Have you tried to completely purge your system?
I have had severe pain triggered from things like hormonal birth control.
I had a severe itch reaction once to taking too much vitamin A and too much garlic.
I've had pain from thyroid or vitamin deficiencies.
I feel like garbage when I eat too much processed food, gluten, sugar, etc.
Sometimes doctors mask our symptoms giving us a magic pill to make us feel better.
In reality, sometimes getting back to the basics is a godsend.
Take a month to purge your system and see where you are.
Are you better? If so, maybe start reintroducing stuff to see what you are sensitive to.
Eat only whole grains (no white breads/pastas), only meat and only veggies/fruits for a month.
Cut out all caffeine, medications,, unnatural substances from your diet.
See if you improve.
Also, the more you focus on the pain, the more you will hurt.
Take some time off, pay attention to your sleep habits (get more sleep, and take Yogi bedtime tea to relax yourself enough to sleep)
Cut out TV before bed, it is the worse thing you can do to not get a restful sleep.
Do yoga, do meditation, exercise, clear your head. Listen to music, relax...
All these things will help the chronic pain start to lessen.
I was diagnosed with 3 types of headaches a few years ago.
Turned out that the pain relievers were giving me rebound headaches on the days I wasn't taking them.
Your body doesn't like medications and some medications cause it not to heal.
Some medications will cause withdrawal when you stop taking them, making you feel worse also.
This is all stuff the doctors don't know or can't help you with, because they are trained to push medication, not trained to treat the whole body in a natural way. Visit a trigger point massage therapist, they will help work out the pain points in your body that are holding toxins in. After the therapy, drink lemon water so your body and kidneys send the toxins out of your system.
Eat probiotics and prebiotics (or yogurt) to kill a yeast overgrowth in your body.
Yeast can cause a lot of toxic symptoms also.
Guaifenasin has been thought to cure fibro by purging salicylates and other toxins from your body.
It stopped my fibro pain when I took it regularly also.
Thanks for listening.