Advise on applying for Disability

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Another thing to consider is getting a copy of your SS earnings report and seeing how many work credits you have. If you are older and have worked many years then you no doubt have enough work credit point earnings toward disability income. If you are younger you might need to apply for SSI due to lack of enough credits. By getting your earnings report you will have this information at hand and be better prepared to know which one or to apply for. Sometimes in knowing this you can find out how much your monthly check would be should you apply for SSD.
Getting on the SS website, you need to create your profile. Once that is done, 1Sweed is correct, it will tell you if you have enough credits or not. If you do, it will also tell you how much you would get if you are determined to be disabled. If you have children, it's 50% of your disability income on top of what you qualify for. That part is pretty straightforward. Although, I don't know if it is 50% in total, or per child.

I did not see 20/20. I wonder if they have it on on-demand. I'll have to look......
yes I saw that show and to see those bozos out there like the guy who was one disability was actually one of the hamsters dancinfor the Kia car commercial and the guy who was out singing in the band and waiving his arms in all directions where supposedly his disability was his arms. That is why I was told by 2 attorneys that we have get in line for every little dude who claims to have a disability. I too just wish some celebrity would get out in front of this and tell the world the truth about FMS. there is a petition going on for that lame commercial with the lady who walks around a circus. We are lucky we can walk 30 feet and a lot of people can't tolerate Lyrica. Good Luck to all.
Get copies of all your doctors records and make sure there are no errors or omissions. You can apply in person and give them all your doctors' records at the same time.....they are required to accept them. Make sure you take copies, put your name and SS# on every page. You can get the necessary forms off the SS web site. When you are denied, that is when you get an attorney. Most attorneys require that you are denied before they will accept your case. That is because they are eligible to receive up to $6,500 of your back pay.
Susie, could I ask if here in Ontario it would be better to go through a lawyer, or do you think it will be enough to fill out the forms well and apply? I live in a remote area (Prince Edward County) so finding a lawyer might be a challenge. I would appreciate any advice!
I hope you will get the assistance you deserve, Lana. Would some one on this forum be able to let me know where I go to apply? (in Canada). Is it online? Thanks so much!
Everyone that has worked their butt off and has ended up with firbro, should apply for SSDI. You earned it and u are entitled to it.

I remember feeling so guilty when I applied for SSDI. Many rude and ugly comments were made. People said this was all in my head (ex-husband).
I went ahead with it and filled out all the forms and boom!, I was approved without an attorney. I had mixed feeling and still felt very guilty like I was cheating the system, dad (40 yrs on the railroad) said to me, "you and I have worked very hard and the government did not feel guilty when they were taxing for SSI or SSDI. Its yours and you paid in to it and so have I. Now dont spend that 800.00 a month all in one place". The small amount of SSDI I get, barley covers my gas and groceries for the month but it does help. My current husband of course works full time, we struggle but we are happy and my fibro is under control.
Hi, I live in Ontario as well. I have a am on a medical retirement and receiving long term disability. I have been very lucky in that way.
You are talking about disability from the province... You need to be very very persistent. I know for a fact that they will turn you down the first time. You may have to (what is the word.... brain fog....) of yes, appeal. DO SO! don't be intimidated. Get as much back up as you can from as many doctor's as you can. Rheumatologists, neurologists, family doctor, anyone. keep adding to the file and that will help so much!
Let me know how you do! I wish you the best of luck!

Hi Suzie, this info is helpful - do you mind if I ask you where you go online to apply? I'm in Ontario as well - in Prince Edward County. Thank you so much!:wink:
Stefanious, I'm from the US, but I was curious for you so I just typed in "Canadian Disability Benefits" on the internet and it brought up the information you need. It looks like they will accept hard copies that you print from the website, sign and mail in. I didn't go into what forms, but the website tells you which forms and provides them to you as well.....I hope this is helpful. Good luck....
Well I was denied, I went to a Lawyer who told me it will cost me to much money to have Lawyer fees and Doctors letters. She told me it would be more better for me financially to appeal it myself. She was willing to do it , if I was willing to pay. I think I will fight this appeal my self because I may not receive that much money back if I win.
Lana, I stumbled on a website that might be able to help you. Sounds like they have a lot of good information related to fibro and disability benefits. It's called the Disability Digest. I still have a lot to read, but what I've read so far seems very helpful. Also, I would consider contacting another attorney. What I found (because I called several before submitting my US application) is that there are a huge variety of assistancce out there. Some will help from the start but others want you to have been denied several times before they will step in. Granted I'm talking about the US Disability, but I would imagine it would be the same for Canada. Good luck and let me know if you find it helpful. ]

I will do anything I can to help you girlfriend! I'm still working on mine. I actually got a mental assessment on Saturday. Sounds like I'll hear something within a few weeks on where the process goes next. I'm still hopeful. I have years of documented health issues. I'm praying that works in my favor because I can't go back. My body is done.....Take care....Prayers sent your way.....Hugs....Terbaer
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My link was not advertisement for profit, but assistance.....:?
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I applied in Aug. 2014 and I just rec'd a phone call that I was denied, followed by a letter in the mail. I will appeal it now. Wish you luck with yours. :)
Hi, I live in Ontario as well. I have a am on a medical retirement and receiving long term disability. I have been very lucky in that way.
You are talking about disability from the province... You need to be very very persistent. I know for a fact that they will turn you down the first time. You may have to (what is the word.... brain fog....) of yes, appeal. DO SO! don't be intimidated. Get as much back up as you can from as many doctor's as you can. Rheumatologists, neurologists, family doctor, anyone. keep adding to the file and that will help so much!
Let me know how you do! I wish you the best of luck!
I hope it's ok I ask you a question - are these forms online somewhere? I visited my doctor yesterday and complained about inability to work, but it's actually a nurse practitioner that I saw and she didn't offer any information (she's quite young - perhaps she doesn't know). Any information you have would be great - I really want to initiate the process soon. Thank you so much! Stephanie
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