
  1. T

    Advice for insomnia / staying asleep?

    Besides the pain, actually being able to go or stay asleep has been a HUGE issue for me. At first I stayed up until the early mornings (I'm talking 6 or 7) And then it changed to being able to fall asleep but only getting 5 hours. I recently got prescribed ambien and it seems to help. I try not...
  2. T

    How many is to many?

    I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing with me how many medications they take a day. Between my vitamins and the number of times a day I have to take certain medications I am taking 22 pills a day. That seems excessive to me. So I was just wondering if that was high...
  3. P

    anyone have anemia plus fibro

    Was recently diagnosed as having anemia after routine blood work with my GP. I had been feeling even MORE fatigued and made of lead prior to that ... and thought maybe it was a fibro flare. He put me on iron pills right away, and said a colonscopy is needed to see if there's any intestinal...
  4. S

    Supplements that I presume have helped

    Over the past month I've added some vitamins/supplements sporadically; not daily, but on a fairly regular basis. I'm going to outline what I've taken, and what I've seen improvements in. Q-nol CoQ10 - 1-2x per week Solgar B-50 complex - 1x per week store brand Vitamin D3 1,000mg - apprx. 3-4x...
  5. D


    Just got a few blood results back, lab messed up 2 of my 8 viles though. Anyone else hear about this MTHFR gene mutation? MTHFR produces enzymes from B vitamins, Folic Acid, I think. First i've ever heard of it, apparently it's very prevelant, something around 60 percent of population has a...
  6. N

    Need doc in north east

    I am new to this forum. Very happy to have found it. I was diagnosed over ten years ago. I gave my full story under the new member thread. Anyway, I am having a very difficult time with the pain, fatigue and brain fog for quite some time now. I have been to several specialists who have now...
  7. S

    New to the Forum

    Hello everyone - I’ve just been recently diagnosed, but have known for several years that I probably had fibro. My mom has it and was disabled because of it and she had seen symptoms developing in me. At her request, I went to see a doctor about it and he was none too happy that I was telling...
  8. W

    Vitamin D Experiment

    I've heard a lot lately about Vitamin D helping at least some of those who have Fibromyalgia, so I'm embarking on an experiment. I can't afford costly lab work to test my pre-experiment Vitamin D level, but I'm pretty sure it's low to non-existent. I've taken it in the past and it has seemed to...
  9. E

    titles are hard, being sick sucks.

    good morning. i'm new to the forum. diagnosed in june 2015 but it's likely i've had it for about two years. had what now appears to be a flare a year and a half ago, lasting about 7 months. this current one started in march. the fatigue is ridiculous, the pain in the joints sometimes makes me...
  10. R

    Protinex Junior - for Fibromyalgia?

    Hi, I am from India and I today came across Protinex Junior(it has got other forms as well and also I can see its advertisement on tv as well), it contains everything that people are recommends here(magnesium, calcium, lots of vitamins infact all of them with many minerals), has any1 tried it...