
  1. K

    Found some research about fibro I wanted to share!

    Hey guys! This is not spam, I promise! So I found some information about fibromyalgia that I really wanted to share with everyone... I know most of us research our behinds off, but sometimes we don't see some of the good stuff... I know people are always curious about new research being...
  2. A

    Tired ALL the time, fibro?

    I have had fatigue off and on for 2-3 years and I occasionally have pain in my joints and feel flu like. Lately, I feel this way more often than not. I have had my thyroid checked several times lately because I have several of the typical hypo symptoms such as constipation, weight gain...
  3. C

    New to the site

    Hi, I have not been officially told I have anything yet. My fingers are crossed"kinda" that I just have a viral infection. Three weeks ago I went to Bali. Returned home with a gastro-infection that lasted about 4 days. About six days later I developed a bladder infection. On the mend from...
  4. C

    MS or fibro?

    Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago and have a history of anxiety, and depression. I have had weird symptoms my whole life and now I feel debilitated. I used to be a weight lifter/fitness enthusiast who always worked out. Now I can hardly get to the store. I am...
  5. L

    Anyone Taking Fetzima? Gone to Mayo?

    I have been taking fetzima for a couple weeks now. I am up to 80mg and I have noticed that I have been very irritable and still depressed. I also have been experiencing painful ejaculation and hesitation for a few minutes before I can urinate. I also take Ritalin twice a day and 6mg of lorazepam...
  6. 1sweed

    Stress Relief Diet

    Does anyone remember seeing or trying this diet. It appears to me it could be helpful in more ways then one. What do you think? The Stress Diet Breakfast: 1/2 of a grapefruit 1 Slice Whole-wheat toast 8 oz Skim milk Lunch: 4 oz Broiled Chicken Breast 1 cup steamed Spinach 1 cup Herbal Tea 1...
  7. Trellum

    Feeling so confused

    Just yesterday I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, I went to see the gastroenterologist today to discuss the results. Well... it was a complete nightmare! This doctor I had never ever seen before left me with even more questions than answers! It turns out I have a massive hiatal hernia, but...
  8. E

    My Doc Gave me Homework...Help!

    So the day finally came for me to go and get my blood work results and talk about treatment options today. First, my blood work came back normal and negative for the list of test run to rule out autoimmune diseases and other illness that could be causing my chronic fatigue and pain. Big relief...
  9. K

    McGill pain scale & fibromyalgia.

    Hey everyone! Thought I'd share some information and also see other opinions about this topic. I haven't seen it anywhere else in the forum so I thought I'd bring get it up! I recently was doing some research, and came across some new information (at least it was new to me) about the...
  10. T

    New to Forum

    Hi Everyone. So glad there is a forum available. I'was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia many years ago. Now with OA, Sjogren's, Hoshimotos, lupus(skin), lumbar stenosis.... The fibro is definitely the major contributor to my issues. I was lucky enough to be approved for disability 3 years ago and...