Bad day/bad week(s)

@SBee , They're listening to you and trying you on thing's and sending you place's (so that's something?) I have some osteo (but I'm not sure what type of osteo (just osteoarthritis) I was tried on amitripyline a while ago to test (I think it's a muscle relaxant far as i can remember ) I need nerve pain medication more than anything for min, hope it goes well (time will tell, I'm accidentally rhyming again 🙄)
💐😗 💞
@Sueb24 and @Auriel you are both right, it was a positive outcome, just a waiting game for physio. Don't blame you for needing to go private Sue.
Am a bit nervous @Auriel in trying amitriptyline, but I hope it may have an positive affect on the nerve pain.

Atm, as the GP and I agreed with so much going on its a case of trying to tackle one symptom at a time.
He also altered the gastric meds I am on for the hiatus hernia in a bid to reduce the side effects from some current meds. I don't much remember a time in life where going out was to somewhere that didn't actually involve a health issue...🙄
I dont much remember a time in life where going out was to somewhere that didn't actually involve a health issue...🙄
I get you! And the other way around too! (Blooming health issue's stopping the going of somewhere) I'm gonna send lots of lovely light positive energy all over the forum (I'm starting a course in energetics soon, so )
😎 👍🏻 😙
Oh @Auriel in first in the queue if you need someone to practice on please.💖💖
I forget sometimes how a positive and car I g post such as yours can make many of us can get a tiny happy lift.

Feeling your love Auriel and the same back to you 🦄💫😻
Hi @Sueb24 for me I describe the nerve pain as a tingling or fizzy sensation,most felt on my upper back,shoulders and down my arms.occasionally the legs too. It's not as severe as pins and needles in my case. As with most symptoms, it's worse when so am extremely tired or if things have flared up more.
Sorry for the description ' fizzy ' it seems apt for me. So I have begun amitriptyline to try to relieve this symptom a bit if it works. Seems some find it helps, some it doesn't and some find no difference. Giving it a fair trial
May I ask how your nerve pain mostly manifests itself @Auriel and what, if anything, do you find helps with it?
Sure! It's just a horrible nerve pain (I try and explain to people who don't have it/know what it is) as if there ever has nerve pain in the teeth/jaw, it's pretty much all over (hits me hard in my leg's with extreme pain and like a crawling electric sensation) then the fatigue wipes me out (and even small tasks have a bit by bit effect (cos repetition is really hard for me (my muscles hurt a lot, so any day I get some reprieve I'm grateful for) things that help less cold, less stress, leaving sugary/caffeine related drinks alone, less wheat and gluten food's definatly helps, 💖🌈😗
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I don't really blame you for being nervous in trying amitriptyline @SBee, it's a new thing and you don't know if it's gpnna work (or have adverse side effects) I guess all you can do is try? My course starts in November 😊 (hope the cold won't effect me going to) I'm just really into mind body spirit connection. I started a counselling course a few years ago ( we had to practice as counselor/client as part of it ) and one of the girls said she felt energy coming from me during our practice (so I think I might have been sending her prana or chi 😆) there we go , signing off for now (bit of a poor nights sleep,
bit groggy today,blessings 📩 💞 🕊+🍀 )
Amitriptyline can take several weeks or more just get used to, it helps me sleep at least so I stuck with it until the side effects were not so bad.
Thanks @Badger and @Auriel I started the amitriptyline this week, 20mg and can build up slowly. I have already noticed the sleepy effect that carries on into the next day, so will begin to take it earlier and trust it helps sleep when so am supposed to. I can't underestimate the mental and physical positive effects of a good restful Auriel I hope you get back into a decent nights kip soon.

I think courses such as you are going on will benefit you as much as others - you tend to find out more about yourself too. So although you do listen to your own body it may even aid that side more as well. I do genuinely believe in healing thoughts and practices - seen and felt too many things to convince me otherwise! Some of the Old Ways are still used ( whether we recognise them or not ) 🌞💖😻