As I said in my introductory post... I am pretty sure I have fibromyalgia, and family friends with it have all nodded and told me that it makes sense. Unfortunately my doctors haven't been able to officially diagnose it for... whatever reason. I don't know why.
My symptoms are consistent with...
I always feel like I have to do things for people. I don't know how to say "no." So, I end up stuck in this cycle where I'm constantly doing things for others and then I'm so tired, I'm too tired to even take a shower. I used to be pretty good at saying "no" when I couldn't do something but...
Just do frustrated...March found me hospitalized twice with Thyroid Storm symptoms, SOB, resting HR of 135 and pain/pressure chest...on second hospitalization did full cardiac work up including echo and chem stress test...perfectly fine Praise God, got appt with endocrine doc she did full work...
I have come to the conclusion that stress and emotional upset will make your/my fibromyalgia worse. If I get upset and say cry, right away I start to get pain in my body. And if I get some kind of bad news, within one hour I start having arthritis type pain and the pain is bad, I will have...
My sweet guy who is disabled so mostly understands my challenges got knocked low this week with an unrelenting bout of Cyclic Vomiting. Since we are back in Maine, it took 5 trips to the ER before one contacted docs in WA and found out that I did know the treatment protocol that works...
I am the mother of a 2 year old son and expecting my 2nd son just after my 23rd birthday in May. I have been dealing with severe pain for many years and just figured everyone had to endure this. I never went to a doctor about it because I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't in pain.
back pain
how to
quality of life
Hi everyone,
I'm currently taking a semester off from my university due to what my doctor suspects to be fibromyalgia pains as we just recently ruled out brain structure abnormalities with a CT scan (with and without contrast) and my blood work was normal besides a positive ANA test. I have a...
So I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March (2014) and started taking 60mg off cymbalta (30 twice a day) and have relief from the pain and most of the fatigue. Except, here is the problem...
Before the pain and fatigue started I was working 50-60 hours a week in a high stress environment, I...
Long story short, I'm a founding member of a young adult group at my church. The group likes to meet in each other's homes. I agreed quite a while ago to host this month's social at my house. When I agreed to this schedule, I wasn't quite so exhausted and I had a lot more passion for the group...
I ask this from the perspective of someone who doesn't suffer from fibro himself but has a loved one stricken with it. Ever since you've suffered from this horrible, debilitating ailment how has your family reacted and behaved? Has it been harder for them to cope with your constant pain, having...