
  1. M

    Fibro or not fibro

    After 4 years of a diagnosis and countless medication attempts to feel better I feel hopeless instead. Seriously.... I have 3 kids also and im 29. I want answers and I dont feel like I dont have fibro. I get fevers, joint pain, I have recurrent uveitis which in its self is very painful. I am...
  2. NikkiNash

    Diagnosed 2 days ago

    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 days ago. It feels unreal, but in a way... A relief. Doctors have brushed it off as me over exerting myself, picking up my son too much and all kinds of other stuff. I finally after a year of trying to find out what was wrong with me; I started...
  3. NikkiNash

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 days ago

    Hello to you all! I will start of be introducing myself. My name is Nikki. I'm a mother of a 18 month old little boy and engaged to a hard working man. I am originally from Nashville, Tennessee (born and raised) and 2 years ago moved to Elizabethtown , Ky. I have yet to make any friends while...
  4. Tessie

    Just a vent about my current severe fatigue...

    I am in week 3 of severe fatigue. I had to stop working this past February. Fortunately these days my biggest concern is getting to my doctor's appointments, and I've been making myself get to them. But I hate that almost every other waking moment, I feel like a giant magnet is pulling me...
  5. M

    New to the Group, not new to FM

    Hello everyone, I've been reading some posts the other day and wanted to pop my head in and say hi! My name is Mel and I live in the northwest suburbs of IL. I am happily married now for over 13 years and have 2 beautiful children... one is biologically mine, and the other one is adopted. My...
  6. J

    Sunday Moan and Groan

    I have had sustained widespread burning, aching pain since Wednesday of this week. This is the longest period of fibro pain that I can ever remember having. Any exertion on any muscle in my body (other than walking and showering) causes the pain to intensify. I am taking my tramadol (50mg)...
  7. D

    New Member

    Hello,,,,, my name is Diane & I was diagnosed with Fibro. about 12 yrs. ago, but the start of Fibro started 6 yrs. before that. I'm 56 yrs. old, working part time & looking forward to chatting & learning from others. Glad to be in the company of other Fibro. folks.
  8. P

    Considering to stop working

    As I mentioned in my intro thread, my colleague was diagnosed just some months ago, she's feeling really tired, she has a hard time sleeping and she gets bone troubles often. What would be your advice, should she stop working or it depends on how she feels?
  9. M

    Hello from Canada

    Hi there. I am in my mid 40's from western Canada. I was diagnosed 4 years ago, with a significant decline in the last 6 months . I am really struggling on whether to continue working or not. Financially it would be very difficult . And then there is also the " what to do all day" question.
  10. K


    Hello everyone. !st I want to say I really appreciate having this place to come to where people actually understand what it is like to have fibro. NO ONE in my family has a clue or has ever shown any interest in trying to understand. I have had this for many many years. The last year of...
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