
  1. M

    23 with severe pain...not sure how to go about this. Help?

    I am the mother of a 2 year old son and expecting my 2nd son just after my 23rd birthday in May. I have been dealing with severe pain for many years and just figured everyone had to endure this. I never went to a doctor about it because I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't in pain. A...
  2. N

    New to the forum and not yet diagnosed

    Hi everyone, I'm currently taking a semester off from my university due to what my doctor suspects to be fibromyalgia pains as we just recently ruled out brain structure abnormalities with a CT scan (with and without contrast) and my blood work was normal besides a positive ANA test. I have a...
  3. M

    Sleep study tomorrow, what should I expect?

    My insurance finally approved my sleep study. I go tomorrow night. They didn't tell me a whole lot except to wash my hair but not to put conditioner in my hair:-? Which is funny because I have super thick super long hair that is going to be snarled mess if I don't use some conditioner, and to...
  4. M

    Have had symptoms for years

    I have had symptoms of fibromyalgia for years. 10-15. It crept up on me slowly. First was the fatigue, but I had just had a baby so they ran a bunch a blood test to see if my hormones were out of wack, etc nothing showed up so they just told me I needed to let my body recover. I also...
  5. C

    bad times

    Hi, new here. I have been reading posts here. Seems to be a constant thread, pain, Doctors and no one understands. Which is all true. I get dismissed by everyone family friends, medical, work. I didn't ask for this, Had a back injury at work that I just couldn't get a handle on , I was sent to...
  6. E

    My Doc Gave me Homework...Help!

    So the day finally came for me to go and get my blood work results and talk about treatment options today. First, my blood work came back normal and negative for the list of test run to rule out autoimmune diseases and other illness that could be causing my chronic fatigue and pain. Big relief...
  7. I

    So Complicated

    This having fibro really really sucks. I am now trying to find a new doctor to treat me. The neurologist that has been treating me for the past 3 years apparently doesn't want me as a patient anymore. He didn't say as much but when I saw him over 2 weeks ago he really gave me the impression...
  8. Trellum

    Nauseated so badly!

    I just need to vent a bit, guys. Right now there is a big chance I might be pregnant, I took a home preg test and it showed a faint line. I was going to the lab today get a more reliable test (blood one), but I couldn't so will have to wait until tomorrow! The waiting is killing me and my...
  9. D

    Wondering if it's possible

    Hello, I'll try to keep this brief. But I am a 23 y/o male that came down with debilitating symptoms last year in September after living a totally healthy lifestyle and exercising often. My illness definitely felt like an "attack" of some sort. Let me know if anyone can relate to this or if it...
  10. L

    An Actual Diagnosis

    So after a few failed attempts to see different Rheumatologists I finally found one willing to see me. He took the time to really listen to everything I had going on and all of the appointments I've already had. He asked a ton of questions and actually listened to the answers. I was in his...