Hi all ;-) Just thought I would say that i have been taking amitriptyline for about 20 yrs, at one point when I was really suffering I was taking 100 mg every night & then 10 mg in the morning. I then came off them slowly and gradually got a lot worse, not sleeping, irritable and in pain, cramps worse etc. so I decided with my GP that I should start them again.
Now I only take 50 mg at night about 8 pm, as someone has already suggested, its better taking them early eve as they get chance to wear off by morning and you do not feel so groggy. If I'm having a bad time I do take an extra 20 mg at night and if I dont need to do anything during the day I will take 10 mg am if I need it. I really feel I could'nt do without them now.
I do also take pregabalin 100 mg am & pm which also help a great deal with the pain. Again, I take more if in more pain. I also take quinine Sulphate to help with the cramps which I know are not that good to take & some countries they do not use them at all but as soon as I stop taking them I get hideous cramps. Have tried drinking tonic water with quinine but it tastes horrible & you do need to drink quite a lot of it. Hope this is useful to anyone trying these drugs.