
  1. S

    Hello Fibro Community

    I would like to take a minute and introduce myself to the Fibro forum. I have suffered with Fibro for twenty six years and did not know it. I spent years trying to find a diagnosis which made me appear as a hypochondriac. Last December I went to Pennsylvania Hosp where a Neurologist diagnosed me...
  2. A

    Sick of being sick...

    It seems as if so many conditions are so closely related it is hard to determine which one or combinations one may have. Several years ago I went to my doctor and I told him I was tired all the time, he gave me some stimulants and told me it would restart my system and that I needed to change...
  3. N

    Lymph nodes

    I haven't been given the official dignosis yet. I'm a 26 year old female. A year and a half ago all m lymph nodes became swollen. I had body aches, headaches, frequent urination, restless leg, brain fog. I had 100's of test done at first they thought I had lymphoma (blood work was fine and no...
  4. S


    hi everyone, I have not been diagnosed with FM but many other possibilities have been excluded so I'm feeling like I'm getting down to the wire. I've been browsing a bit and so many of the stories I read are familiar. Today is a good day, but I've had many ups and downs, and it feels like every...
  5. R

    I'm new to this site but I need some advice.....

    I am a 28 year old male who on 5/16/2014 packed out truck at work. I work for cvs. On 5/17/2014 I woke up with pins and needle in my right arm and fingers. It would constantly come and go until 5/23/2014, when again on truck day I felt my whole arm go numb. I rushed to the er who diagnosed me...
  6. F

    get checked for gluten intolerance

    I had all the symptoms: brain fog, tiredness, headaches, depression, joint pain, muscle pain and colitis (IBS) and was eventually diagnosed with FM. Then I found out that celiac disease has the same symptoms. I had a blood test but I passed it, however, I tried out a gluten free diet anyway and...
  7. J


    New to group, not new to fibromyalgia, been Dxed for almost 20 years, I had several good years with mild problems, the about 5 yrs ago started having real bad dizzy spells, doc did MRI and have Lesions on my brain, went to Neuro doctor and after a year of test I lost count on the tubes of blood...
  8. P

    New to Site but NOT New to Fibro or Pain

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... sorry, I could not resist. That is just one of my other conditions rearing its head, StarWarsNerd-itis. Hey, we have to find something to laugh about, right? Anyway, I guess this is my Fibro story... I was always an active kid. I mean, I had my share...
  9. I


    I have been having a problem with dizzy spells from time to time. They don't last very long..a moment or two but come on very suddenly when I least likely expect it. Does anyone else have a problem with dizziness? I also have a constant ringing in my right ear so recently went to an ENT...
  10. M

    considering causes of fibromyalgia and FSC

    Hi everyone. I want to ask a question that I hope all will reply to. How many of you smoke? I ask because I have been developing some developing symptoms to my fibro diagnosis and I have all the time in the world to search for possibilities of the cause of this hideous disorder. I have...