
  1. K

    Fibromyalgia and IBS

    I have Fibromyalgia and one of the fun things that seems to come along with it is IBS, or "Irritable Bowel Syndrome." I do everything that I can so that it stays under control, but lately it's been a challenge. Besides eating well, drinking water, and exercising, can anyone else let me know...
  2. Lana

    stessed out!

    What can you do about gossip in the neighborhood. One neighbor is trying to cause as much trouble as possible for me. I can't believe how people that you don't even know start giving you the cold shoulder. I hear them say commence and sneeker when I take my dog for a walk. I can't believe that...
  3. D

    Eight Years of Pain

    Hi there! I'm 41 years old and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 8 years. Does it deserve a captial F? I feel a bit shamed for not joining a forum until today. If I'd have listened to Mom, I would have joined years ago. I came for a commonality, as well as different aspects, advice and to...
  4. B

    New to this forum

    Hello everyone- I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 years ago after 7 years of varying symptoms and a lot of "take this pill and call me in the morning" trial and error stuff-- I am hypothyroid so they thought that was the cause of my symptoms, and I also have arthritis and they thought...
  5. C

    Good morning

    Hello everyone, I suspect we have all be on the same roundabout of mis-diagnosis, pain, emotional stress, and general suffering. I hope we call all find support here.
  6. A

    Providers keep suggesting I might have fibro

    Hello everyone, I am very glad to have found this forum. I have been dealing with chronic pain and other issues for approximately 9 months now, pursuing treatment and diagnosis for four months. I have a lot of stress-related health issues that I was seeking treatment for prior to the emergence...
  7. M

    Go get a job! Not as easy as it sounds.

    I've been under a lot of pressure to get a job. My current financial situation is hard. I live with my partner and he has a low paying full time job. When I was in school my parents supported me but I've been out of school for a year now and work on photography/graphic design/ retouching is hard...
  8. M

    How fibromyalgia affected me

    Hi everyone. So this is my story. My symptoms started when I was 15. About 2 years later I was diagnosed. How it has affected me the most has been in school. In highschool I had pretty understanding teachers. My English teacher even excused me being late for a month so I could take physical...
  9. L

    Bad Neighbors=Bad Stress!

    Hello, everyone, sorry I haven't been on much lately. I have been dealing with so much. I live in the middle of nowhere practically and I have 1 neighbor. This neighbor moved here from a big city and he has been trying to make my life hell by threatening my life, Ramming his lawn mower into my...
  10. M

    New here, need advice

    Hi all! I am new to this forum. I am in kind of a rut right now and could really use some advice. Here's my situation: I had to leave my great job a few months ago due to extreme pain. It was compromising my quality of life and starting to compromise my work performance My savings I thought...