
  1. D

    Finally I know what's wrong with me

    Hi I am new to all this but have had Fibro for many years but just didn't know it til it progressed badly. I have been seeing different doctors for different ailments for years with no answers. Gastro docs...ortho docs...mri's with spine with panic attacks where I thought I was...
  2. B

    New Member

    Hello, I was diagnosed with FM in June 2013 after a long battle with trying to figure out what was wrong. I had back surgeries in 2006 and 2008. I felt much better for a while. Then the pain was increasing again and spreading around. Parts that never used to hurt started hurting. I thought I...
  3. D

    New here

    Hi all, I was diagnosed in December and I am still trying to adjust.I have a job that was very physical and could no longer preform the duties. I have had a series of appointments and come up with the same answers. I am finally accepting the diagnosis of fibromyalgia but my mom is wanting me to...
  4. W

    22 and FMS --- Everyday is just getting worse

    Hello, thank you for reading my thread. I just don't know what else to do. I can talk to my family and friends about what I am going through, but no one really knows what I am going through. I was diagnosed with Fibro close to a year ago. Along with Fibro, I have Sjogrens Syndrome, Chronic...
  5. M

    Hello , ı am Ece

    Hello everyone, ı am 32 years old. ı found this site tonight, its not an known illness in my country. So... My history starts in 2011,november. After a travmatic stress. First ı had chest pressure and neck burning and muscle hurt. After 2-3 months later ı visited doctor. They said its...
  6. C

    I wish we didn't need this...

    Hi everyone! My name is Crystal. I unfortunately was diagnosed with Fibro in November. I kinda knew I would eventually be diagnosed with fibro because my mom has been suffering with it for 10+ years. I have been going through some sort of illness for the last five years. If it wasn't some...
  7. J

    Too Stressed for words

    So, they say stress kills and I fully believe that. It has certainly made me more sick than I would probably be without it. So, what do you do when the stress is so much, but you have no real options to eliminate it? I know that is vague and it's because it's a long story. My family situation...
  8. twiztc

    i had a melt-down!

    Since all the stupid weather and Christmas stress started the weekend before Christmas I have not been in a good way at all. I know i occasionally have flare-ups but this was the mother of them all and it still is with me. I'm normally a very mild mannered person, yes things piss me off but i...
  9. T


    So thankful that Christmas is over with, but this year was by far the most stressful one yet. Got double charged by a store for an order and they are not wanting to refund me for where they messed up, done an online order for items for my kids and never got it (matter of fact it is still in...
  10. D

    ARGH this sucks

    I am sorry but I really need to get this out and I know people here will understand. Since February of this year I found out I have fybromyalgia that comes with the lovely addition of chronic fatigue and ibs. I have always suffered from depression and anxiety and now it is worse. I also found...