
  1. T

    need help any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Hey guys, Hope everyone is well. I have reached my twelve months of troubling symptoms and still no answer to a diagnoses, been cleared of MS, ALS so thought maybe i would see if any of these symptoms appear in fibromyalgia..i am a 28 year old male... symptoms: I have lots of pain signalling...
  2. S

    Need help! Looking for answers/advice

    Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to read into this thread. I am an 18 year old girl looking for any type of help or advice. I've been struggling with symptoms of something that so far I have not gotten any answers for. I do not know if I have fibromyalgia, but I have done a little...
  3. B

    Uncomfortable skin/cold sweats

    So...after years of misdiagnosis and being treated like a drug seeker I was finally diagnosed with Fibro. I am a male and thought my pains were due to sports injuries, and a very bad auto accident. I get epidurals every 3 months and take hydrocodone x3 daily for a pair of slipped discs and...
  4. V

    Yatahey My name is Valerie

    I have been suffering with pain now going on 3 years. Yesterday I was told that I have Fibromyalgia. I've take almost every pill under the sun for the pain and nothing is working. I am taking up to 900mg of Gabapentin, 4500 mg of Salsalate, and 975mg of Hyrocodiene per day. It was helping for...
  5. L

    waiting for diagnosis, lots of questions

    I'm currently waiting on a diagnosis. My doctor seems sure I have either fibro or CFS, but will not diagnose me cuz that's not her field of expertise, and she said its too easy to get a false negative if you're not an expert at putting the pieces together. So, now I wait for a referral, but its...
  6. R

    medicaid issues and looking for alternatives or advice...

    I'm in the very beginning stages from being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am still trying to figure out a lot of things and one of them is medicine. So far, medicaid will not pay for any of the meds my doctor would prefer to start me out with; Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Savella, have all been...
  7. Trellum

    Green tea supplement

    I recently started taking a green tea extract (a 400 mg one) in shape of a small capsule :) So far it seems this extract is helping me to feel way more awake and with way more energy! Plus it really seems I'm starting to lose weight faster! I'm trying to workout 3 days a week (2 days a week...
  8. S

    No doctor wants to touch me...

    Hi everyone! I feel like shit today! I'm about to lose my job and I feel so useless. I can't even get a diagnostic on CFS/Fibro... I've seen like 10 doctors in 3 weeks and nobody wants to help...I'm too young to be hurting is what they usually say. I'm honestly thinking about death a lot. Hell...
  9. 1sweed

    Got A Recipe To Share

    Often times we just don't realize how much our diets can contribuite to our over all health unitl a visit to the doctor shows us our weight on that scale or our bloodwork is not so good. I had a wake-up call this past week concerning both. And part of it was really my fault or eating foods that...
  10. trayne91

    New here

    Hi everyone. New to the group. Hoping to learn from the more experienced. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last May after about 8 years of symptoms. After going gluten free, many side effects subsided, but many did not or only improved, but did not get completely better. I ended up in...