
  1. E

    Heelllooo :)

    I just wanted to say hi to everyone and introduce myself :smile: I am newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis in October after an earlier diagnosis of an auto disease diagnosis of uveitis in July of this year. I won't lie, it's been a rough few months and I am really working...
  2. E

    missing work becoming depressing

    Every time I call out of work I break down crying. It breaks my heart that 1, I cannot SAFELY do my job (as a home health nurse) due to fatigue and mental fog, 2, I cannot be reliable for families who depend on me, 3, I'm losing out of the rewards of caring for others, which is in and of itself...
  3. T

    No one understands

    I was diagnosed 3 - 3 1/2 years ago and work a highly stressful job. So far i've been on 3 short term disability leaves. The last one was due to the stress building up to the point where I ended up in the hospital with Pancreatius. I have to call out of work so much that i'm surprised I still...
  4. Ryan88

    Extreme Sensitivity to stimulants

    I have a problem: I am drastically sensitive to any stimulants. I've always been very affected by even tiny amounts of caffeine (although that didn't stop me from consuming a lot of it in college, probably to my detriment). The "high" really brings me up, but with that I also get very irritable...
  5. F

    Please help this scared future caregiver!

    Moderators: I apologize for the repost. With 230 views and no replies, I think my old post was just too long. Please feel free to delete it. Hello. Please help me. I need your help. Please forgive the long post, but know that I am grateful for your time. My girlfriend of three years was...
  6. F


    Hi. I'm new here, wanted to just go to a place where I can relate and possibly learn of any new and helpful coping strategies. I am currently taking one wellbutrin in the morning as well as celebrex, and then 2 paxil at night along with flexeril if needed, and / or Tylenol 3s as needed. This...
  7. J

    Just feeling overwhelmed..

    :(These last few weeks have been a bear...dealing with knee pain ....dealing with a change in pain meds...and now facing my husband leaving for a job 2 1/2 hours out of town for 9 months... Now my husband's job move would not be so bad as I can visit him on the weekends or he can come home if...
  8. R

    weaning off cymbalta

    Okay, I've been weaning off Cymbalta without any of the reported nastiness; thank-you Lord; in order to try Sam E or 5 htp instead. Has anyone used either of these to any success? I'm not generally a depressive person, until the pain gets real bad. And I (hope) I'm done grieving for the life...
  9. B

    Fibro or lupus? Now i know

    Hello everybody Well I have been stressed out and had one heck of a month so far! After being sick for approx. 10 years off and on I finally got fed up and refused anything less than a diagnosis and I finally got it today! I have LUPUS! When I first saw this new rheumy she said, "well I think...
  10. Forgetmenot


    weil don't take a lot of working out I no lol,just feel like a good old moan, I always has a great sex live and drive , now most days my mind says yes and my body says noooooo. I no hugging and kissing helps but it's me who's fed up with having to pick and choose if I can or can't. I hate not...
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