
  1. S

    Vitamin success stories

    I know that doctors won't prescribe vitamins, but that's because they don't research or study them. It isn't in their profession to do so, because they do not study nutrition. But loads of research since the late 1800's has proven that vitamin and nutrient deficiencies along with too much...
  2. M

    Greetings Earthings!

    After nearly 20 years of having fibro, I figured I needed some fellow support. Since no one in my family knows what it's like, it's hard for them to understand, as you all well know. A little background. I have been married nearly 22 years and have three children - 20, 19, and 16. I'm also a...
  3. J

    Can't find a doc!

    Hi everyone, First off my thanks to all you fellow sufferers, may you have a pain free day! I was diagnosed with fibro in 1989, got SSD on the first try, which as many of you know it is not easy to do. It has been a long road but found a Rheumy about 15 years ago who finally prescribed...
  4. Y

    Does stretching Help?

    I was just wondering are there any people on here that stretch on a daily basics? If so, does it have an immediate impact on helping relieve the pain caused by fibromyalgia? My father is a huge health buff and he's into yoga and taking lots of vitamins and minerals to help get through the...
  5. R

    New to the title but not the pain

    In the beginning, (6years or so ago), was Graves disease which nearly killed me before I killed it, (radioactive iodine). And, as in the program HEE HAW, they used to sing, "Deep dark depression, excessive misery." It took 4 docs and 3 years to get it regulated. And it was the worst pain by far...
  6. Z

    Golden Sea Cumber helps fibromyalgia ?

    Hello ! I am 60 years old. I am new to this forum, but unfortunately not new to fibro. I `ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9-10 years ago, but was experiencing all those symptoms for many years before that . I was having pain in the muscles of my legs and arms. Then I start having pain...
  7. K

    Hi from MO

    Hi there. I'm Kalli, 28 from Missouri. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Syndrome at the age of 26. It's been thought I've had it all my life. The 27th of this month I had serotonin syndrome that sent me to the hospital. My doctor is weaning me off of Cymbalta to put me on Savella...
  8. J

    Is there anything new on the horizon?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. Just venting. More than 23 years of Fibro pain, IBS, CFS and in the last year Chondromalacia in knees. I work full-time, no sick time left so I'm docked, sometimes I've been on short-term disability. I just do everything to work, but don't really live...
  9. S

    Why do I feel so bad all the time? Could I have fibro?

    Hi all. I am new here and basically looking for a sounding board. I don't know what to ask/tell my doctors, or what kind of doctor I should possibly be seeing so I guess I'm looking for guidance in those areas. I really feel like there is possibly something wrong with my health. I cringe...
  10. A

    Finally found help

    I have FINALLY found some relief from my fibromyalgia. I am so thankful for it and I just want to be able to share with all of those out there suffering with it. I tried many different medications that didn’t really help much and the side effects were so horrible that after a few years and much...