
  1. PythonPlay3

    I Can Feel it Starting

    Hi, I live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Winter time is starting to slowly show itself. I can already fell my arthritis getting sore, stiff and that is starting to stress my body. So then the Fibro starts up. I have struggled for the last two-three days to function at work in the mornings...
  2. C

    New here....

    Glad to have found this group. It's calming knowing that the ones here don't judge. I've had this dreadful monster since 1994....way too long. Although back then we didn't know it was fibro. Also have degenerative disks in my lumbar area and cervical area - and arthritis - not sure if it's...
  3. V

    Trying to find answers

    I hope you will read my story and give me your opinion. I am at the end of my rope. I am an almost 40 year old female. In the past 4 years, I have been diagnosed with IBS-D, TMJ, and anxiety problems (GAD and panic attacks). 7 months ago, I started having lots of pain under my ribs. It would...
  4. M

    rash with fevers or sore throats for years?

    I get a bright red itchy hot raised rash every time im near strep or I get a fever for a few years now. It spreads but starts at neck and around mouth, goes to chest and this time its on my back and head. recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, diagnosed with CFS for years. All immune stuff...
  5. A

    My story. Could this be fibromyalgia?

    I am a 24 year old mother of one. My health has recently gone from fair to poor in the past few years. Two years ago I joined an accelerated (and very expensive) RN program. I enjoyed it and couldn't wait to graduate but about 7 months prior to graduation I started having severe digestion...
  6. L

    A silent suffere

    I have experienced pain for 6 years now. Even though my doctor says I "probably" have it, he has not formally diagnosed me. We have r/o all other things through blood work. I tend to go in to him when I am not flaring, so think that makes a difference. i tend to feel it in my shoulders, elbows...
  7. L

    Adrenalin help the pain?

    I ask this because about a year ago I experienced the hardest month of my life. I had been diagnosed with fibro for 4 years prior before deciding to board a plane to a foreign country to adopt a 3 year old. Talk about terrifying! I was not sure I could handle another child with the way I felt...
  8. K

    What Do You Like to Do to Relax?

    I get very relaxed at the end of the day if I take my bubble bath and listen to my music. Both are very calming for me and if you're brain is stress-free, your body will follow suit. Anything that I can do that is soothing and calming is a great way for me to spend my time. Going to the beach...
  9. A

    migraines with fibro?

    Does anyone get migraines with their fibro flare ups? My fibro is flaring up today, and my head is also killing me! I am sensitive to migraines, and stress often triggers them. But I guess stress also triggers my fibro to some extent.
  10. S

    mobility approved n pip

    Finally after staring my claim in march ive recieved my letter to tell me im on enhanced mobility And standard pip .... ive cry,ed a little and felt the stress starting to subcide. Orderd my new car which will finaly get me properly mobile ....emotional stress should be told 2 your doctor...