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I'm so glad that you have achieved some results with the the things that you've been doing. Everyone's body is different so I'm sure that dietary changes can help other people as well. Thank you so much for sharing your results.
Hi there Candygirl,
Yes, everything affects people differently, but we must be willing to help ourselves when all other treatments fail or don't help us enough to make life enjoyable again. Therapy helps if you let it help. Lots of people are afraid to share the things that are bothering them, or get upset if they share to much. But I found that sharing and writing things in a journal helped me be willing to go the step further and try the treatments my therapist ordered.

Then there are vitamins and items used for pain and to help fight infection, and keep us mental alert. It is always good to ask your family doctor before using anything that might no work with your regular meds.

Glad you found us and hope this forum helps you manage your fibro symptoms. :)
My mom always felt better when she put lotion on the areas where it affected her. She would also drink green tea everyday, and I'm not sure if it actually helped her, but it calmed her down, and when she was calm she was generally feeling better
There are several types of teas that I drink to calm down. There's vervain and chamomile - both very calming and soothing for the nerves and overall well-being. I also brew my own ginger tea to help improve digestion and to reduce migraines. Then there's lemongrass. I buy them from my local Asian store and chop them up and steep them in hot water for a few minutes. After that, I simply strain and drink it like a herbal tea. It is wonderful for clearing the sinuses and for headaches.
Has anyone tried Zyflamend? It is an organic whole body supplement and is supposed to be excellent for inflammation and pain (or so I read). I just ordered some so I will keep you posted. I am a sucker for reading about other forms of treatment and supplements. I do not think it's healthy to take Savella and Tramadol for the rest of my's gotta be damaging to the liver.
Oh gosh, I admire your determination but personally, don't have the energy to go to those lengths. I know I could improve my diet though. I know my pain might decrease if I were lighter in weight. I eat, especially sweets to gain energy but mostly I gain weight and feel worse. A vegan I could never be.
Tomorrow I am off to Madison, Wis to meet my new rheumo---that will be an enormous effort and I will have to go right to bed when I get home. It will be an all day affair, being out of town and only having one vehicle. Stressing, at the very least but I hope I like this guy and I hope he can give me some answers!Starting over, I will be giving the answers, the same answers I have given with two previous rheumo's. (husbands job changes, diff insurance).
I try not to complain every time I move. It's hard to hold it in but I am sure it gets tiresome for the people in my life--I think they get immune to it. I keep a journal, as well, but it 's filled with complaints, I've noticed, not good reading.
I watched my brother-in-law grimace and groan for twenty years until I wanted to stay away from him---I am ashamed to admit this.That's karma for you---now I'm the grimacer, the complainer.
Going to the rheumo tomorrow, should I ask him about this drug? I need something besides vicodin for pain. I long ago stopped worrying about the addiction properties of it because my pain is so intense, I need something. I have also taken plaquinel for many years, gabapentin---throw in aspirin and blood pressure meds. Yikes.
I was just reading an article in an old magazine and it talked about the use of bone meal tablets to help with pain. The woman who wrote in said she took 362 mg, and 9-12 tablets daily and it helped stop her arthritis pain.

Another person said that took brewer's yeast tablets up to 9 a day to stop her migraine-type headaches. And another woman said taking vitamin C & B complex vitamins helped her with female issues of pain and inflamation, and itching. Another said that eating a fresh garlic clove chopped up fine and washed down with water helped her with cystitus problems.

The article said that a deficiency in vitamin A, can cause difficulty seeing in dim light or even adjusting to dim light after being in bright light. It says a healthy persons liver can store enough vitamin A to last a year, and any deficiency problem does not happen over night but can develop over time from stress of a diease or a poor appetite.

Like a deficiency of thiamine (B1), can cause neuritis, which manifests itself as tenderness in the calf of the legs or muscle weakness, cramping or tingling sensations, or other odd abnormalities. Thiamine deficiency can also cause swelling begining in the feet and legs and moving upward.

Any idea of a deficiency should be dicussed with your doctor and then if no probem is mentioned try to improve it with diet before taking vitamin pills to reduce the chance of side effects. :)
I find this very interesting. I myself had the test. I just got the results and found I have a sensitivity to eggs myself. I am finding this very hard to adjust since everything we all tend to enjoy has some form of eggs in it. I also have a sensitivity to citrus and dairy. Thank God for groups like these and the internet. It helps me to be able to get ideas on recipes, and just hearing that I am not alone out there struggling to make my life less pain and getting on with life helps.

Thanks for sharing!
I was just reading an article about an English lady that had contracted breast cancer, and the usual chemotherapy treatment was not helping her. Her husband had just returned from a trip to China, and some friends had sent her some herbal remedies to try. As they laughed about this, saying if that was the treatment, no wonder that Chinese women didn't get cancer, it suddenly hit her the truth of that question, and she started think gin about it. She began researching the difference in diets, since cancer is basically non-existent in China, and soon realized that the Chinese to not use dairy products.
Dairy is one of the thingsthat many adults cannot digest properly , even though we are encouraged to use them for their health benefits.
I have been wondering, after reading this article, and her amazing cur from her cancer simply by eliminating dairy, if it might not also help with other illnesses, and possibly fibromyalgia , as well ?
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