Hi Catherine!
Gosh, what a story. I completely empathize with you and your experience with doctors. And I want to thank you for your story as well, because it really hadn't occurred to me that the doctor was setting out unattainable goals for me in order to be able to blame me.
Now, I don't know if that is what my doctor is doing with me, but just even knowing that this is a possibility kind of lifts the heavy weight of failure off my shoulders. Obviously, your doctor was setting you up for failure, perhaps even on purpose, and he was clearly blaming you, which in my mind is totally unprofessional not to mention lacking in the caring that doctors are supposed to have......but all too often do not.
the truth is, doctors are not trained how to be truly human with their patients - how to admit they don't know, or admit they were wrong. They are trained to act as if they were gods, and in part that may be necessary in order for them to do their jobs, I don't know. Being a doctor must be hard, and no doubt they have to harden themselves somewhat. But to lay blame on a patient the way yours did, when clearly you were doing your best.......to call a patient a liar.....that is just wrong.
Like Medicmurphy, I would welcome hearing about how you are doing now, Catherine, and if anything is helping you. I am still trying to get back to exercising. I stopped because I developed a horrible stiff neck, and now even though that is better it is hard to get myself to start again because the temperature is so high it doesn't make one really want to exercise! but.....I feel a bit like a failure because I told myself I was going to work out three to five days a week for a month to see if it helped, and I failed to do that. <sigh>