't really "want", "desire" to, it might be more important to delve into the concept of "radical acceptance". That can take the depression, and motivate. The physical side is about compromises and finding our individual ways, and that needs to allow for the mental part. Trying an TCM practitioner in January and diving into her bitter herbs and diet recommendations I quickly ended up with loss of appetite, which later when other things did the same, made me bitter and oppositional. So I had to backtrack and make sure I only do what I really want and am well prepared to do. I have then been able to take on a few more things, but by far not all. Some day I may try it again, but I've found things that seem to be more effective and more suiting and fitting to my life.

Ah, yes, my 42.. supps in perfect quality now cost me close to 500€/m..., despite self-encapsulating powder in about half. So I'm not saying trying my way will be cheap. It's ironic that my insurance doesn't have to pay much for me any more, after I've left most docs and the physios behind me.

Just to confuse you further:
My hyperacid stomach doesn't tolerate curcumin, also not normal vit. C, so I use sodium ascorbate, and even that in capsules.
glycine works paradox, it wakes me up, so I took magnesium glycinate in the mornings, now I've switched to magnesium threonate all day. But glycine I haven't got on my list, actually, why do you take it, is it for sleep?
Quercetin generally I've taken high dose since my first jab, but in between, I think after the 2nd jab, I didn't tolerate it, and needed a month or two to wean it back in.

Yeah, I got a scrip for several things, like D and B12, but then realized the insurance only pays for the cheapest forms, which work badly....
Not sure, but maybe there is something you could take to protect your kidneys. Like I take TMG to protect I think it's my liver from the high dose B3 I'm taking for lipids.
Ah, in TMG the G is glycine.

I can see the 2 reasons - that's what you could look for if you stop and then start again.

Yeah, totally normal, it's about decisions, compromises and ideally finding a 3rd possibility, to not be damned. I don't think my almond milk is much more processed than my dairy, praps it is, but it hasn't any additives, so with these conditions we have to look more and more. To find the perfect supp with only HPMC capsules, not vegetarian, no excipients, and cheapest best, I need to compare 10-100, which takes ages (CoQ10... *sigh*). It's a relief I'm thru with that essentially, and can usually rely on my previous research plus any bargains of the cheapest best suppliers. But that's only possible bit by bit.
It's always complicated. But the image of being damned is unhealthy in itself, there we're back to our mental state being fundamental for everything we do physically. Instead of worrying or sorrowing I play this like a game of rummy, calmly, taking my time, and without looking to "win", just looking to get onwards and upwards.
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